Hello everyone!
There is no place, dedicated for the new members introduction here, so I chose Off Topic forum for this since ther is no topic in my post, really...
So, here I am
I'm trying to get some answers (well, might be not possible... though) on the most important I'd say the ultimate question: Why we (human beings) are here? What is the purpose of our existance? What happens to us after death? I realize that probably, billions of people before me looked for the answer and didn't find one, but still...
On my mind there MUST be something else other then just phisical existance (like eating, sleeping, s*****g...my apologies...etc.) with the pile of rotting flesh at the end. Otherwise our existance absolutely pointless and doesn't make any sence...
I'm familiar with Deepak Chopra, David Wilcock concepts. I found some information on the web, of course...
and still, I'd say I am more skeptic then a believer in all about afterlife. Materialistic theory sits so deep in my mind, it's really hard to cross the edge and accept something totally differend without a proof.
Well, I'll be asking questions mostly, and I'd like to apologize in advance if some of my posts may look offencive for someone. I have absolutely no inclination or desire to offence anyone or anyone's beliefs on this board. Just looking for some answers... that's it.
I found some interesting info here of course, however I have to admit some posts look like the author been doing some
weird stuff, you know...
Well, looking forward to talking with you all
Best Regards,