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To Infinity, and Beyond (Read 19484 times)
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To Infinity, and Beyond
Aug 11th, 2008 at 9:57am
Is anyone game for a PE out to Focus 42 and Focus 49? I propose we give it a try, and if there is interest we can choose a date on the weekend when we can go as a group (the point of a PE after all). The group energy is a great way to learn to get there.....and I can assure you all that the way is well marked for those inclined to see it.

So how about it? Anyone? Come on in, the water is fine. I guarantee that you will be fine......

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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #1 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 10:34am
I'd like to come along, Thomas  Cheesy

Could there be a date/time for those of us old-fashinonned types so that we can better believe in the group energies?

Is there any preparation we need to do ?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #2 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 10:57am
OK, then--

I propose that sometime on AUgust 15-16-17 weekend we meet at, say, the fountain in The Park. For those whose little voice is already complaining, imagine a beautiful fountain in a beautiful Park. Imagine sitting there and listening to the water splashing, and the children playing in the water, the feel of sun warmth on your cheek, the sweet smell of flowers, the birdsong...... Imagine everything about it, and fake it if you need to. Pretend you are sitting there in a Park near a fountain. Look for the group of folks making all the noise.... that's us.

I will have a red balloon with me, and I will "wear" a red shirt so you can find me. I will agree to take responsibility for this PE, and to source it and the space in to which we will travel....

Then, as you sit there, take a few slow breaths, and use your intention..... (that silly little finger moving thing from Bruce's books) to join in. Just count up. We will go as a group, first to Focus 34/35 where we will use the platform of "Voyager 8" which is a prop thought form to facilitate the process. And then we will ride the Voyager 8 up to another platform on Focus 42. We will each explore our own I-there clusters from that perspective. Ask for guidance; it is there. Use "Clarity Now" or "Light now" or anything else you need to use. You are creating it all..... And then tell us all what you got. Simple. Even if it is not a thing at all.

That is all there is to it. You need no CDs, no dark CHEK unit, no Monroe Insitute. Just intend. After all, that is how we got in this place to begin  with (another subject...).

So-- for those coming, I will see you this weekend sometime at the fountain, and when we have a group, we will go PE-ing. This should be grat fun, and I will love hearing about what you find out there.....

To infinity, and beyond!

Even Greater Love and Light,


PS- This includes YOU, Bruce. I "see" you out there all the time. Come and work the crowd with me!
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #3 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 7:35pm
What are focus 42 and 49?
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #4 - Aug 11th, 2008 at 11:28pm
Monroe describes (as Bruce does) the area of The Gathering on Focus 34/35. This group of beings has gathered to observe the Earth Changes expected. These changes, from many sources, discuss alignment of the Earth Core with the Galatic Core, the center of the Milky Way galaxy, which is in Sagitarius 23 degrees. This alignment is projected for 2012, but is underway. These beings are all types, some physical, some merely wisps of light energy, some are thought forms, some are photonic. Quite a disparate group, some are individual and some collective, with level s of consciousness that vary from single cell up to huge organisms of cells and energies. In further exploration of this area, I find many light beings who inform me they have decided to evolve past the ELS and this is an area to do so. THere seem to be more and more energies at these levels each time I visit and explore. It is here I have found my friend and partner Janice, who left the ELS in March 2007 and after a stay at the Healing and Rejuvenation Center decided that she was NOT coming back to physically incarnate on the planet. She decided if she was dead and did not want another ride on the Merry-Go-Round she needed to get on with it, and she did. That is the subject for a different thread.

But Monroe also described Focus 42, where he found his I-there cluster. This is similar to the disc that Bruce describes. I saw it a bit different, like a giant crystal throughwhich an energetic stream from farther on came, and separated into individual "beams." Each beam has a sort of personality, an aspect of "all of it", but even this is not all there is. Some call this the Monad, the oversoul, the soul group, or similar, but it a collective energy which encompasses the individual and way surpasses the individual as a "more assembled" energy. Here you can find your "Executive Committee" or EXCOM as Monroe called it/them. This was the group he is trying to reassemble in to a whole, so it can move on....

And then he described Focus 49, the level at and from which this whole thought form which is the ELS comes. Here is The Aperature he describes, and the opportunity to go through The Aperature, The Emitter. Some have called this God, but when I got there the Being asked me "Are YOU God?" I think we all are.

These levels are far from the M-band noise, and there are other levels between these arbitrary "numbers." There are connections between the clusters on Focus 42, and they connect with even grewater clusters, and so on and so on. Just as things get smaller and smaller, things get larger and larger; as below so above. This is not to say they are not concerned with the ELS, but their perspective is wider and allows for more than worrying about the electric bill.

I simply count my self up to these levels just as I do when I meditate, just farther...

This is copied from the original thread about "Way beyond Focus 27" on the Afterlife Knowledge forum.

It is going home. Focus 49 is a level where we are One.

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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #5 - Aug 12th, 2008 at 3:24am
Too interesting for not trying it!

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #6 - Aug 12th, 2008 at 12:38pm
Thank you Thomas:

I'm familiar with what you're speaking about, I never heard of these areas having focus level numbers assigned.

I'll try to join in, don't know how it will work out.

Spooky, you bring the beer, since you're in Germany. Smiley
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #7 - Aug 13th, 2008 at 7:19am
Quote recoverer: "Spooky, you bring the beer, since you're in Germany."

Hehehe. According to the German saying: "You can drink? So you can work, too!".
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #8 - Aug 15th, 2008 at 12:00pm
That's funny, Spooky,
because the part about working hasn't ever been included on souvenier beer steins or labels!   Wink
This morning I sensed that someone came by for a test run for this PE, and I failed! I exited gradually through the top of my head and we went up aways and the I realized I was being returned. After they left --HS?  tgecks?-- I tried phazing out to see if I could 'get out' and catch up, but that was entirely blocked. ( I blame this blocking on the herb arnica which I hadn't used for several days in hopes of getting clear to go.) But I'm stuck.
Have a geat time, you-all!


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #9 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 9:34am
It was a relatively small group, about 12 beings. Some seemed more "solid" than others, I think reflecting the various "tuning it" that people had done. I remember the group as we phased from The Park to the thought form platform of Voyager 8 generator room, which is a round room filled with activity. Most of the group decided to sta there and explore the Voyager, which has been "constructed" for exactly this purpose in an area where there is little else which might be called thought form...

Anyhow, a group of five went on to the I-There cluster level, and we all separated to different clusters.

It was lovely and expanding for me. THe communications were rather like waves of emotion, a stirring deep in my heart, and words are not adequate for such things.

Thank you for being there. I love the group energy, and it really helps to use it to get there.

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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #10 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 9:36am
Oh, yes. I could have sworn you WERE there, Bets....

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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #11 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 12:08pm
We went high, briefly it turned white, which was pleasant, then black. I had a floating feeling. Someone from our group seemed to try to make contact with something. From a distant point, there was something like a lightbeam focused on our group, multicolored. Then it was like a tube; after a little lingering, I went inside. I traveled and traveled, and as it seemed it wouldn't come to an end, I decided I was "there", wherever it was. It was black there, but some white outlines of objects, elliptical shaped, were visible. The group was standing on something smooth and invisible, like glass, and below (but I guess in other directions, too) these elliptical objects could be watched. When I concentrated on one of these objects, my visual sense switched to the physical to my eyelid view, and the blackness turned into white. I tried again, tried to avoid this switching over to the physical view, but it happened again. When I concentrated on this white with my mind's eye, it had the sense there were pictures, or a movie running, but couldn't make out anything in specific. I then went up higher. I lost awaress of the group. I felt very stretched, as if my consciousness was in my head, and my feet far away down. I had the impression of wideness, a limitless space, although it didn't make sense to me to gaze outwards, nor inwards, though still to look inside made a bit more sense than to look outwards for having perceptions.

I think the group did a sort of exercise, like whoo-aah or something like that. I moved upwards, and felt like floating-tumbling. There was a blue round spot in a far distance. It seemed to be the center of multicolored, curving energy streams. Someone of the group moved something like a stick or so, I guessed to make contact to someone/something. Many little metallic-silvery spheres appeared, they were all around us. Then a picture of a mantis briefly flashed by. After that, there was something like a gigantic dark cloud; this cloud seemed to be somewhat intelligent, electrical, but it's energies were very subtle and low, and it stayed in a distance, I had the impression our energy was too concentrated for it to come closer. After this cloud faded from my awareness, I had the impression of a metallic object, shaped like an old-style air-ground bomb. Then I focused back to our group; we were about to travel higher, someone to my right wondered where we might go (Bets?) and I said: "Don't worry, I guess where we're going to is not new to you, you've been there already I think." I noticed from the far away "center point" a lightbeam was focused on our group.
So we went upwards, through a white level, into a black-and-white surrounding (no gray), I couldn't make out what it was, just that there were some structures. Then white light seemed to radiate in front of me, and I "pictured" there, in the light, was a table, behind that table some people in row, facing me. I remembered I had a similar visual once in the past and pondered if this now was only a memory; but it persisted. It was accompanied by a feeling of respect and a bit anxiety, as if you're standing before the judge, but on the other hand, there was a feeling of humor and friendship, too. So I thought "Who...?" and immediately I knew "Ah, haha, yes of course, we know each other, we met a lot of times... my recent meditations are useful for making this sort of contact... Stay who you are... No need to ask a question, they know everything about me, as they are me... the solarplexus point is a connection to earth, for grounding; it's necessary in the moment." I slowly moved towards this light, where my nonphysical friends seemed to be; they faded away, and I felt like being in a light-filled large sphere; then this sphere contracted a bit, and I was told to not go back to the group, but move back to physical consciousness in this (or as this) sphere, which I did.

It seemed to me as if Thomas not only had a red shirt and red balloon, but a red clowns-nose too (sorry Thomas).
I felt moving upwards for a long time, as if I were standing on a car-lift with a very long extending lifting pole. It was dark. Then little glowing swirling lights appeared, like fireflies. I moved closer to one, and it was like a sort of greeting, or kissing, but completely non-human-shaped, more abstract.

In every session I carried beer with me, as recoverer suggested; a special brand; have you picked up it's name? OK, you might have had more important things in mind Smiley .

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #12 - Aug 18th, 2008 at 12:15pm
I made an attempt at the PE last night.

I settled down with the Right of Passage Going Home tape - I know I shouldn't need to be using hemi-sync, but the period of the count up to F27 helps me to become calm and still, which can otherwise be slow or difficult for me. I experienced my pulses of tingling around about F21 on the tape, and there was considerable imagery through the levels up to F27 which I can't now recall.

At F27, I pictured the fountain, and sensed it quite strongly, beside and over me. I tried to focus on Thomas with red shirt and balloon. I forgot about using the Voyager platform, and even the counting up to F35 etc, but suddenly I was in a large, free-moving carousel (red, I think), which soared at high speed through open vast space. I had not thought about a carousel in any way beforehand, but I was in one from out the blue!

The carousel image then changed and I seemed to be looking up through a vast scaffolding structure, built up into the vastness of space. There seemed then further symbolic images of moving and soaring, but then I seemed to lose coherent recall. I then remember being aware the tape had ended, and sat up to switch it off, but on settling back down again, I fell into deep sleep for about 3 hours.

It doesn't sound very coherent, or much to do with visiting the higher levels with the group, but I thought I would report it anyway!

I have a problem with getting my neck relaxed and comfortable in my sessions, and it is a nuisance because I am aware that it's not comfortable, and the awareness can intrude on my experience. I have tried various pillow arrangements, but nothing fully allows me to forget my neck all the time. Does anyone have any suggestions please?

Best wishes,
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #13 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 9:40am
Fantastic descriptions of an experience which is often quite beyond words, and which can take some time in which one digests the information and experience. The Interpretor part of us wants to match our experience with some past memory, and when unable to do so, the Perceiver is on its own, so to speak. It seems like there is just so much one's mind/intellect/brain can take before it "clicks out" and you lose the memory just then (though the experience continues). I have found such memory comes when it is appropriate, when it is needed.

As I said up a few, there was a group, in fact, most, that stayed at a level beyond The Park, on a thought form construction Star Trek type of setting called Voyager 8. Such thought forms allow specific targeting, and the pathways are well marked. A smaller group went on, but we did not get too much farther before I could see people were dropping off, so we gathered and went back. All in good time.

Thanks to the many who do not post, but who were there. Thanks to the many who do post, and who were there. But my greatest thaks are for those who went despite their fears and who found new ascpects of themselves out there they had not realized were waiting for them all along the way.

Robert Monroe wrote, after his Journey:

There is no beginning, there is no end;
There is only change.
There is no teacher, there is no student;
There is only remembering.
There is no good, there is no evil;
There is only expression.
There is no union, there is no sharing;
There is only One.
There is no joy, there is no sadness;
There is only Love.
There is no greater, there is no lesser,
There is only balance.
There is no stasis, there is no entropy;
There is only motion.
There is no wakefulness, there is no sleep;
There is only Being.
There is no limit, there is no chance;
There is only a Plan.
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #14 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 12:51pm
I was not able to join, consciously, the meditation this weekend. However, I am still interested in attempting an excursion, during a moment of conscious awareness.

I am happy to read here Monroe's words, especially because I am not such a good "scholar" and I appreciate such reminders. These words might be a good starting place for developing a picture of how we feel about our explorations. What I mean is, his words are so condensed that each person might have his/her own interpretation. Such an exercise might get to the "heart" of what we learn in our explorations.

Just a thought. I have been working with this passage today, enjoying and expanding it for myself, to clarify my thoughts. It is revealing, for me, to do this. As Monroe says here, there is no teacher, no student, only Remembering.

love, blink
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #15 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 1:27pm
Since I posted my account of the PE attempt, I have been thinking about it more, and especially in the light of Thomas' comments about perception. My carousel car ride was a pretty obvious metaphor for travelling, but I didn't think further about my image of the vast scaffolded structure until much later. I was positioned beneath this structure, which was awesomely huge and open, and looking up through it into space. It appeared spontaneously after the ride. I am wondering now if perhaps it was symbolic of Higher Self/I There....that would be fantastic! Or was it the Voyager 8?

We should have another go soon, so I can re-check!
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #16 - Aug 19th, 2008 at 4:48pm
Congrats, Dear Alfred!

I'm very happy for you !

Could the scaffolding have been made of the energy trails of explorers?  It is said that any movement there leaves a faint trail of energy, and it is also said that these explorations are building a bridge into another world. Perhaps this is what you saw?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #17 - Aug 21st, 2008 at 6:23am
Yes, good suggestions Bets, thank you!  Smiley

Those seem good possibilities, and hadn't occurred to me.

Best wishes,
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #18 - Aug 21st, 2008 at 10:13am
Gresat idea, Bets.

That is what I mean by "the pathways are well marked" as every time the journey is made it is like a think filament of light is added to the pathway, like a trail of bread crumbs....

Certainly the Interpretor can "see" them as scaffolding. THe idea is to provide a specific destination which might be familiar to many people, like a Startrek type of platform. I agree this is a great limitation in an area which seems to have none......but it is a convenient device. At TMI they tell you to make one up of your own if the thought form and suggestions they make do not work for you....

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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #19 - Aug 22nd, 2008 at 11:42am
Wow! Thank you again, both Thomas and Bets, for your perceptive interpretations. I could never have guessed the potential significance of that structure without your inputs.

Now that I'm aware of its possible meaning, I will try to use it as a focal point for any future exploratory sessions in that area. Hopefully then, I could try using it as a bridge to any other areas, by travelling up and through it....

Thanks again!
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #20 - Aug 23rd, 2008 at 3:08pm
Quote Alfred:
"I will try to use it as a focal point for any future exploratory sessions in that area"

Yes, that's a good idea. Those visuals work great for quickly returning to a specific nonphysical area.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #21 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 9:59am
Wonderful thread to read. I have two great task-free days and will attempt a journey to these levels, wander the byways a bit and see what comes up for me. Thanks for this thread, tg. Vee
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #22 - Aug 26th, 2008 at 10:04am
By the way, Alfred, I sure know what you mean about the uncomfortable neck problem. There dont seem to be enough pillows in the world to get it just right. Vee
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Re: To Infinity, and Beyond
Reply #23 - Aug 29th, 2008 at 9:04am
Vee, I have tried using lots of pillows, no pillows at all, special neck pillows, and goodness knows what else, but I still find myself with an uncomfortable neck. Yet oddly, when I go to sleep, I drop off mostly before I become aware of a discomfort in the neck. So, during non-physical sessions, it must be the very fact of keeping my mind "awake", which makes me aware of the neck!

Best wishes,
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