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Hey About Peggy Kane ... (Read 36512 times)
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #45 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Something else occurred to me when it comes to David Icke claiming that Jesus was drugged so it would appear that he was dead. DON'T PASSED OUT PEOPLE CONTINUE TO BREATH? Didn't at least one person say, "He's not dead, he's still breathing. I can see his chest moving."
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« Last Edit: Jul 15th, 2008 at 6:53pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #46 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:00pm
Hi Justin, You ask if I know that there is no need to fear a reptilian agenda. Well yes, I can say just that. I have no fear what so ever of a reptilian agenda that could adversely effect me here on earth or anywhere else. Now, I know  you didn't say reptilians but you said ET's. I believe that there are many different species within physical life reality. A number if ET's. may well be attempting to mislead us. Our weakness could offer them power. I am not worried about it though. I don't feel there is any need for concern about them. I too have read Bob's books, Moen's, and McKnights. None of them have said to "look out!"  There not being paranoid at all about it. Nor do I think any of us should be. But I am only me. I have never written a best seller, started an exploration group, sold millions of dollars worth of tapes and Cd's. But I do know me, and a lot of thanks goes out to these three people mentioned here. Without their encouragement and PUL, I most likely would have been still a scared, entrapped, closed up little soul. I didn't come out of my box by being afraid of the reptilians.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #47 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:30pm
Just a bit more here...In all the books I have read, and there's not all that many, there have many different ideas and attempts to have me make my mine up to what is truth. You will never find Bob, Bruce, or Rosalyn trying to win you over to their side. And never by using fear. All three tell you to make up your own mind. Use your own judgment. Be true onto yourself. Any book that uses fear as their means to get you to do what they want, including the most famous book of all, the Bible, has no meaning to me. Don't be confused about my love of "God" or my belief of "God". There is no larger source of PUL than my God. That's why when I read these three people I know their words to be true. Spirit tells me so.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #48 - Jul 15th, 2008 at 3:24pm

Briggs wrote: "Nice reply back.. I'm glad you didn't take offense or slander me.. You made some valid points.. Yes, I don't let my beliefs in reptilians frighten me or take me to a negative mind set... It use to be that way, but now I am no longer afraid of them.. Because it's true we are infinite love and consciousness.. We technically are all one and from the same source obviously, so were all in this together..

Also, David Icke is not my shepherd and neither is any other teacher that I listen too.. I am my own shepherd.. I just take what people have to say and sort out the truth and the trash... I don't believe in David Icke's beliefs about Jesus not existing.. Jesus did exist!!!! He did die on the cross... Not for our sins though that is ignorant to believe that.. I follow no religion or organization of anything..

Recoverer responds: Kind of ironical that you mention "slander" because David Icke has slandered quite a few people.

If a person can be as "wrong" as Icke is about Jesus, I don't see why there would be any reason to believe him about anything. What if a person walked right up to you and "Intentionally" told you a lie in order to deceive you? Are you going to consider this person trustworthy because he or she has some political views that match your views?

I believe that a part of what David Icke does is prey on people with similar political views. He knows that if you can hook a person with an issue that is emotionally charged, you'll have a good chance of bringing he or she into your way of thinking. Once a person decides that somebody is some kind of hero, it is can be hard for such a person to completely let go of some depedency on the way of thinking such a supposed hero represents.

Are you certain about Jesus not dying for our sins?  Because a lot of people have been inspired by him in a positive way, they lived their lives in a manner where they didn't end up in a lower realm after death.  The sacrifice he made when he willingly allowed himself to be crucified has been important to many people throughout the years. Therefore, perhaps it was a matter of his dying for sins that might've been.

When thought of in the conventional way, perhaps the story of Adam and Eve represents when souls who become human seperated from God (not completely, never completely). Jesus was the first person to reconnect with God completely.  After he found the way he was able to share it with others. His crucifixion and resurection were symbolic representations of his dying of his smaller self so he could become his true self. Not an easy thing to do while in the flesh even though many people have claimed to do so. Since you follow Vedanta you might believe that Vedanta provides the way. I was a follower of Vedanta for years before I discovered that is has some shortcomings. Shortcomings that can't be discovered unless a person is willing to seriously question Vedantic principles.  

When I started to receive spirit guidance from Christ it became more clear to me that there is more to returning to God than Vedantic teachings present.  There is also much more to it than simply becoming pure awareness again. If you think it's a bit much for me to suggest that I receive spirit guidance from Christ, all I can say is that I'm not the only person he helps. The feeling I get is that he helps many people in different ways according to need.  Some people speak of Christ as if he is in some form of retirement. This viewpoint sure doesn't go along with what has been presented to me.

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« Last Edit: Jul 15th, 2008 at 6:49pm by recoverer »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #49 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 11:48am
  Joe, later on you say the below..

hawkeye wrote on Jul 15th, 2008 at 2:00pm:
Hi I believe that there are many different species within physical life reality. A number if ET's. may well be attempting to mislead us. Our weakness could offer them power. 

...But first and before that you say this,
Not one of these so called aliens are here to hurt us.

  So which one is it, as there seems to be a noticeable difference between your statements?

Also, you keep mentioning fear, fear, fear, and how we shouldn't be afraid of any Reptilians or E.T.'s.   I completely agree with you, and i've said similar all along.   But is there not a difference between "fear" and simple "awareness" of the whole pie? 

  According to my wifes dreams and Rosiland's guides and her viewing of the probable future timeline for Earth, come the year 2500 or so, there is a probable direct confrontation and conflict between us and the (hopefully temporally) not so positive E.T.'s.   And i really wouldn't be surprised if that group was the "reptilians", though i don't know for a fact either way. 

   My wife has also had dreams about reptilians (or at least one), and in the dream it is noted that they are apparently allowed to try to psychically influence people and do do that if the person isn't strong or loving enough, or doesn't call on higher forces to intervene.    Sometimes, you gotta ask for help from the right sources...

  Interestingly, my wife has read nothing about reptilians, and we have talked very little about reptilians all in all.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #50 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 3:57pm
briggs5534 wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 12:28pm:
Starboom wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 4:58am:
Vedanta..isn't that Indian in origin? Unless I'm thinking of something else.

Just one thing: I don't think it's right to call Earth hell. Remember that there are many people that are having a blast living down here. Of course, if everyone was like me, I'd agree with you somewhat, haha.

Yeah, I know that people are having fun, but if you look around the whole world and see that there is more evil than good.. So, that's why I say earth is hell..

Yes, it is indian philosophy..

Well, even in my deepest troubled states of mind, I try and see the glass as half-full. Smiley
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #51 - Jul 16th, 2008 at 5:33pm
I must add that on the two occasions I saw a reptilian like being I don't know if they are the reptilians people speak about. Whatever the case, I believe our fate is up to us. If we decide to be wise and loving, we'll be okay.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #52 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:17pm
Mislead us, does not necessarily mean to hurt us. Misleading can also have the result of moving us into a direction that we need not to go. Perhaps lead us astray. Fear is a emotion that in all reality is not necessary or needed as we don't die. (Fear=panic or distress caused by exposure to danger or expectation of pain) Communication with others already dead and/or with other species, and aliens, most often come as NVC. Most time NVC is not easy to figure out unless you are will versed in it and have taken the time and effort to communicate with one source to "get the communication down". Once you change sources, the NVC  may be needed to be figured out again. Now for me, I hope I am much further along my personal path that I won't be to worried about 2500. I need to get through 2012 first.(lol) Perhaps I can help better from the other side by then. I take it you have chosen to be here at that time already, and will be allowing an alien species to have an effect on your or your wife's disk group. As you know, the choice is yours. This dream you wife the effect from the reptilian positive or negative. Is the reptilian trying to assist her in increasing her love level. I am just not sure what you mean in what you wrote. If they are trying to induce a stronger love or make people stronger in some way, is that negative? Perhaps I am confused in what you say also.  
So yes, I have no fear of these reptilians...but  it could be correct that there could be reason for, or a concern about, the possibility of being mislead by some alien species in about 475 years. (Not necessary reptilian.)
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« Last Edit: Jul 17th, 2008 at 6:15pm by hawkeye »  
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #53 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:01pm
recoverer wrote on Jul 16th, 2008 at 5:33pm:
I must add that on the two occasions I saw a reptilian like being I don't know if they are the reptilians people speak about. Whatever the case, I believe our fate is up to us. If we decide to be wise and loving, we'll be okay.

  Yup, i agree, it's essentially a freewill thing, but you of all people know that sometimes loving and well intentioned folks get mislead by not so positive sources and there is suffering involved.   Sometimes it can take a lot to "wake up" again.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #54 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:18pm
I know I said , I don't agree with David Icke about Jesus.. I believe Jesus did exist and he did die on the cross.. David Icke is not my hero, or guru.. He is just a man that helps me see the truth..

peace n' love
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #55 - Jul 17th, 2008 at 10:38pm
hawkeye wrote on Jul 17th, 2008 at 3:17pm:
This dream you wife the effect from the reptilian positive or negative. Is the reptilian trying to assist her in increasing her love level. I am just not sure what you mean in what you wrote. If they are trying to induce a stronger love or make people stronger in some way, is that negative? Perhaps I am confused in what you say also.

  You seemed to have really misunderstood part of my other post.  In any case, re: my wife's dream, the Reptilian in the dream was very unloving, manipulative, and predatory in nature.   I believe the dream was part symbolic and part more literal in nature.  I also know someone who saw a Reptillian in physical, while fully conscious, and is not the kind of person to make something like this up.   They were very bothered by the vibe of this being.   Fortunately, as i've mentioned, other beings more aware and powerful than these, look out for us, and don't allow direct physical harm (at least until 2500).

So yes, I have no fear of these reptilians...but  it could be correct that there could be reason for, or a concern about, the possibility of being mislead by some alien species in about 475 years. (Not necessary reptilian.)

  Yes, why should any of us be afraid of something that may happen in 500 years, that really wasn't the point i was trying to make.   If these unfriendly E.T.'s weren't something to be aware of, i doubt Rosiland's guidance whom i sense are very loving and aware consciousnesses, would not have even mentioned them to begin with. 

I feel there is a deeper purpose for them disseminating that info to begin with, and NOT to make people afraid, but to make people (and maybe some individuals more so than others) aware of such influences in the ELS. 

  Or, as my wife's dream seemed to indicate, they (Reptilians) are apparently allowed to psychically influence people in negative ways NOW, IF the person involved is not attuning enough to love, is unbalanced, and/or isn't seeking direction and help from more purely Creative and helpful sources.   

  If a person is being influenced by same, chances are they are quite unconscious to it to begin with, and things will only change if they decide to start consciously and purposely asking for help from very loving and evolved sources, and/or start to become more balanced and/or more loving and spiritually centered themselves.   Quite a few people think they are more loving and evolved than they really are.

Again, nothing to be "afraid" of, but something to be aware of, there is a difference, and it would be well that people understood and were aware that there are powerful forces out there that would mislead and thus harm through their negative misleading and influencing. 

  It would be well that when people go into meditation or various altered state activities that they ask for help and guidance from consciousnesses who are purely Creative, helpful, and PUL attuned in nature.    Certainly not Monroe's overly open ended, "as advanced or more than me" stuff--i don't know what the guy was thinking when he came up with that. 

And not in a fearful way, as in expecting something negative to happen or some kind of battle or what not, but just in a conscious, appreciative way, and seeking to open self to the highest possible influences so that self can be the clearest and most effective channel of blessings to others (and all Creation). 

  Personally, i don't look at the Reptillians, or any being or any group of beings as "enemies".   I know we are all part of Source and one another, no matter how far or how long some stray.   I love them and wish them well.  Nor am i afraid of them.  But i certainly don' t want to be consciously or unconsciously influenced by them, nor do i want any others to be either. 

  Again, i believe Rosiland's guidance mentioned the unfriendly E.T.'s for a deeper reason, and that some people who would come upon her material, would need to know more consciously about this group or groups.   Maybe it would be part of their path, to counter balance such influences or what not?   To even begin to deal with things like this, you first have to be conscious of them in the first place. 

Repressing the shadow side of reality in particular, oft leads to issues and imbalances that block spiritual growth in the long run.   And spiritual growth is the name of the game for everyone, isn't it?   Anything that misdirects and misleads from same, could be considered "harmful" in nature.
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Old Dood
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #56 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 7:34am
Getting back to the 'Missing Link' of Pre-Humans.

There isn't one.  Why? Why can't Scientists find this so-called Missing Link?

Here is a Google Video that explains just that.

Lloyd Pye - Everything you Know is Wrong - 118 min - Apr 23, 2008

Lloyd Pye is an author, researcher, and lecturer in the field of alternative knowledge. He calls on over 30 years of experience to write and speak about the origins of life, human origins, Hominoids (bigfoot, sasquatch, yeti, and others), and the work of Zechara Sitchin. This broad base of knowledge makes him one of the world's leading proponents of the Intervention Theory of origins, which stands in sharp contrast to Darwinism, Creationism, and Intelligent Design. His classic book about these subjects, Everything You Know Is Wrong -- Origins of Life and Humans, has been fully revised and updated as of July, 2007, and will be available from bookstores or directly from More information about Lloyd and his books can be found at

Google Video Link:

This is very interesting and Eye Opening for those with an Open Mind.

EDIT: Anyone ever really 'wondered' what the scripture means when it says :"The Sons of God and the Daughter's of Men"?
I believe this answers this...Better then anything else I have heard.

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« Last Edit: Jul 18th, 2008 at 9:30am by Old Dood »  
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #57 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 1:09pm
Very interesting Justin, How cool to see one in Real Time, so to speak.
I missed the predatory part in the story about your wife. Being aware of any ET's is important in itself. Many don't get that there is "contact" at this point already. I sure don't mind being watched over by those wanting the best for my disk group. That of course includes myself watching over me.
I also agree that even the reptilians come from source and therefor are a part of the big picture. There may well be concerns with a reptilian force at some point, I just don't personally see now as being that time or a part of my needed lessons. Perhaps some 450 years in the future will be different. When I spoke to Rosalyn last time she mentioned that she has a large amount of tapes of her sessions with Bob Monroe that she has never revisited. I think I had mentioned it before to you. There could be more insight within those tapes but she also said that she didn't feel the need to review then all. I hope they go to a good place. Another book would be great. Now there is a soul that you can just feel the PUL when you are near her.
I wouldn't want to see anybody's spiritual growth being blocked by the influence of a reptilian agenda that they needn't be concerned about or not even exist. But for some of us, these may be the lessons for our existence here on this little blue marble. Or ones we may soon have. I wonder what physical influences she, Rosalyn, spoke of were? Cancer, being born crippled, making hair fall out, (like me these days). Some physical problems can be important to have, in order to move ahead spiritually. And being aware of "everything" is not all that important to me. Some lessons are learned best when they are not expected.
And Briggs, If Mr Ike is providing you with what you need then its all good. I don't believe in the whole baby eating thing, or the Jesus thing, but are there breeding agendas,? Yes, that's why royals marry royals. The whole Blue Blood thing. Not sure how Bush fits in but...I think it has more to do with politics than lizards. I think that in days gone past, certain families ruled countries. It was better to marry someone in power so as to join forces or to extend influences. That's why I think there is the whole marrying from within.
Of course the only other thing is that I sure don't know everything and you can be sure that I have many lessons to learn. I am sure of that. One lession I have got is that extending love is far more important that fear. I will stick to love. I will leave the fear up to others. And on that's a bit for All of you, including Mr Ike.(and the reptilians of course.)
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Old Dood
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #58 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 3:03pm
I myself do not know about which 'exact' ETs that have been influencing us but, I am 99% certain that we have been influenced by ETs.

That video I posted in my last post is very very good.
It is scientific and logical.
I do not want to give it away.
That is why I believe it is worth the time to view it.
Yes, it is 2 hours long but, once again it is a lecture.
A pretty detailed one at that.
It is also very current.  It is from April of 2008.

This to me at least 'explains' what has happened in our 'history' that never seems to be discussed.
Or...people simply never 'wants' to discuss it.
It would embarrass to many people.

No different then back when Galileo was showing his 'revolutionary' ideas. Wink
People THEN did not 'want' to discuss it.
They were even a bit more nasty about it too.
You could lose your life for such 'ideas'.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #59 - Jul 18th, 2008 at 9:22pm
About Lloyd Pye, his theory and critics of his theory at wikipedia:

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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