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Hey About Peggy Kane ... (Read 36529 times)
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #15 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 1:53pm
You know Briggs, your right. I shoulden't be apposed to anything that Ike says about the Queen. Bushs, Blair, etc. I'm sure he must be right about them going around and snacking on babies and stuff. I am a little concerned that you think that there have been millions of people see these reptilians.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #16 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 2:22pm
Now Bush does scare the heck out of me but its not because I think he anything but a destructive, spoiled, religious zealot. Not a lizard or a baby eater. Note: I did not say that hes not a baby killer. That's different. His actions are killing many and have killed many babies in Iraq. His actions, and his war over control of oil have killed a number of babies.  Of course that's only my personal belief. Oh ya, and history. I know that Ike is an extremely smart man. I would never think any less of him for doing what he believes in. And you have to face it. By selling books, you can make a lot of dough. He is selling books (and fear). But what good is he doing? Is it helping? Is it helping move you along a path to a more spiritually aware lifetime. I have a close friend who strongly believes in what Ike has to say. Doesn't change our friendship. She knows I think Ike's a quack. To each , their own. Enjoy and learn from what you are getting from him. It must be a lesson you need to hear. I still say, have no fear. There are no reptiles trying to hurt you. Unless you try to pull off their tails that is.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #17 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:38pm
hawkeye wrote on Jul 8th, 2008 at 2:22pm:
Now Bush does scare the heck out of me but its not because I think he anything but a destructive, spoiled, religious zealot. Not a lizard or a baby eater. Note: I did not say that hes not a baby killer. That's different. His actions are killing many and have killed many babies in Iraq. His actions, and his war over control of oil have killed a number of babies.  Of course that's only my personal belief. Oh ya, and history. I know that Ike is an extremely smart man. I would never think any less of him for doing what he believes in. And you have to face it. By selling books, you can make a lot of dough. He is selling books (and fear). But what good is he doing? Is it helping? Is it helping move you along a path to a more spiritually aware lifetime. I have a close friend who strongly believes in what Ike has to say. Doesn't change our friendship. She knows I think Ike's a quack. To each , their own. Enjoy and learn from what you are getting from him. It must be a lesson you need to hear. I still say, have no fear. There are no reptiles trying to hurt you. Unless you try to pull off their tails that is.

I see what your saying about Icke and reptilians... He does have lots of uplifting positive messages.. He tells people not to fear them, because we are pure infinite love and loved by God unconditionally and always protected by God etc...He just wants people to open up their blind eyes to see that we aren't really free... That they do have us on a lock down and our manipulating us by mind control and what not.. He says never to let fear take over and that it is and illusion just like everything else besides love and truth.. So, he's not a fear mongerer like most people take him to be... He just wants to spread the truth that we have a bit of a task ahead of us..If we want to evolve mentally and spiritually we have to face our demons and deal with them.. So, we know how to get out of this web of lies... He also, exposes the many lies of religious leaders and religion in general.. So, yes he has helped me to see clearly and made me less fearful of these entities.. He's tired of seeing us as sheeple and wants us to become like the sheppard like himself... If, you don't know about all this beforehand how are you going to react when they come to our planet to control us with the New World Order?!

peace n' love

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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #18 - Jul 8th, 2008 at 8:42pm
By the way if, you add up all the researchers, psychics, mystics, hypnotherapists and people abducted by reptilians and then the people that have eye witnessed them too.. I'm sure you'd have a lot of people that know that they exist... I'm talking worldwide bro, there has to be atleast millions of people that have witnessed seeing the reptilians... So, laugh at me all you want.. The testimonies of all these people will prove my point that they exist.. I'm not to sure about GWB, and the Queen as being shape shifters, but you never know truth is stranger than fiction my friend!! Ask a scientist that and he will tell you that for sure!

peace n' love
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #19 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 11:18am

GEICO is a large insurance company and on their commercials they use a talking lizard who speaks with an English accent.  Now I'm wondering if that might be evidence that the reptilians have infiltrated not only our government and the Queen, but also our corporations?

I'm thinking that this might be a clever way for the reptilians to lull us into a false sense of security, making us believe that reptiles are harmless, even humorous little creatures.  We'd be vulnerable if they attempted a takeover.

I dunno, is any of this possible?  I must admit, you have made me just a little worried.

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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #20 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 2:18pm
I'm not laughing at you, briggs, but...come on! How can you be so naive as to believe in lizard people controlling the world? Now, if there's an afterlife, sure, they could be in control, but in our 4 dimensions we have to follow the laws of nature, and there's just no way George W. Bush or the...the Queen (she has no power anyway, so why on earth?) are reptiles in disguise. And New World Order? Well, there are potential signs out there, in the guise of UN and EU, for example, but I highly doubt it. Next you're going to start talking about Majestic 12 and Illuminati. Conspiracy theories prey on people's fear and boredom, and that's why they keep thriving.  And yes, GWB is one dangerous individual, but not because he's evil, it's because he's stupid, he's unable to see the link between his actions and the sufferings of millions of people. Sorry if you feel offended by this, but I refuse to let blind faith get in the way of rational thinking.

EDIT: Please keep in mind that this is no personal attack or anything of the sort, I'm just providing my personal opinion on what I think is a misguided belief. I too have had several wacky theories in my head, I've just learned to be more of a skeptic. And, remember, being skeptic isn't a bad thing.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #21 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm
Starboom wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 2:18pm:
I'm not laughing at you, briggs, but...come on! How can you be so naive as to believe in lizard people controlling the world? Now, if there's an afterlife, sure, they could be in control, but in our 4 dimensions we have to follow the laws of nature, and there's just no way George W. Bush or the...the Queen (she has no power anyway, so why on earth?) are reptiles in disguise. And New World Order? Well, there are potential signs out there, in the guise of UN and EU, for example, but I highly doubt it. Next you're going to start talking about Majestic 12 and Illuminati. Conspiracy theories prey on people's fear and boredom, and that's why they keep thriving.  And yes, GWB is one dangerous individual, but not because he's evil, it's because he's stupid, he's unable to see the link between his actions and the sufferings of millions of people. Sorry if you feel offended by this, but I refuse to let blind faith get in the way of rational thinking.

EDIT: Please keep in mind that this is no personal attack or anything of the sort, I'm just providing my personal opinion on what I think is a misguided belief. I too have had several wacky theories in my head, I've just learned to be more of a skeptic. And, remember, being skeptic isn't a bad thing.

I have a rational mind to and this is not blind faith my friend.. I have studied this subject for quite a few years now... Talk to Cathy O'brien and she'll tell you that GWB is a shape shifter.. She was a brainwashed sex slave by the men in Congress especially, by George W. Bush and saw him change right before her eyes...

I never said being skeptic was a bad thing either.. Oh yeah, and by the way the universe is a hologram.. I bet you think I'm even crazier now... If, you don't believe me that it's holographic, than ask all the scientists like Michael Talbot that have proven that this theory is true... Sounds quite crazy just like lizard people... Truth is stranger than fiction..

If, you don't believe in reptilian aliens, then I must say you are either brainwashed by the media or just plain ignorant.. HOW BIG IS THIS FREAKING UNIVERSE, and you believe there is no other life force out there besides us?! Remember this earth and universe has been around for probably millions of years... So, I'm sure there is alien life forms out there far more intelligent than us, and would be able to manipulate us so easily, like they are doing now... And you believe we are just controlled by dumb ignorant men.. That is what I find to be ludicrous.. These men are only puppets to them and they are killing us all softly..

I'm sorry for sounding a bit harsh at time, I also don't mean to offend you or anyone else that disagrees with me...

I'm going to take the word of many witnesses and researchers word that there are other alien life forms out there like the Reptilians.. Look at all the symbolism from the ancient times of pictures of snake people.. So, not just millions of people have witnesses these reptilians.. That is if you add up all the people in this world now and from the past... I'm sure close to a hundred million people have witnessed them over this whole century and before...

peace n' love
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #22 - Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:25pm
Hey, by the way there are more than just four dimensions.. There is at least 11-16 dimensions..
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #23 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 2:21pm
Briggs, your argument seems reasonable to me. What I notice about these sites which research these kinds of subjects is that they encourage suspicion and fear. That is not all they do. They also promote an open mind and a willingness to look at life in a different way.

However, I think that the mixed messages and convoluted thinking that I have observed add to the fear and despair that many people already suffer. Everywhere, people want someone or something to blame for the evils they perceive in life.

Focusing on negativity is simply harmful to the body and the soul. I see the proliferation of these kinds of sites as a call for help by people who feel trapped in societies which offer little in the way of hope for a peaceful world or future.

At their cores, all of these people are looking for a deeper meaning to their existence.

Unfortunately, what I see is that people are often willing to fight and accuse each other in order to "create" meaning for themselves. And it absolutely cannot be found outside of ourselves, unless we are coming from a place of love.

peace n love to you too, blink
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #24 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 4:32pm
Sometimes through my own ignorance I post things that I just shouldn't. Who am I to say that your Shepard, Mr Ike, is not telling the truth. In your existence, both here and in the afterlife, and also throughout the areas of focus levels, you may have a reptilian problem going on. Ike and all his followers may also have the same thing going on with them. You say around 100 million of you. The confusion may be that, not all of us are on the same level of existence. Not to say that mine is below or above, to the left or to the right of yours. That your wrong and I am right. Or Viceversa. Just different. These evil reptilians you speak of do not exist in my beingness. They are not trying to control me or others within my family group. That is why I have no fear of them. My connection with anything remotely similar to a reptilian has been through NVC and not threatening at all. Perhaps there are a number of different species of reptilians. I hope that you and fellow believers in the "Ike" theory, manage to get in control of your world and your lives. I am sure you are being led in the direction you believe you should be going. Enjoy your lessons and learn. We all need to learn from our experiences. I think I will just sit back with all my friends (reptilian and others) and enjoy the ride, the lessons already learned, and the ones yet to be enjoyed.  Cheesy
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #25 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 6:25pm
briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I have a rational mind to and this is not blind faith my friend..

Oh, I meant blind faith in general, not you in particular.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I have studied this subject for quite a few years now... Talk to Cathy O'brien and she'll tell you that GWB is a shape shifter.. She was a brainwashed sex slave by the men in Congress especially, by George W. Bush and saw him change right before her eyes...

I don't doubt that you have studied it for a long time but...brainwashed sex slave...that right there should give pause to anyone. And by men in Congress...when I hear stuff like that, these alarms go off in my mind, and I just have to shake my head. The probability of something like that going on is about as big as me turning into a cat in five minutes. Not saying that you are lying, merely that the woman seems delusional.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I never said being skeptic was a bad thing either.. Oh yeah, and by the way the universe is a hologram.. I bet you think I'm even crazier now... If, you don't believe me that it's holographic, than ask all the scientists like Michael Talbot that have proven that this theory is true... Sounds quite crazy just like lizard people... Truth is stranger than fiction..

No, actually, the universe being a hologram sounds pretty normal in comparison, and just might be the case. I don't think you're crazy at all, it's more the case of you having been attached to this woman and her stories for some reason, and I can't quite see what the attraction is. MK-ULTRA is real, sure, but shapeshifting presidents less so.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
If, you don't believe in reptilian aliens, then I must say you are either brainwashed by the media or just plain ignorant.. HOW BIG IS THIS FREAKING UNIVERSE, and you believe there is no other life force out there besides us?! Remember this earth and universe has been around for probably millions of years... So, I'm sure there is alien life forms out there far more intelligent than us, and would be able to manipulate us so easily, like they are doing now... And you believe we are just controlled by dumb ignorant men.. That is what I find to be ludicrous.. These men are only puppets to them and they are killing us all softly..

No, I am not brainwashed. Conditioned throughout life, sure, but not brainwashed. Mostly I pay little attention to media, especially the mainstream kind, and when I do, I take things I read with a grain of salt. Reptilian aliens might be out there, and I suggested that in my previous post. There are almost certainly other species out there, to assume otherwise would be arrogant. As for them manipulating us...perhaps. We would never know would we? At least it can never be proved. Therefore, to entertain the idea is of little use, since if they are out there manipulating us, anything we say is what they want us to say, including you. Anyway, believing there are reptilian aliens out there and this woman saying she was a sex slave for (amongst others) a shapeshifting George Bush, are two completely different things. The latter is very much likely either a lie or a sign of deteriorating mental health.

And yes, I do believe there are quite a few ignorant leaders out there. To use a famous quote: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
Of course, that doesn't mean ruling out malice altogether. It's just that by meeting other people and hearing about their experiences (not to mention what I've experienced myself), I can see that stupidity is usually the reason why people do bad things, not malevolence.

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I'm sorry for sounding a bit harsh at time, I also don't mean to offend you or anyone else that disagrees with me...

I'm not offended, so need for apologies. This is a discussion board after all, and discussing is what we do here. Smiley

briggs5534 wrote on Jul 9th, 2008 at 9:24pm:
I'm going to take the word of many witnesses and researchers word that there are other alien life forms out there like the Reptilians.. Look at all the symbolism from the ancient times of pictures of snake people.. So, not just millions of people have witnesses these reptilians.. That is if you add up all the people in this world now and from the past... I'm sure close to a hundred million people have witnessed them over this whole century and before...

peace n' love

Well, perhaps people have seen them. But again; people seeing reptilians or other unusual things is one thing. Believing Cathy O'Brien quite another. I just hope that this part of your belief system isn't taking you places (physically, mentally and spiritually) that aren't sound. Well, I already think that mentally, it isn't sound, but I think your mental state consists of much more than just Cathy and her tall tales.  Wink In the end, of course, what one believes is of little consequence, as long as noone gets hurt in the process. We make up our own belief systems anyway, isn't that what Moen says?
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #26 - Jul 11th, 2008 at 11:42pm

Nice reply back.. I'm glad you didn't take offense or slander me.. You made some valid points.. Yes, I don't let my beliefs in reptilians frighten me or take me to a negative mind set... It use to be that way, but now I am no longer afraid of them.. Because it's true we are infinite love and consciousness.. We technically are all one and from the same source obviously, so were all in this together..

I'm sorry for sounding a bit loud in parts of my last reply.. I just really do believe in these beliefs about reptilians.. Also, Cathy O'brien is a very legit person.. That is from what I have heard from others and from seeing her talk about her experiences..

Also, David Icke is not my shepherd and neither is any other teacher that I listen too.. I am my own shepherd.. I just take what people have to say and sort out the truth and the trash... I don't believe in David Icke's beliefs about Jesus not existing.. Jesus did exist!!!! He did die on the cross... Not for our sins though that is ignorant to believe that.. I follow no religion or organization of anything.. I'm no new ager either, I use to be that way..  Yes, some of my beliefs are new age like , but believe me I'm far from that.. The closest I come to is advaita vedanta.. Which, I doubt half of these people on here know what the hell it is... lol I just follow my heart and soul.. No teacher is great than I or you... No one truly has all the answers.. There are a few other things that I disagree, with Icke about too..

The only hell we face is our facing of our true selves.. What we all have done in our lifetimes, that is every thought, deed, emotion, and what not..  Earth is the only true hell.. We created this hell though..  No one is to blame but our own self.. Reptilians are not our devil to blame the same goes for the illuminati.. We need to blame ourselves for not waking up sooner and seeing what we let happen..

peace n' love to you and all!! Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jul 12th, 2008 at 1:42am by briggs5534 »  
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #27 - Jul 12th, 2008 at 4:58am
Vedanta..isn't that Indian in origin? Unless I'm thinking of something else.

Just one thing: I don't think it's right to call Earth hell. Remember that there are many people that are having a blast living down here. Of course, if everyone was like me, I'd agree with you somewhat, haha.
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One more season.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #28 - Jul 12th, 2008 at 10:27am

I really like hawkeye's reply about not experiencing the reptillians but that he respects that others do. I feel the same way, Hawkeye, but hadn't got it into words.

Since we have lives in other realms/planets, etc, with Earth being only one of many teaching stations, it's so true that we come with various abilities. We all probably sense various parts of the energy spectrum that supports life, and just don't get the opportunity often to compare our experiences.

Viva all our experiences !

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: Hey About Peggy Kane ...
Reply #29 - Jul 12th, 2008 at 12:28pm
Starboom wrote on Jul 12th, 2008 at 4:58am:
Vedanta..isn't that Indian in origin? Unless I'm thinking of something else.

Just one thing: I don't think it's right to call Earth hell. Remember that there are many people that are having a blast living down here. Of course, if everyone was like me, I'd agree with you somewhat, haha.

Yeah, I know that people are having fun, but if you look around the whole world and see that there is more evil than good.. So, that's why I say earth is hell..

Yes, it is indian philosophy..
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