Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member
I haven't personally seen any "reptilians" , but i and my wife have had enough dreams with E.T. info in it, which indicated that there are non constructive E.T. influences out there, as well as very, very positive Christ like ones.
And i intuitively trust Rosiland's McKnight's info quite a lot, almost completely, it's one of the most pure sources of info i've yet to come across. Her books have so much Golden energy connected to them.
Her guidance indicates that right now, because of our collective spiritual immaturity, our hands are being held cause we are like children and too easily frightened and/or negatively influenced. The ones holding the hands are partly the very positive, loving E.T.'s who know all about the not so constructive ones.
According to her guidance and to the spiritually mature E.T.'s, eventually in the nearish future (around 2500 or so), our hands, materially speaking, will be let go of and we will have to face what we have attracted to us.
They said it operates according to like attracts and begets like, and that through our collective negativity, we have attracted similar negative energies to us.
That which we put out, we eventually have to directly deal with and face. It is karma, and that is the very meaning of same. But in any and all cases, there is absolutely nothing to be scared of, and those of us who know what is real in this life, know that what's real can not be truly harmed anyways.
That facing time, my wife had a very interesting dream about where she was in a future body. I had come back to the Earth directly as a helpful E.T., there were major conflicts with a particular group, there was a war going on.
For many humans it was difficult and challenging, it was for her even though she was fairly evolved and awake at that point.
Is this group that is talked about in Rosiland's book and in our dreams, the "Reptilians", well i don't know for sure, and what does it matter what they look like anyways? My sense is that there are many more positive energies working with us, than not, and we are being helped on so many different levels.
Rosiland's guides seem to say that it is probable that we will overcome those challenges successfully, partly because of the help we receive from other groups, and because of our own growing spiritual strength.
My advice, well maybe the Reptilians are something to be aware of, but not to be concentrated on in the least bit--mostly cause it's a waste of time, especially if there is any fear involved. Our hands are held and we are completely protected until we are ready to directly face that which we attracted.
Like anything in life, we grow mostly by our positive focus and concentration of that which is constructive, spiritual, Light, and loving oriented in life, while at the same time being consciously aware of (in a more detached manner) that which is of the shadow and limiting, whether within ourselves or without. Some become lopsided and concentrate on one for the lack of the other, and all to soon in doing so, they come to find that what they suppress or repress eventually bites them in their behind and they are surprised by that, while they lose their balance.
Summed up in "Be ye gentle as Doves, and as wise as Serpents". Pretty good, but succinct advice. Kind of like a picture, says a lot with having to say only a little.