hate to be tooting my horn; but we talk about guides here, and in the old days we called them angels when they inspire us.
I looked in the dictionary for definition of angel. In one reference, angels are simply messengers.
In that reference, we all at one time or another in our lives, bring forth a message for another.
well last night I'll call her a guide with a message came to me and said "your book is going to be great!"
I felt like we were old friends although I can't place her in memory. and I replied which part of the book are you on? she laughed and said "I have a photographic memory" I read the whole thing at a single glance.
this means to me she's on the other side if she can read a book without turning the pages.
at any rate, I was glad to get the message because lol, quite the opposite is the appearance of things, as concerning the book. I released it to spirit's hands from the very beginning. that means I'm not in charge of where it goes, or what it does. the kid has run away from home!