Alysia thanks so much
Hmmm, so in NDEs when people have described how they have seen loved ones then it would stand to reason that they are there with the dying to help them transition.
yes, this deduction is correct and there are many many classical tales that this is so, that we are not deserted by our family members and do reunite. they monitor us when it's time for us to pass over.
Would those who have died unexpectedly in accidents or perhaps at the hands of another be more apt to become stuck?
you are so quick! lol. yes, accidents are one chosen way to exit the Planet. both people plan the accident as I have seen this planning station while out of body due to one time I was about ready to avoid an accident on the highway and I was learning how to get around it. but yes, people are more apt to be stuck with a type of "where am I?" type of awareness and thats where a retriever would help.
The nonphysical guides, are they the spirits of people who have died or are they something different.
They can be beings who have had an Earth life before, and they can also be beings who have never had an Earth life but who have a high enough vibratory rate they can assist others.
Of course I'm not talking about the passed loved ones but the ones who "work these areas ceaselessly to assist the sleepers".
my grandmother is now one of the helpers on the other side. She became my mothers messenger, helping her to do a life review, in preparation for mother's transition. She had a lot of PUL. When mother was feeling guilty about something she had done, Nanny would help her with it and tell her about the good things she had done, make her feel better. A lot of us work these areas upon transition and there are training places set up. The only credential to begin is compassion.
At what level is this done by physical retrievers? Is it a form of astral projection? From the little I have had a chance to read so far, it seems that it is done when you go to bed.
In the beginning I was in rem sleep. Now you can set an intention to do one and do what we call phasing. to do phasing, you relax your body but not necessarily go to sleep; you shift your attention by thinking of doing a retrieval. Other times, a lucid dream can turn into a retrieval or OBE. Bruce has some excellent books here to read of his journey, where he bypassed the need to go obe and started the superior method of phasing. Bruce Moen is the administrator here. he has 5 books out. his books explain setting an intention.
Do you follow certain steps to "launch" into an OBE?
Not anymore, but I know there's certain methods you can learn if the traditional obe is desired.
I have a book that is supposed to teach that but I haven't had a chance to devote a lot of time to trying it out yet. And frankly, I'm kind of scared about trying it. I'm afraid I might not succeed on one and and afraid I might on the other.
lol! Check out Dude's thread on the Afterlife section. He has a journal on going Obe, he would be glad to talk with you about Obe methods.
What is the significance of the "focus" numbers? Is there a reason those particular numbers were chosen?
It's a general guideline I think. A way for us to communicate with one another about which level we thought we were in, by the similar definitions of that particular place.
And what about animal spirits or guides? Do they ever help the stuck souls to find their way? Do they ever greet their special person at the time of death?
I've read a number of stories about animals being there to greet owners. they do have souls and they also evolve.
Is the poem, "Rainbow Bridge" a very accurate description of how it is for animals? Of course I know you haven't been "there" yet. I don't expect you or anybody to have all the answers but these are just questions I have. Anyone's input is welcome.
Im not familar with Rainbow Bridge, but I've met my animals in OBE, and so has my daughter.
In your experience that you described, you did mention that your daughter drove up. I took that to be your "real" daughter, not Cami.
heres where I can help a little to explain focus levels. When I retrieved Cami, it was no doubt focus 23, where I would also call lower astral sometimes. then after the retrieval I phased into focus 15, where the future is seen, we can say, certain probabilities to manifest will show up. thanks for bringing that up, because at the time of the retrieval I had not made it clear why my daughter drove up and why she was in this experience. As it turns out, the retrieval had been accomplished satisfactorily, and it seemed I was being given a special treat to drift over to focus 15 and then I saw my daughter drive up.
What happened is in reality, much time later, she did drive up, we were moving out of town together and I had not even known that I was getting ready to move. I had planned to live out my life on this farm, but plans change! so the point is, that focus levels are very fluid things.
And if so, when you talk to her in a fully awake state does she have the same memories that you do?
not necessarily, but they both have glimpsed that we three were together in another life.
For instance would she say that yes, she experienced driving up to you?
No, we usually don't have the same memories. I think the images were impressed only for my viewing the future. On the other hand, there was a period when in every dream or obe I had, I sensed my daughter's invisible presence joining me. as in observing my doings. learning something I think.
When you said she said she had been your mother at one time reminded how when my son was about 4 or 5 and I was tucking him into bed one night he mentioned something about when he was my mother. It blew me away!
I've heard that out of the mouths of babes...they are so close to spirit then..soon enough they become involved in their life and forget all about what went before, as it should be I suppose..think how confused he'd be if while you mothered him, he wanted to mother you? haha! I always had a feeling that this was my first mother experience ever..there were times they let me know, they could do a much better job of it than me!
See, I told you you might be opening a can of worms!
ah yes those wiggly worms...
dont worry Michele, I'm basically a professional blogger nowdays and would rather talk about this stuff with you than any of the other forums I blog on.
would like to see you progress in the area of your choice and post here again! love, alysis
anytime Michele, I assure you, I get more out of answering people and posting than I can describe.