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Time to Wake Up... (Read 13604 times)
Old Dood
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Time to Wake Up...
Sep 4th, 2008 at 4:43am
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now Producers Discuss Arrest at RNC

YouTube Link Part 1:

YouTube Link Part 2:

After seeing this then I HAVE to bring back this video.

The End of America by Naomi Wolf

YouTube Link:
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Old Dood
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Reply #1 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:43am
Nobody says it better then The Daily Show.

Sarah Palin - Vet This!

Sarah Palin proves she has Wikipedia, and denigrates community service.


Bristol Palin's Choice

Bristol Palin has made the decision to have her baby, but Samantha Bee tries to remember another word for it.

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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #2 - Sep 9th, 2008 at 8:13am

Time to wake up. New weapons.....will be used....on you.

Remember this when you are told they are being developed to help protect you.

Just say no to new weapons, new wars....enough people must stand for peace.

When the arm is raised against us we do not fight back. We stand our ground. We take a step back. We stand our ground. We take a step forward.

Time to wake up, right, old is.
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Old Dood
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #3 - Sep 9th, 2008 at 9:17am
Yes it is Blink.  Here is a little more 'information'.
If people 'think' that this cannot happen in the USA or any other country...then 'Think Again'.
What happened at the RNC this year was Child Play when compared to what really could happen.

Secret Session New World Order Martial Law Plan

Part 1:
Part 2:

Concentration Camps being built for U.S (FEMA CAMPS)

Double Decker Concentration Camp Trains in the middle of the night durning a power outage

Concentration Camps in America EXPOSED
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Old Dood
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Neuro Linguistic Programming
Reply #4 - Sep 9th, 2008 at 12:32pm
Neuro Linguistic Programming is something most people do not know anything about.

Here are some links...

Link #1:

Link #2:

Here is a 3 part video on how it works....

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Now when you watch television you have something else to look for.... Wink

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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #5 - Sep 19th, 2008 at 8:28pm
Nice post, Old Dood  Smiley
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Old Dood
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #6 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 9:00am
Thank you Dana!

Dana is a Good Soul.
He is a good Husband and Father too.
I have known him for a few years now.
I was a little 'surprised' he found me here.
Google hehe!

I do not get a lot of responses here on this forum. I must make people feel uncomfortable.  Cool
As I told you privately Dana: I do not have all the answers.
I have many questions but, I will not allow myself to get 'stuck' into a way of thinking.
I must press forward.  In order to learn.
To me that is what life is all about. Learning all the time.
We cannot keep ignoring what is in the Flesh.
It is a 'part' of life too. If it had no value then why do we choose to do it over and over again?

Well, I have had enough Internet for a while today.
Time to go lie down and rest. Effin Pain.  I am sick of it.
I am sick of 'talking about it'. haha!  Wink
Mrs Dood has been a TROOPER! Poor thing.  Having to deal with me.
People say it must be wonderful to have a nurse for a wife.
Yes & No.
Yes, because she is knowledgeable and gives me great advice/care.
No, because she has seen it all and you cannot BS her.

She is my Personal Nurse Rachet.  You have to see the movie or read the book: One Flew Over The Cukloo's Nest to understand that.
I mean it in the most indearing way.

Movie Trailer (1971)
The Human Spirit is Alive and Well...

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #7 - Sep 20th, 2008 at 12:38pm
LOL at "endearing" and "Nurse Ratchett" in the same sentence...  Wink

Seriously, though, I think it's good for all of us to have a personal "BS" monitor...keeps us honest and prevents wasting time convincing ourselves we're put-upon or whatever (given a certain personal tendency toward the "poor pitiful me"s when allowed to get away with it).

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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #8 - Sep 22nd, 2008 at 11:13pm
Did you ever try going to a healer for the pain?

(sorry if you have answered this elsewhere)

if so, what kind?
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Old Dood
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #9 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 8:15pm
Lucy...I DID answer this.
I also had more in that post too...

ANOTHER post of mine deleted....hmmm...
Something doesn't smell right.
Why are my posts being deleted?
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #10 - Sep 25th, 2008 at 10:35pm

I saw your reply and I replied to that, so my last post was lost also. I think this has to do with the site being down...not with anyone selectively deleting your posts.

I said something about your not needing to be in the physical presence of the healer; healing can be done at a distance. But if you ever decide to explore that path, I'm sure the information you need will come to you.
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Old Dood
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Miriam Delicado-Miriam Blue Star
Reply #11 - Sep 28th, 2008 at 1:49am
Miriam Blue Star: Project Camelot interviews Miriam Delicado
- 104 min - Sep 25, 2008

Google Video Link:

Sedona, Arizona, September 2008 Miriam Delicado was contacted at an early age by benevolent, tall blond extraterrestrials, apparently singled out specifically for a very special role. She was advised by them to keep a low profile for many years, and finally last year, 2007, she was told by them that it was time for her to write her book: Alien Blue Star. With that, Miriam became a minor sensation as thousands of people sensed that her book seemed to have been written for each of them personally. And now Miriam is a woman on a mission: driven, articulate, passionate, and powerful, she tells a riveting story of her very real and physical contact with a highly advanced, Guardian race, and the information she was asked to pass on. Miriam is aware that there are others of her kind. The message is aimed at all people and holds special significance for what George Green labeled the 'Ground Crew': that we are nearly in what the Hopi - with whom Miriam has established a special affinity and allegiance - called the End Times; that our planet and our civilization are in great danger; and that (so far, at the time of writing) timelines do not appear to have changed... although it is always within our gift to create whatever future we collectively wish. We feel similarly driven, and it's our great privilege to assist her in her purpose by presenting this video. This may be one of the the most powerful and important interviews we have done.

Now this takes an Open Mind to not only view but to comprehend...
I myself am still trying to wrap my mind around this.
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Old Dood
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Re: Time to Wake Up...
Reply #12 - Oct 4th, 2008 at 8:43pm
Listen to the first audio file please....Dr. Bill Deagle.

Has ANYone here received any of these 'visions' from any of their 'contacts'?
OR...can ANYone here ask their 'contacts' if any of this is probable?


This is not Fear Mongering....I am just trying to find any confirmation.

EDIT: By the way, you can Right Click on the file and save it.
Right Click then 'Save to Target' on to your hard drive then listen to it at your leisure.

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Old Dood
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Zeitgeist Addendum
Reply #13 - Oct 6th, 2008 at 2:58pm
Just released on Oct 3rd.

This explains how the money problem 'works'.
Works for those at the top I mean...
Also it shows how we can go on a Resource Based Economy instead of a Debt Based one.
Meaning The Venus Project.  Anyone ever heard of this project?
Very cool!

Very well done Documentary and if you want to know how Debt = Slavery then check this out.
It also offers solutions not just points out the problems.

Google Video Link:
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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
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Still don't believe me???
Reply #14 - Oct 8th, 2008 at 6:45pm
Still don't believe me???
Well, this was released on October 3rd 2008.

Naomi Wolf: Give Me Liberty

YouTube Link:
It is about 28 minutes long.

She is no dummy!
I HOPE she is wrong!

There is No Such Thing as a Coinicidence

Maybe THIS could be considered a WOW Smiley
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