Dood says: it is going to be one on one in my opinion on discloser of ET.
sort of reminds me of William Gambil's book, where he was contacted by ET group, and taught certain spiritual principles of no time/space.
I agree spiritual growth happens this way. It's just an internal job.
however, I still believe in my dreams. I saw a space ship, and so most of my dreams come true in some shape or fashion, and so I am waiting to see what that was all about.
And when those 'Ones' add up to 'Twos' then mulitply and compound daily. THEN we will have discloser and that no power on Earth can stop it.
so in a sense you are saying right now most of us are close minded, so therefore we cannot admit to see what's right under our noses? you're right in that inference, we will see what we want to see, but the more people talk about this stuff, maybe that points to an opening in the mind?
We as a race will ascend to a higher realm of thought and conscience.
Higher then the 3D perspective we see around us today.
certainly. one by one, then maybe, BOOM A BANGA BOOM! well I can dream, right? I also stick to my original assertion, it's an individual thing moving into the higher realms of thought and creation. some just take it easy, moving at their own pace. poor nurse rachet. haha!
4th and then 5th dimensions for us awaits and even beyond that.
according to my info, which I wonder sometimes, when this will occur, this board in general is supposed to be operating from the 5th level of personal assistiantialability. thats not even a word. so I will go back to sleep now.
This is my view. This is my Truth. I feel it deep within. I cannot help myself anymore with these thoughts and ideas.
I feel the urgency too over the planet. you're not imagining it. It's there. also time is speeding up. we're supposed to keep our cool.
part of the thing about 9-11 happening to us, it took us by surprise, and as I see Dood here, his function is to not let us be taken by surprise, because what he's preaching is vigilance.
he's trying to get the minds opened. good job Dood. patience. we're all going to need to practice patience no matter what.
I have been awakened. There is no turning back for me anymore.
Dood, u say you have been awakened, is there anything else you can share about that statement? like a personal encounter with an alien perhaps?
So I share what I have seen and have felt in the hope that others find their own true path for themselves.
I believe in freedom of the press, and freedom of speech. anyone who speaks out about their beliefs will meet resistance, even if they are telling the truth. I'm sure you're aware of this.
and I'm sure u can deal with it. but no, I don't have any fear of the bad guys. life is not that simple, where it was on TV, the black hats and the white hats against each other.
it doesn't bother me either that the US might lose super power status someday in favor of one world government.
I'm all for the day when minimal government is needed. that would mean jumping into the 5th state of consciousness. cross your fingers and remember, sometimes life is two steps forward one step back, but at least we're gaining.
this physical life is not all there is to life. so keep your eyes opened but don't panic.