We went high, briefly it turned white, which was pleasant, then black. I had a floating feeling. Someone from our group seemed to try to make contact with something. From a distant point, there was something like a lightbeam focused on our group, multicolored. Then it was like a tube; after a little lingering, I went inside. I traveled and traveled, and as it seemed it wouldn't come to an end, I decided I was "there", wherever it was. It was black there, but some white outlines of objects, elliptical shaped, were visible. The group was standing on something smooth and invisible, like glass, and below (but I guess in other directions, too) these elliptical objects could be watched. When I concentrated on one of these objects, my visual sense switched to the physical to my eyelid view, and the blackness turned into white. I tried again, tried to avoid this switching over to the physical view, but it happened again. When I concentrated on this white with my mind's eye, it had the sense there were pictures, or a movie running, but couldn't make out anything in specific. I then went up higher. I lost awaress of the group. I felt very stretched, as if my consciousness was in my head, and my feet far away down. I had the impression of wideness, a limitless space, although it didn't make sense to me to gaze outwards, nor inwards, though still to look inside made a bit more sense than to look outwards for having perceptions.
I think the group did a sort of exercise, like whoo-aah or something like that. I moved upwards, and felt like floating-tumbling. There was a blue round spot in a far distance. It seemed to be the center of multicolored, curving energy streams. Someone of the group moved something like a stick or so, I guessed to make contact to someone/something. Many little metallic-silvery spheres appeared, they were all around us. Then a picture of a mantis briefly flashed by. After that, there was something like a gigantic dark cloud; this cloud seemed to be somewhat intelligent, electrical, but it's energies were very subtle and low, and it stayed in a distance, I had the impression our energy was too concentrated for it to come closer. After this cloud faded from my awareness, I had the impression of a metallic object, shaped like an old-style air-ground bomb. Then I focused back to our group; we were about to travel higher, someone to my right wondered where we might go (Bets?) and I said: "Don't worry, I guess where we're going to is not new to you, you've been there already I think." I noticed from the far away "center point" a lightbeam was focused on our group.
So we went upwards, through a white level, into a black-and-white surrounding (no gray), I couldn't make out what it was, just that there were some structures. Then white light seemed to radiate in front of me, and I "pictured" there, in the light, was a table, behind that table some people in row, facing me. I remembered I had a similar visual once in the past and pondered if this now was only a memory; but it persisted. It was accompanied by a feeling of respect and a bit anxiety, as if you're standing before the judge, but on the other hand, there was a feeling of humor and friendship, too. So I thought "Who...?" and immediately I knew "Ah, haha, yes of course, we know each other, we met a lot of times... my recent meditations are useful for making this sort of contact... Stay who you are... No need to ask a question, they know everything about me, as they are me... the solarplexus point is a connection to earth, for grounding; it's necessary in the moment." I slowly moved towards this light, where my nonphysical friends seemed to be; they faded away, and I felt like being in a light-filled large sphere; then this sphere contracted a bit, and I was told to not go back to the group, but move back to physical consciousness in this (or as this) sphere, which I did.
It seemed to me as if Thomas not only had a red shirt and red balloon, but a red clowns-nose too (sorry Thomas).
I felt moving upwards for a long time, as if I were standing on a car-lift with a very long extending lifting pole. It was dark. Then little glowing swirling lights appeared, like fireflies. I moved closer to one, and it was like a sort of greeting, or kissing, but completely non-human-shaped, more abstract.
In every session I carried beer with me, as recoverer suggested; a special brand; have you picked up it's name? OK, you might have had more important things in mind
