Junior Member
Posts: 63
George, I think we all know this war's about a thing called peak oil,as for winning well thats not important in-fact I'd say thats the lest of there concerns, so all know its about OIL!! and there will only be one outcome, that being there's going to be no end. As for the destruction of the USA and Canada, I think you'll find that nature has more of a hand to play than any economic situation. We all have to focus during this time on loving the planet and sending her love its then that you will know before hand where is safest. I have already been informed from one of my guides that the city I now reside within is going to have a tsunami, at first I was driven to panic but as time has past I'm no longer frightened as I know I will be fine. I have told as many people as possible to be prepared for this to happen as the knowledge will soften the blow of the event.