Greetings Jetman,
Your dreams are so rich in props and events that they're pretty overwhelming to an outsider (anyone but you.
I don't know how to separate the personal symbols from the archetypes, so I'm of little help. Perhaps you could make some progress on this by listing the objects and then adding notes as to what they mean to you.
i do notice a pattern that we talked about before---that your dream starts out with much reason for hope and wellbeing but later parts bring more fearful images into play.
The dream begins from its own energy in I think a purer form/ truer message. but as you interact with it, you bring in the fear that was'nt there before---or so it seems to me.
Would you say that you've brought fear into living situations that perhaps held no threat? Maybe that's a pattern it's trying to show you and get you to give up on.
What would happen if you met the first fearful image in your dream with PUL? For example, when you saw a guy in a uniform, rather than thinking he's a guard, immediately think his uniform is for some peaceful task, like doorman or guide, and see if you can affect the dream that way. ("Lucid dreaming.") It's
your consciousness doing the dreaming so
you should be able to control it, right? (It may take some practice tho.)
best wishes, Bets