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Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved (Read 6403 times)
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Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Aug 22nd, 2008 at 2:41am
Hi Everyone,

This is a neat place.  I lurk here occasionally but this is my first time posting on this forum.  I've read all of Bruce's books and Robert A. Monroe's also and recognized some of topics as certain experiences I've had also.

I've never done a retrieval that I'm aware of, am curious about the subject but have had some negative psychic experiences that make me leery.  Anyhow I had a very strange dream that bothers me, is a bit upsetting, and I am wondering if any of you have had a similar dream.  (I've read some of your dreams here and find them fascinating).

In the dream, I was in a "Whales and Friends" store (neat store, they sell all kinds of neat art stuff and knick knacks and such).  It's bright and a fun place.  When I decided to leave, instead of going out the front door, I left out the back door and found myself in a what looked like a dark warehouse, no light was on but I could see in the dark.  As I walked through the warehouse, I saw a small blond girl dressed all in white who gave off a golden light.  She's really beautiful.  I sort of noted she had a twin brother who was also around her.  When I saw her, I started to walk towards her, and thought to myself "she's dead, doesn't know it, and needs help to be retrieved."  I wanted to help her very much.  When I got to her, I kneeled down to face her and talk to her.  I gently told her that she has passed on and that I would help her cross over.  She shook her head at me and said "No, you don't understand.  It is you who are dead and I have been sent here to retrieve you.  We have been trying for a very long time to retrieve you"  When she said this, I could not comprehend it, it made no sense to me.  Seemed humorous actually.  Then I woke up.

Now I wonder if I'm living in the twilight zone, LOL.

I have had similar dreams where people come to tell me similar things, "that I've been sitting there drawing the same stuff over and over again and that I'm kind of away from everyone and things are moving on and I need to move on too."  This particular dream made me sad.

Has anyone else experienced this or heard of anyone who has?
Am I dead and don't know it?  LOL.

Ah well...I guess I'm hoping to find out I'm still alive, LOL.

Thanks for any insight.   Smiley

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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #1 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 3:16pm
Welcome to this forum, hope. I like your name!

That is a fascinating dream you had. We have, on occasion, talked about the possibility of this life being a kind of dream, and I believe it is.

What a beautiful illustration!

This child must represent a kind of innocence. Perhaps she is a real guide for you.

In any case, you have a friend, and she sounds very dear and lovely! Do you think she will visit you again?

love, blink
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #2 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 5:32pm
Hi Hope,

we're all here with you!  Smiley  Wink

Another possibility is that an aspect of you has passed away. Perhaps it's an aspect that the little girl can relate to, some characteristic of childhood?

Several people have told of such a partial "death.' I think I had one. But when it is accepted consciously, perhaps just by saying in your mind that you accept it, a fresh new energy is given,  Smiley sometimes with special effects, sometimes as a gradually dawning awareness. (Try it, you'll probably like it  Cheesy )

In any case, you won't be obliterated because it is impossible to obliterate souls!

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #3 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 6:37pm
Welcome to this forum, hope. nice name!

That is a fascinating dream you had, although some of us will try to analyzed the dream you had; IMPO it still up to you to figure it out cause who know more about your self than you... Wink

Dreams are personal message to us by our HSelf i think trying to tell/point us in the right direction or directions almost like a crossroad sometimes and it's up to us to figure out where it crosses.
Writing down our dreams (dream journal) sometimes help; it may not make sense now but maybe one day it will.
PUL Romain
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #4 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 2:44pm
Welcome to the board Hope. I am agreeing with what's been said here.

Personally, I've taken several years to figure out my own similar type dreams and obes. What I think happens is the dreams are like seed plantings in the level of conscious awareness, and that linear time is necessary to get the fruit of those seeds.

just some associations to offer: in the spirit world, which after we are "dead" becomes our familiar home once more.
From the station of invisible helpers in spirit, they will often remark to us, the living, that we are the ones who are dead.

so you can see that on the other side, the view is so much wider, the perspective much grander, the mind much more unlimited in it's scope.

Retrievals are specifically, I have thought of it in these terms, to awaken the dead in spirit.
although we prefer to call it here, removing them, getting them unstuck from their belief system which is like a habitual thought pattern, in turn, creates their respective reality and experiences here. sometimes a belief system can be like a block to receive, joy, PUL, love into our lives as well as illusive peace of mind we all want and deserve.
We become addicted to living in ELS. (Earth) we think that life here is all there is. with some of these dreams you may have, it points to your becoming unstuck and a gradual opening is occurring, just to consider what exactly is "dead?" and what does it mean when you can feel totally alive?

I think the answer lies in the ability to give and receive love, that which is without conditions on it, from the heart chakra, and that when we develop the ability to express only love in all that we do, and say and think, then we are truly alive every moment of the day, and your path becomes very smooth eventually, in this place where all questions can be answered quickly. the cessation of conflict is here.

thank you for your dream! it shows you are guided, and that you are waking up and broadening your thought. Smiley

btw, when I first was studying the art of retrieval, I wondered intensely, just how it could be so, that a dead person would not know they were dead.
and so my higher self provided that info. to me, as I became "dead."
It was love, through my daughter, in the dream which retrieved me to a state of a new beginning.
it was love and only love which would be expression of that also, which came to be my salvation.
and so in the retrieval areas, we are demonstrating love for one another to awaken ourselves to you are so much more than a mere body passing thru here.
this is very good news!

some more afterthoughts: quote: I have had similar dreams where people come to tell me similar things, "that I've been sitting there drawing the same stuff over and over again and that I'm kind of away from everyone and things are moving on and I need to move on too."  This particular dream made me sad.

Has anyone else experienced this or heard of anyone who has?
Am I dead and don't know it?  LOL.

Ah well...I guess I'm hoping to find out I'm still alive, LOL.

also you expressed a sad feeling after the dream. concentrate on the feeling of sadness..follow it consciously and find out why you were sad, theres a rote there for you.
Sad is ok, because it means we are figuring something out about our own selves. it will pass, the feeling once you understand why the dream occurred.

it reminds me, the sadness I felt when higher self, in the form of my own body, came and told me to work on myself, to not reject other people when they try to show me love, as I was closed up at that time. I still work at being an extrovert rather than introverted. Sadness does disappear eventually; it's just prodding you on, is all.

next you said you wanted very much to help her. This is your higher self operating when you want to retrieve someone, you are wanting to express your higher nature, which is love itself.
Note this in yourself, and give yourself credit that you have this pure instinct which can blossom into doing more retrievals of a genuine spiritual is like your intention. intentions are what counts in this world.
also you will note that to enter the kingdom of God, we all become as children, that would mean, we become unstuck in adult ways of thinking which do not allow us the freedom of the imaginative childlike vistas of our spiritual world, where we are free from dogma, rules and structure of the ELS. the love you felt for her, and the love she felt for you was pure, unconditional and consequently, not of this earth domain. You are obviously, being called to your full spiritual potential just as all of are these days..whew....don't get me started!

love to you! don't worry, the movie has a way of moving us along whether we want to go or not... Huh
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #5 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 4:09pm
Hi Hope  Smiley ,

I think retrievals can teach us something about our physical life, too, not only about stuck people who had died, but as well about stuck people still physically alive.
   From this, your dream may be an expression of worries you have about your life. It's not necessarily so that these doubts are substantial, maybe they're superfluous.
   Or, it could be a pointer from your higher self that you are to be to awaken to a wider awareness.

   Be it as it may, in any way the basic message is it will get better, isn't it, so don't be sad!

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #6 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 6:03pm
Thank you all for your kind remarks.  It's eased my mind somewhat.

Do you think she will visit you again?

I don't know actually.  I was told by psychics I have a "twin sister" but she manifested in my waking environment (some of those in my waking environment negative psychic experiences I alluded to earlier) as someone who is enraged because I'm some sort of "leak"  that "cries all the time."  And I've been threatened with many energies (in waking life people both known and strangers saying stuff that is not congruent with the reality of the moment) with the obliteration of my soul (that "energy bodies do die") (thanks betson for telling me this is not possible, I hope you're right).  I definitely don't think this is her.  I sure hope not anyhow, lol.

"love to you! don't worry, the movie has a way of moving us along whether we want to go or not" (quote from Laffinrain)

I find this funny, Laffinrain, because in the dream where I draw the same thing over and over again, it's my "brother" who "makes movies" who comes back to check on my progress and to tell me that I'm drawing the same thing over and over again.  (I have no actual siblings in this current physical lifetime).

In the dream, I'm alone, in the season fall of the year, and keep drawing the two room cabin in which I reside and each room has a window.  Outside one window in one room you can see a tree, outside the other window you can see a lake.  My "brother who makes movies," periodically comes back to check on my progress, tells me that what I see out the window is what is actually no longer there.  I am notified the body of water has long ago moved on.  The sadness is a nostalgia.  Where do I go now?

This same "nostalgic" sadness also appears in another dream where I have a "father" (some man I know in the dream and not my physical father) who says I have to move from my very old house as the street in front of my house is going to cave in and I will lose my belongings and they are not insured.  I love my old house (actually in real life do live in an old house, lol).

Overall, it must be a fear of change.  I find I don't fear change and, in many ways welcome it, but I do desire to be in a state of safety.  However I'm working on this fear, with the bizarre threats of "soul obliteration" "erasure," I am figuring that if I'm so awful and to be eliminated as an energy, then perhaps death will bring the peace I seek in my body or even a rebirth.

Such a strange lifetime this has turned out, lol.

Thanks to you all for your input.

After posting here, I did ask for clarification from my higher self ("please tell me what's going on with all these weird dreams and experiences")and was given a dream this weekend.  A very strange one...please excuse any offensive imagery...

I had to go to the bathroom.  In order to go to the bathroom, I know I have to get a key from a man who has the key.  I went through some kind of maze to get the key from him and turned on the light.  The sudden light was glaring, uncomfortably bright.  There are two rooms, one room is the actual bathroom, the other holds a sight that was a shock to see.  And I am stunned by what I saw, as it appeared to be a contradiction of a spiritual sort.  In that room, there was a bed with a woman from India laying on it.  She had long, matted dark hair, was dirty, unkempt and dressed garishly.  I saw right away many things, she was a prostitute kept in this room by the man who holds the key to the bathroom and within her body was held the total of all with no bondaries (there are no words to convey all that her body held within).  Her body held all that is of depth, breadth, width and then some (how do you describe something of no discernable beginning or end?).

However the sight that shocked me was this and I want to understand this but, thus far, can't:   

When the light was turned on (and apparently each time the light is turned on), she immediately spreads her legs.  It appeared as an automated function of what happens when the light is turned on.

However, the sight of is immense discomfort and it stuns the beholder to say this.. "did i really see what i just saw?"  "how does this make sense?"  "is she tethered to the bed or did i see tethers that are not there?"   Someone notifies me that this is the reason the light in only on for such a brief moment.  First no one knows what they have seen, as it is so far incomprehensible and then, if you were to understand, no one apparently knows what to do about it.

However, the dream continues.   Someone (me a part of that?) convinces someone (the man?) to let her out of the room and she is invited to have dinner with a group of us.  She sits across the table from me.  I look at her curiously.  In her eyes, there is no self awareness, there is all and yet nothing at all.  Her dress is red and dirty, she has no sense of self hygene.  I know her thought at that moment (how, I don't know?) but she is not in a place where she knows what to do.  We wait for her to speak but she has no awareness of self to say anything.  (Was it all stolen from her?  But no, she has all without end.)  I stare at her and wait for her to say anything at all.  Eventually she does.  She asks if she can leave and go back to her room.  I watched her get up from the table and leave.

Then something happens that, upon waking, has disturbed me.  The man that I got the key from because I had to go to the bathroom now expected me to sleep with him.  I was indignant and said no.

This corresponds to something a psychic told me years ago.  I went to her for a reading when things were getting very strange in my world.  She said her grandmother had a story for me.  Badly paraphrasing but she said a woman had a son who was a male priest, he would visit his mother occasionally and only listened to what she said if it corresponded to what the church said.  The mother was a Catholic too but she was his mother and wanted to see him more and listen to what she had to say.  He was too busy with the doings of the church.  Finally she told him she was going away until he wanted to see her.  She went away and he missed her.  Eventually he sought her out and apologized for how he treated her.

(I guess we all signed up for some interesting things to see this lifetime, lol).
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #7 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 7:35pm
Hi again Hope,
somehow, it all fits together.

Let's assume this recent dream was actually an answer to your question. You are in need of something (you wanted to go to the bathroom). The key keeper is a part of you; he is going to give you the answer. The woman is representing what you need (when you're male this is kinda dream logic). It's this "all" what her body held. Freedom, the great picture, something like that maybe. She's held captured. What you need is inside you, but presently not free; it's partly unaware, and not allowed to be manifested in the your physical life and/or your conscious awareness. She's dirty and low-class, meaning there is a distance between what you need and yourself. At the dinner scene, she had no consciousness of herself. That's because she's a part of you, what you need, but you don't accept it. All she could do is wait for you to accept her, but as you didn't, she left and went back to her cell where she is held captive. She had all, yes, all possibilities, but these possibilities need you to make them real. The female in tradition is often symbolizing the possible, the subconscious, while the male is symbolizing the action, the seed, the semen. The keykeeper is the part of you who decides if you can meet her, meet what you need, again. You have to sleep with him, meaning deal with, becoming known of that part of you which decides whether you may or may not meet again your desires/ what you need. The keykeeper could be a belief, a habit, a prohibition, an event etc. An part of you which hinders you to freely open doors on your own.

  In the other dream, you were inside drawing scenes of the outside which, so your "movie-maker-brother" said, weren't there anymore. It's a similar topic. It symbolizes you're somehow stuck, not up-to-date, and not in the real world outside. This is emphasized by the movie-maker-brother, as it seems to mean, you're yet to catch up with the plot.


The question is, is all that an expression of a concern you have, which isn't substantial, or is it an expression of something you actually lack of, you actually are in need of.
   And, is this pointing to something of your past, an event, or a plan you once had, long forgotten, but still important? Or is it pointing to a general change of life/viewpoint of life?

That's what I think about it.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #8 - Aug 25th, 2008 at 9:05pm
Hi Hope,

Would you happen to be about 23 years of age?
I'm thinking of some news events back then and wonder if you overheard them and somehow they've stayed with you and are resurfacing.  Smiley

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #9 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 2:01am
wow you guys..I'm flabbergasted here with this dream recall and the detail. Spooky you are very good with interpretation my opinion.

theres nothing shocking here, so don't worry Hope. just to share, one time a lady showed up here and posted this very long dream of me carrying my bedpan around here while doing my good deeds, what not, I wouldn't go inside to do my toiletry.  Cheesy so I found a positive interpretation on that needing to justify why I go to the toilet here on the board! I found it's a symbol of emptying out one's daily thoughts, as a natural process to renew oneself, as toilet concerns are natural, to mean food in, waste product out.

the poster was actually saying some very nice things about me and did not know how to interpret the bedpan symbol so I obliged eventually, learning from her my connections to the collective areas of mind.

there is much in your post to digest. It will take time. you must practice patience if you've chosen to work with the dreams which it seems you cannot really ignore them at this point.
Briefly (yea, right!)  Kiss the symbol of the brother is to my view, a symbol of brotherhood, whereby you begin to see humanity as your family, rather than just your blood family. this alone opens up perceptions when moving to universal symbols of our brotherhood, or oneness. He also appears to be a guiding factor.

as he tells you what you see is not there anymore. he is trying to get you to recognize linear time constructs are images we draw in the head, and wants to move you over into what is All time happening, the past, future, and the now, are in truth, all happening right at this moment, from spirit's perspective, where you are to arrive to this state of consciousness eventually.

Nostalgia, I went thru that too. when I viewed an Indian life, I wanted so much to return and live a long life with my tribe whom I loved so much, and as well the lifestyle was pleasant to be in nature. I got over the nostalgia after I retrieved the memory of her, she became integrated into my now person, yet I think she continues her life also. hard to explain, this we are all one business!

The shock value in a dream is very important wake up factor. but it's a process. all emotions within dream cause me to remember the dream and digest it. the shock you felt to view the lady from India, where you must be aware, other countries sometimes treat women this way, as well as certain poverty countries sell their children to prostitution for to put food on the table. we have it good here in America, trust me, we do. You were viewing the collective suffering body of woman whereby she seeks emancipation from her captors. Only the man part of her, can free the woman. In truth man and woman are equals, although in history they had to fight for the right to vote; times have changed but we're still not seen as equals quite yet. what I mean is sexual polarity for the spirit undertaking a life is a role to take on in a movie.
we are both female and male within our natural state.

you may view the woman in this case as having chosen to experience bondage in order to learn the courage to break free from the automatic belief system where she thinks she's a prisoner, or is afraid to break free. but I think I really like Spooky's interpretation also. it seems to have the ring of truth.

I cannot comment on twin souls. I conjecture they do exist but don't usually reveal themselves on C1 levels. If twin souls are anything like close disc members, they chew each other's butts out all the time but get around to the love after the messages are received and understood. but again your experiences far exceed my own with this type of thing.

Love is God. Pure Love. Love is also the brotherhood idea, and love heals the separation between peoples and close associates. The separation is something the singular ego believes is real.
In truth we are all One. even with the prostitute, who is dirty, unloved, and not valued. She is ours too. Therefore I believe you are receiving great teachings thru these dreams, so that if you release from your body of awareness all premises that are not based on brotherhood and love, all negative associations, you will own your soul.

but what is not true, these things, such as jealousy, possessiveness, untruths that we work with constantly, hatred, racial prejudices, bigotry, prosyletizing, these are not true and eternal in the heavens, and so, if they are inside a person they will experience a sort of death of these concepts, but it's really only a belief system crash, and it feels like you're dying.
I think your twin soul wants to save you from suffering that kind of belief system crash, so she wants you to widen your search and find scope as does your brother who says you're caught in a loop of drawing the same thing.
for you are a creative being who can draw with the mind whatever vista you want. it is time to draw a new vista!  Smiley

wow! I could go on, but I just had a dream myself this afternoon that I've been working on.

I wish you only the happiest dreams possible. I think we are a fine group here to help each other during this time of the shift in consciousness.

Bon Jour! ...
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #10 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:00am
LaffingRain wrote on Aug 26th, 2008 at 2:01am:
Love is God. Pure Love. Love is also the brotherhood idea, and love heals the separation between peoples and close associates. The separation is something the singular ego believes is real.
In truth we are all One. even with the prostitute, who is dirty, unloved, and not valued. She is ours too.

but what is not true, these things, such as jealousy, possessiveness, untruths that we work with constantly, hatred, racial prejudices, bigotry, prosyletizing, these are not true and eternal in the heavens, and so, if they are inside a person they will experience a sort of death of these concepts, but it's really only a belief system crash, and it feels like you're dying.
I wish you only the happiest dreams possible. I think we are a fine group here to help each other during this time of the shift in consciousness.

Bon Jour!

Yes! Yes! This is so very true!!  Thank you.

"Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.”

I pray for forgiveness someday.

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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #11 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:46am
the truth is, that linear time is an illusion. it's the movie we're in that seems real.
in truth this thing called the atonement (to be at one with all)

is already accomplished, by He/she/ascended master who already forgave the world.

try and understand that you are forgiven right now. therefore you are free.

love you!  Cheesy
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Was told I am dead and trying to be retrieved
Reply #12 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 4:15pm
LaffingRain wrote on Aug 26th, 2008 at 5:46am:
the truth is, that linear time is an illusion. it's the movie we're in that seems real.
in truth this thing called the atonement (to be at one with all)

is already accomplished, by He/she/ascended master who already forgave the world.

try and understand that you are forgiven right now. therefore you are free.

love you!  Cheesy

This is true for all.  Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. 
It seems we are all on a quite a journey.  I am truly grateful.  I am trying very hard to keep an open mind towards understanding this particular lifetime (is certainly an interesting one so far).  Each and all humans are such beautiful beings and are worthy of PUL. 

love, hope

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