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:) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata (Read 13835 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Re: :) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata
Reply #15 - Feb 27th, 2008 at 5:02pm
  Hi Juditha, this is probably something best to talk about via p.m.   If you want or need to talk about it, feel free to p.m. me.   

With PUL,
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Re: :) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata
Reply #16 - Feb 27th, 2008 at 6:50pm
With the recognition, Juditha, that what is "private" does not always stay private on this site, I respectfully suggest that you be cautious regarding to whom and how you give your energy to others, especially because of what you have been through lately. I generally believe it is best to let by-gones be by-gones. I have learned my lessons the hard way.

love, blink
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Re: :) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata
Reply #17 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 9:20am
...and, if "anyone" thought that the above statement was intended to them "personally," well, I just wouldn't do that.

...and, if "anyone" thought that the above statement was an "invitation" to have a "he said, she said" gab fest on the private message boards, well, no, that really isn't what I meant....


I was just telling Juditha to take it easy. She's been quite "psychic" lately, and I know that it takes a lot of energy. Each of us has a choice about how to use this precious energy.

love, blink
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: :) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata
Reply #18 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 9:35am
...and, if "anyone" thought that the above statement was intended to them "personally," well, I just wouldn't do that.

...and, if "anyone" thought that the above statement was an "invitation" to have a "he said, she said" gab fest on the private message boards, well, no, that really isn't what I meant....


I was just telling Juditha to take it easy. She's been quite "psychic" lately, and I know that it takes a lot of energy. Each of us has a choice about how to use this precious energy.

love, blink


  Alright, i will try to be open to that explanation.  Thanks for that.   But i also know what you see, isn't always what you get, if you know what i mean.  Particularly with strongly Lunar types.

  You could have easily told Juditha your loving advice via p.m., or not tell her right after someone on the same thread said to her specifically that if they felt like it, they could p.m. them.   

  Gee, i wonder why anybody would think it's personally or individually directed whatsoever? Roll Eyes Undecided    I more than fully realize that it wasn't just about one person, but at the same time i doubt certain individuals names didn't float across the mind's or heart's eyes at all. 

   And why you felt the need to share that last reply and all that info in same on the public board, i don't know?  Why even respond at all to "someones"  Roll Eyes p.m. at all, if you're just going to address the issues that they brought up, on the public board? 

  Oh no, now "they" know it was me, how mortifying for them to know that i'm human and i get angry or upset sometimes!!!   Shocked Wink    At least i'm sincere and honest about how i really feel and think and don't give others fake smiles and handshakes while i'm thinking or feeling negatively to or about them.
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Re: :) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata
Reply #19 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 11:26am
why, why, why

Because I want you to see how silly it all is....and how each of our perceptions depend on what "I" and "you" mean(s).

It's nothing personal. The job is done.

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Re: :) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata
Reply #20 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 1:43pm
Yep it sure is silly.  Surely we must have better use of our time than to indulge in such childish controversies.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: :) Deteriorata vs. Desiderata
Reply #21 - Feb 28th, 2008 at 3:44pm
  Yes, Roger, i suppose a persons subjective feelings are kind of silly.  It's probably even more silly for a person to talk about their feelings.    Such is the human condition. 

  I use to be one of those rather common males who would try to pretend that he didn't have feelings, that they weren't "important" at all or that i was beyond them, so i would repress that side of me and not communicate much at all about my real feelings.   Often that meant holding the feelings in, and instead of helping, rather they tended to stew, fester, and go deeper into the unconscious, until they would either explode out in a very extreme way very occasionally, or lead to other manifestations of such inner poisons (like ill health for example). 

  On my spiritual path, i realized that my Heart and Throat centers had major blockages.  I realized for me, that was not the way to effectively deal with feelings that before seemed nothing but inconvenient, and that i needed to learn how to talk about or express them, even the unpleasant feelings like sadness, anger, frustration, insecurity, etc.

   This is not always easy to do, especially for a man, because we live in a largely left brain and male dominated society, and men are supposed to be...well "men".   We're taught to not have feelings and that these are a sign of weakness and above all, don't talk about them whatever you do.

  All i can say, is that i'm a much happier person and more consistently so, now that i do express and communicate about my feelings, whether i feel others will look down upon me or not.  Whereas i use to silently hold grudges and resent a lot more when younger, now i rarely do.   Occasionally i will get angry, upset, or frustrated with something, but usually i feel it, recognize it and express it out, and it soon passes.

  Hopefully i will eventually learn how to shift any and all negative feelings into positive and loving ones from the get go, but until then i won't pretend that i'm beyond them like i use too.   

  I've met some people in the spiritual world (particularly some men), whom it seemed that they had such a deeper, overwhelming need to think of themselves and have others think of them as spiritually advanced, that they repress and suppress so much, ever blocking the heart more and more that they become way too over intellectual even though they may have spiritual beliefs and knowledge.   Btw i'm not addressing you in the above. 

  I don't want to develop those kind of tendencies, and so i express and then try to let go (or rather redirect it) but i don't repress or suppress.   I use to expect and demand perfection from myself, and now i realize that hey, i'm 28 years old and i shouldn't expect to be fully ascended, that i need to cut myself some slack.    Dunno, this is probably all silly to you, but its not to me and i don't have a need to be viewed as mature, wise, loving, etc.   I'm just trying to authentically be me.   

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