I went to a funeral lately in which the mother was honored by her son doing something extremely silly. You see, she had an undeniable sense of humor about everything. All of us were gathered at the graveside before the coffin as the handsome, successful-looking son stood up to speak.
When he pulled out a large pair of floppy, grayish men's underwear from his suit jacket and wiped a tear from his eyes, I knew that this was a very different kind of funeral....
You see, his mother was the kind of person who was so involved, so In Love with Life, that she was an incredible listener, an incredible talker, and she might distractedly grab something from a pile of laundry if she was overcome by emotion while Being There....
It is the little things that we think are so unimportant....that can make us smile. I didn't know this woman, but now I know a little bit more, and I like it.