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One of my friends wants to die (Read 3568 times)
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One of my friends wants to die
Jul 14th, 2008 at 5:49pm
Hi I and some friends from the centre i go to have been looking after one of our friends all weekend,he is an alcoholic and he had been drinking for 3 days none stop and we had to go down his house and help him ,he was very ill and we called an ambulance down to him twice and twice he refused to let them take him to hospital.

Its been really hard work as he kept saying he had to die and that he sees Jesus, the second time the ambulance came ,they rumg the doctor and he refused to come out to him because he was drunk,but he also suffers from diabetes and liver trouble ,i dont think its fair that the doctor refused to see him,we thought he was going to die as he was so ill,but hes now slowly starting to sober up but now we have left him ,we are worried he is going to go in town and buy more drink as he is determined that he wants to die and we dont think he will stop until he dies.

We dont know how to help him anymore,how do you help someone who just wants to die.

Love and God bless    love juditha
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Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #1 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 5:59pm
Someone needs to get this man to a hospital somehow if that is what he is doing. He needs intervention. Does he have any family members who would take responsibility for him? He does not sound as if he is well enough to make decisions right now.

Some people may not take this seriously, but I am glad that you and your friends are doing so. A person's actions are, of course, their own responsibility; however, in my opinion, we cannot care enough about each other.

You and your friends can also sit down with him and tell him that you care about him, and tell him that you would like to get him some help. See if he can be talked into going to a clinic, somewhere that he will not have access to alcohol. Take the alcohol away from him.

That's what friends do.

love, blink
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Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #2 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:10pm
Hi Blink  He only has one brother but they dont have anything to do with each other,that doctor did not care and would not come out to him,i took him round mine this afternoon ,we have done his washing and because he was so drunk he had wet his bed and the bed is ruined so we managed to get him another bed what someone gave us and also gave us a carpet for him and we are going to go to his house and lay his carpet for him as his bedroom is saturated were he has urinated all over the floor all the way through his bed,we been down today and done his washing up for him and cleaned his house ,he cannot eat at the moment as he feels so ill.

Love and God bless    love juditha
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Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #3 - Jul 14th, 2008 at 6:14pm
You are good friends to do all this.

I added to my reply above and then noticed you had responded, Juditha. I am sorry you are going through this stressful time with your friend.

It seems to me that if your friend is sobering up a little, all of you need to come together and talk to him and let him know in no uncertain terms that you are not going to allow him to do this.

You can tell him that he can get counseling, and he can find his own reasons to live, but that you guys are just not going to allow him to leave this way. Just keep checking up on him, hourly, or someone stay with him for a while.

He is seeking attention. So, maybe just stay on track with "wellness" talk. Don't let him sit and rationalize his troubles to you guys. Keep steering him back to addressing the problem, which is his depression.

Also, I hope you guys get some counseling too. This has got to be rough to go through.

I'm not an expert, but that's what I'd think of doing and saying under those circumstances. Besides, I'm preaching to the choir. You've already done so much. What a champ! You're the best!

I always like what my mom said about good reason to stick around this place is "someone might make me laugh" Smiley

love, blink

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« Last Edit: Jul 14th, 2008 at 7:22pm by N/A »  
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Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #4 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 7:05pm

Tell him that he shouldn't assume that death will be an escape. Some sources would say that his combination of alchoholism and suicidal tendencies will continue after he dies until he takes care of them.  He'll no longer have a physical body and the lack of a body's grounding effect could cause him to feel his emotional torment more than if he had a body.  He might end up in a realm with spirits with a similar state of mind and also feel their torment. The clearer we become while physical the easier it will be to move onto the light.
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Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #5 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 8:43pm
When he continues drinking, it could be considered actually as an attempt of suicide, then he could be brought under force into a clinic to get him sober. Don't know how the laws are in UK about that.

In my experience, he wouldn't be able to change anything until he's sober. Then he can decide if he'd keep on drinking or change his ways.


P.S. Great job Juditha. I guess I'd be too weak for those dramas.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #6 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 5:58pm
Hi blink recoverer and spooky  I had him round mine again today as i wanted him to feel not lonely and my friends were round mine as well,we have all made him feel like he is not alone in this world and we told him today that we all love him and as my garden is so pretty ,he wanted to sit in the garden and he was smileing and laughing with me and my friends and he said he didnt realise how much we all cared about him and at the moment he's staying off the drink.
We are all going down tommorow to lay his carpet and put him another bed in and we told him that we dont want him to die and that he dont need drink because we are going to stay around him and he wont be alone anymore,he also had a wash and a shave and he is starting to look better as he is now receiving love and care from us and we are all of us going to help him to get better and try to get him to have councilling.

The law in England is that if the ambulance call a doctor down and he still refuses to go to hospital,the doctor can section him for 28 days in a hospital.

Love and God bless you all    love juditha
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Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #7 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 5:34pm
Sounds like you're doing a wonderful thing Judita. Smiley
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 2368
Re: One of my friends wants to die
Reply #8 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 7:41pm
I agree with Recoverer Smiley
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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