Hi my sweety Alysia!!!
that is 6:00 PM for those of us on the east coast. I ran to my computer two Sundays in a row, but I missed everyone! This first time I thougt about it was at 7:00 PM and last week at 6:30 PM. I would be great to get together --- send the word out to our TMI friends--- and choose a topic for the afternoon discussion. Years ago I belond to a chat on AOL for psychics and I had a blast. Our monitor was always rotated from week to week. It was something like the Phone Psychics and friends on line chat.
Then, of course, there were the frauds who would log on and the monitors had to devote the on line time to them, trying to decifer if what they were "experiencing" and sharing was the truth or fraud. After my husband and I changed to DSL and now fiber cable, we dropped AOL and I lost the chat room. I am happy to have Bruce's blog, but desire a lively chat once again. Love and light-- Carol Ann