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Love (Read 1974 times)
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Choose this Day

Posts: 5249
Gender: female
Jun 18th, 2008 at 2:38pm


Love is consistently supportive of other, while maintaining consistent support of self within the same now moment.

Therefore love is equanimity in full blossom.

Love is larger than life and can cause deeds of heroism spontaneously.


Love does not put itself down in false humility, neither does love elevate itself over any brother or sister.

Love does not allow others to walk without invitation on itself as it cannot put itself down, but only before God can it be prostrated and humbled. Love commands respect without speaking a single word.

Love neither boasts, neither does it admit defeat. It is steady as a rock but as nimble as a willow tree bends.

Love is not gained, is not possessible, it just is being.

Love has purpose in your life, but no objective.
Love does not tell others what to do, who to see, what to read or how they should act; because in Love’s presence the other already knows that this love is in them the same. And this is oneness which is not separation, which is not division, nor subtraction. It is multiplication factor and addition factor. Love is a principle, united with emotional quality.

These words are simply adjectives and nouns and verbs; Love to be known, must become an experience. This is why we live and breath; to know thyself.

Love does not need to resist evil. Evil is repelled by Love instinctively as what is opposite to Love, recognizes the unreliableness of untruth. Evil spits in the wind.

Only what is true can approach love’s embrace and live.

Love does not believe in victims. Love believes in itself. Love believes in an exacting justice which rests in God’s hands, in God’s all knowingness; this is why love can be patient because it is solid faith.

Love is making happy where love goes. It is free to express happy at last, where it had been bound before.

The truth sets you free.

Love can be hidden in others. The mind must be trained to be able to view this hidden facet in all. You must first desire to see love, before it can be shown.
Love can be seen in the eyes. The strength of love can be like a magnet pulling love from the eyes of what is appearing as other, yet who is you the same, in oneness.
Vision is then part of Love’s function while becoming awake to who and what you are.

Although love must be experienced, one can prepare for it to come, through the mental body by what one believes and purveying what one does not believe. One becomes then an initiate of the heart path and is being prepared for Love’s entrance.

All acts of love are maximal. Love is not a little bit pregnant. Love IS pregnant.

Love does not live in linear time. It lives in eternity. It is your essence and you but seek this.

Love must be remembered constantly in the beginning until it becomes automatic to the mind which would receive it.

Love is God. God does not wish to see his children suffer. Love speaks for God to say give me your burden, your woe for I alone know what to do with it.

Love shares for that is it’s nature. The kingdom of God is increased this way. The human passing here must of necessity seek to add unto itself, yet not be satisfied with it’s spoils.
When love comes in the prepared heart, it is known you have everything you need, for peace has come and love has been revealed as the truth of your being.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Love
Reply #1 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 10:50am
Love is real, real is love
Love is feeling, feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved

Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
We can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needing to be loved

(John Lennon)
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 119
Re: Love
Reply #2 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 11:14am
Hi Alysia,

Hope all are well, and happy 4th to USA people.  Smiley

Thank you for this good and essential topic.  
Here is my offering:

One example from hundreds at the above link:
990.  LOVE

Lord, what is animal love?

Animal love is a brute instinct.

Lord, what is human love?

Human love is a striking disappointment.

Lord, what is divine Love?

Divine Love is an illumining Experience.

Lord, what is Transcendental Love?

Ah, that is My Love.

Transcendental Love Is

My fulfilled Universal Oneness.

- Excerpt from The Dance Of Life, Part 20 by Sri Chinmoy.

- u

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"What the soul sees and has experienced, that it knows; the rest is appearance, prejudice and opinion."
   - Sri Aurobindo
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Choose this Day

Posts: 5249
Gender: female
Re: Love
Reply #3 - Jul 4th, 2008 at 4:51pm
thanks Blink and Ultra.  I have one more thought: when we are in love with our partner, we think it will always be that way, because we think that we can take them for granted, when really, relationships is where we develop ourselves into a higher state of loving by being willing to communicate, hiding nothing from other.
communication is best done by talking; behavior is communication, but behavior takes longer to understand. Talking is harder but honesty often reveals that there is no real problem there after all.
but both have to be willing to be talking.

so i see relationship as more of a proving grounds for love to happen, but not love itself, rather an attraction at first.

I am remembering my life is all I'm doing.  I'm thinking of a tune Blink, it's lyrics are "when we don't talk, how can I make you see, it matters to me."

relating to Ultra's poem "human love is disappointing." It's only that way if the two are focusing in different directions instead of on the relationship itself.
then one says "I want this" the other says but I want this, but the question is what do they have in common that they both want? A place to start.

In this respect if you see two in love, past the honeymoon, it's a miracle and you want to make sure you interview them, if possible.  Smiley

When a person develops their self to examine all fears, fear based thoughts, love is able to stay longer in that house, until it becomes permanent guest.
because fear cannot live with love, they are incompatible house guests. fear is like shadows, and love like sunlight.
when 2 people can talk about fears, they can talk each other out of the fears and make love a real possibility.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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