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Futuretalk 2: a Conversation with Michael St.Clair (Read 1378 times)
Old Dood
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Futuretalk 2: a Conversation with Michael St.Clair
Jun 21st, 2008 at 3:06pm
This is from Project Camelot.

Part 1:

Part 2:

After the initial success of our Futuretalk with David Wilcock, we decided to continue our Futuretalks as a series of conversations - not interviews - with people who have something important to say.

A Futuretalk with Michael St Clair seemed to be an excellent next step. Michael, as those of you will know who are already familiar with our first interview with him at Chillion Castle in Switzerland, is a fascinating futurist and metaphysician as well as a famed astrologer.

Michael has been thinking about the future in a multitude of ways for many years, has written several important and well-received books, and recently has re-entered the world of banking to advise private clients with an eye to the coming changes in world economies and ways of doing business.

We cover the whole range from safe spaces (which Michael prefers to call radiant zones), to what might be happening and what one should consider preparing for in the future, coming bank failures, possible geopolitical events that could change our lives, and other concerns.

Michael has spent several years viewing the scenarios - both positive and negative - that one might need to consider in the years ahead. He shares his thoughts and his own personal vision, as well as some key points that everyone should keep in mind in the coming days.

To contact Bill Ryan or Kerry Cassidy, please e-mail us at
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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
Gender: male
Re: Futuretalk 2: a Conversation with Michael St.C
Reply #1 - Jun 22nd, 2008 at 10:30am
SHSS wrote on Jun 22nd, 2008 at 12:44am:
Excellent!  Excellent!  Yeah Dood, I've been following this stuff every since I can remember.  I know it's true, of course, everyone has a slightly different story, but you can get the jest of it.
The thing that I am confused about right now, and if you know, I wish you could explain it to me.  Ok, there's the 2012 date but, I read something by one of the first to mention this 2012 in a big way and this person started talking about 2015.  Now this St. Clair is talking 2017 and beyond, so what the heck?
It sounds as if they have been promoting 2012, and now they seem to be moving the date up.  What gives?  Is this shift thing something that has been made up also?

I have heard so much about final incarnations, returning to your I/There, and then I hear that the lucky ones will be the ones to stay alive here. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

My thoughts? Someone wants my thoughts? hehe! I am not used to that.
There are so many 'thoughts' floating around about 2012 now a days it is hard to see the forest through the trees.

I believe a lot of the 'info' about 2012 is really 'DIS-Information' to keep us ignorant of the truth.

What *I* believe is this...
Nothing will change all that much when we hit 12-21-2012.
By that time things of this earth will have already 'changed'.
What will be the changes will be up to us.  Good or Ill.
I believe by then most of our 'freedoms' will be pretty much GONE.
We could be under some form of Marshal Law by then.

As for disclosure of Aliens I have read that this date is more in tune with 2017 then 2012.
What will be 'disclosed' for the most part will be a lie.
Right now we are being 'taught' that aliens are bad and evil and all of that jazz.
Look at the movies and TV shows in the last 20 years. We are being conditioned to think of them as an ENEMY.
Dr. Carol Rosin:
Audio Link:
YouTube Link:
The thing is there are many different races of aliens not just grays.
And even with in the grays there are different 'types of grays'.

I do believe the United States government already has met with the 'not so nice' greys back in 1954.
Even struck a 'deal' with them so the USA could get their hands on technology. Mostly weapons.
If you think about it then you would easily figure out that 'we' made a bad deal.
Other aliens tried to meet with the US government to share info with them too. (Pleiadians? I believe so)
The US government didn't want to hear about our 'Spiritual Path' from THESE aliens.
The US government wanted weapons and these aliens were not giving that technology out.

There is so much out there that *I* believe now that I cannot put it all in a post.
I do believe we have a group of people that are part of a much larger group of people that controls all things 'alien'.
There name in the beginning was Majestic 12 or MJ-12.
Started by Truman's Administration and Eisenhower lost control of this group and other parts of the goverment by the time he left office.

Eisenhower even warned us of this 'Secret Government' in his last speech as President to the people.
Video Link:
Text Link:

Even JFK tried to 'warn us' in his speech to the American People.
His 'Secret Societies Speech'.
Video Link:
Text Link:

When you start adding up all the dots it becomes quite clear that 'something' has been going on.
I firmly believe JFK was mudered for a variety of 'reasons'.
1) He was going to put us back on the Gold Standard and get rid of the Federal Reserve.
2) He was going to seriously dismantle the CIA.
3) He was going to reveal as much as possible our 'knowledge' of UFOs, ET, Etc.
4) He was going to pull out of Veit Nam.
The PTB (Powers that Be) were horrified at this and could not let him continue.
Kennedy was out of the loop on the Alien Question as was Eisenhower was by the time his term was over.
The PTB do not like Elected Officials.  Most people do not realize that even the President of the United States does not have Top Clearance.
'They' say he does not have the 'Need to Know'.
Remember the movie Independance Day? Even in the movies we see slivers of truth. That President did not have the 'Need to Know' about Area 51.
I know what people say about that. " That was a MOVIE...not REAL LIFE".
Well, that is how 'Plausible Deniability' is done. Simple as that.

We 'see' some truths in Movies and TV shows all the time. They are conditioning us for what is coming down the road.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Ronald Reagen has be known to have said "you do not know how close to the truth that movie really is..."
Where is the Truth in that? Serpo. And even Serpo is full of DIS-Information.
Link: (It is a LONG read)
I personally enjoy the release number 29e.  It is about what the Universe IS!
Close Encounters of the Third Kind was based on Serpo.

Another Movie/book: Contact.
Once again 'truth' is being 'shown' to us.

I just finished watching all 10 seasons of Stargate SG1.
WOW...that is full of little bits of truth wrapped up in it.
They even have an episode about a TV show about their Stargate program. ( A TV show with in a TV show?)
In that episode they use the term Plausible Deniability. They use that to 'cover' there 'real' Stargate program in the show.

Well, that is about it. Except I do believe we have a 'chance' to evolve soon. 2012? I don't know.
However, I do believe we have a chance to evolve into 4th dimensional beings that can live in both the 3rd and 4th dimensions at the same time.

I will leave you with this link. It is one of my favorites.  Bob Dean.
For those that cannot download and view videos there is a Transcript of all three videos at the bottom of the page.
Project Camelot does that for almost all of their videos.  They understand that not everyone can view videos due to Dial Up.

Did this help you? Did I answer any of your questions? Let me know.
PM me if you want....

EDIT: Here is another link.  It has been shared here before. I believe it 'works' in conjuction with the Alien Question quite well.
It is Afterlife 101. It also has an Afterlife 102 addition.
I firmly believe it is TIME to merge our thoughts into one.
Enough of this group over there and that group over here staying separated.
Spiritual & Ufology should now start working together if we are going to answer any of our questions.
It is all about the Questions more so then the Answers anyways. The Correct Questions will reveal the Correct Answers.

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