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Of school shootings, and genetic defectives... (Read 14155 times)
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Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Feb 14th, 2008 at 9:37pm
YET ANOTHER school shooting (well, university shooting, at Northern Illinois University that is) but I'll bet you dollars-to-doughnuts it was a kid who had the recent experience of being a socially-outcasted, picked-on nerd (just like that little Korean national psycho-geek at Virginia Tech last year.)
What makes these kids social rejects? Most likely, "de novo"
(not inherited, but spontaneous) mutations either in themselves,
or inherited from their parents. In the case of Virginia Tech, the shooter was the proud bearer of full-blown schizophrenia.
Thanks to our modern society in which it is easy to get food due to a
massive agricultural surplus, people who would have died young
by starvation or being killed by their parents/fellow villagers are now
surviving - and in some cases, reproducing. Also, laws protect these misfits, which is how we get more and more of them every generation. Why are they socially rejected? Because there is SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM (unlike what the "self-esteem" gurus say) and the "bullies"
are simply acting as GENETIC POLICEMEN by marginalizing them.
What is/are these defect(s), you ask? Likely mutations affecting their
SOCIAL INSTINCT - the core of our humanity! The genes controlling this are likely so exquisitely tuned, that even the most minor mutations of  can send them of whack (the mutations associated with nearsightedness might be involved here, as well as obesity and non-athleticism.)
Wahtever the cause, these misfits - protected by society's laws and kept alive by its food surpluses and medical technology, have time to develop enough frustration and rage that when we're lucky, they off themselves and when we are UNLUCKY - they go on a violent rampage.
Maybe we need specialists to identify bullied/marginalized kids early
on, and send somebody to give them a painless injection. This will
accomplish 3 things... the misfit's suffering is ended, the danger he/she
poses to society is ameliorated (not to mention the removal of bad
genes from the gene pool) AND the normal kids don't learn that torturing others is fun, thus perhaps  improving the collective "moral quotient" of society over time. (Without easy victims providing cheap-and-easy victories, bullying becomes an activity with LOTS of better alternatives!)
And the problem REALLY DOES lie with the "victims" and not the "bullies." After all, the bullies are almost ALWAYS normal and healthy... but chronic victims AREN'T. (Who's got the problem here?)
Perhaps this is the answer to school shootings? After all, psychotherapy
doesn't work, drugs just make the affected kids even worse, and we are many thousands of years away from therapeutic genetic engineering. Contrary to what the "self-esteem movement" has to say, these kids really ARE defective, and really DO have something wrong with them! (REALLY! Otherwise, why would normal, healthy kids reject them?) Meanwhile, could it be that our collective gene pool is being destroyed by what we mistake for "compassion" and being "civilized"?
I believe it behooves us to answer this question..!

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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #1 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 9:46pm
Hey, B-man, wassup? Long time no hear!

I can't help but notice that your post is not quite as relevant to the afterlife as some others on this site.  So let me politely correct that problem with a softball question: Brendan, do you think these "genetic defectives" go to a spiritual plane that is the equivalent of an asylum?  Or are they snuffed out (annihilated) like an oversmoked cigar?   What do YOU think SHOULD happen to  them after their suicide?

Yours in the sweet incense of the prayers of the saints,
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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #2 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 9:56pm
[quote author=Berserk2 link=1203039474/0#1 date=1203039999]Hey, B-man, wassup? Long time no hear!

I can't help but notice that your post is not quite as relevant to the afterlife as some others on this site.  So let me politely correct that problem with a softball question: Brendan, do you think these "genetic defectives" go to a spiritual plane that is the equivalent of an asylum?  Or are they snuffed out (annihilated) like an oversmoked cigar?   What do YOU think SHOULD happen to  them after their suicide?

Yours in the sweet incense of the prayers of the saints,
I say give them the choice of reincarnation (get the genetics RIGHT
the next time around) or oblivion. (That's what I'd want if I were in
their shoes. Imagine what it would be like to be a misfit FOREVER...
which is what they'd be under the no reincarnation/unconditional
immortality regime of Western religions!)

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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #3 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 10:41pm
Oh yeah... this should be in the Off-Topic section......

But I want to say that "IF" kids weren't able to get they're hands on guns we wouldn't have these mass killings.

I'd like to see an emotional kid go crazy and have to kill people using a blade. Yeah, not going to happen.

It is so easy to pull a trigger.....

I am not saying we need to get rid of guns or anything. Just stating the obvious facts.

Wussy kids use guns.
Real kids use machete's
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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #4 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 10:56pm
Oh, yes, Terethian, machetes are fun. So are stun guns. So are pistols that go off by accident. So are blah blah blah blah....

Ooops. I forgot. It's our right to own.........


love, blink Smiley
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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #5 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 11:08pm

You actually pose an important dilemma. On the one hand, what is the relationship between genetic defects and character development? On the other hand, how does our spiritual postmortem body affect the flawed and limited character we developed on earth because of our genetic defects?  The latter question raises others. The "higher self" is presumably unaffected by genetics.  Do we need to posit a higher self to explain how we elude the mentally crippling affects of certain genetic disabilities?   Or are genetically induced character flaws quickly removed by the shift in self-focus to a spiritual body? Of course, one immediately thinks of the relevant role for spirit hospitals commonly reported in Focus 27.  

The relevance of genetically induced character flaws raises a more basic question.  How, if at all, does a spiritual body affect anyone's personality, character, and mental capabilities?  Most of us imagine that we would do whatever it takes to reassure our earthly family after our passing.  But so many families hear nothing from their deceased loved ones.  We have often speculated about possible reasons for this: e. g. an inability to communicate from one's current spirit plane; unharmonious vibrational compatibility; fear of contact due to the danger of spirit impersonation.  But perhaps this postmortem failure to communicate is due to a fundamental change in character and priorities created by the replacement of physical genetics with the unique concerns prompted by a spiritual body or at least a body of a certain type on certain spirit levels.  

I have recounted my experience of praying for Russ whose mother was dying in the last stages of Alzheimer's Disease.  Right before her passing, she became totally lucid and rational for 45 minutes as mother and son reconciled after a lifetime of alienation.  I'd like to believe that her newfound lucidity and "restored intelligence" was facilitated not only by my prayers, but also by her developing detachment from her physical body.

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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #6 - Feb 14th, 2008 at 11:27pm
[quote author=Terethian link=1203039474/0#3 date=1203043269]Oh yeah... this should be in the Off-Topic section......

But I want to say that "IF" kids weren't able to get they're hands on guns we wouldn't have these mass killings.

I'd like to see an emotional kid go crazy and have to kill people using a blade. Yeah, not going to happen.

It is so easy to pull a trigger.....

I am not saying we need to get rid of guns or anything. Just stating the obvious facts.

Wussy kids use guns.
Real kids use machete's

And the real BADA$$ES, use bombs.
And if you s**t, you can use it to make a
bomb (if you know a bit about making
ammonium nitrate from manure.)
So maybe we need to outlaw anuses, or
I think that outlawing inanimate objects
(guns/machetes/what have you) won't work.
We need to identify and deal with the PEOPLE
predisposed to commit such acts (if we want the acts to
stop, that is.)

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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #7 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 1:29am
I am tempted to go out and kill some people using very basic methods simply to prove your posting wrong.

Wow... human nature at it's finest.

The point to that load of crap above that I just typed is you cannot stop humans from killing humans.

Better you try to stop the sun from rising.

(This topic really REALLY has nothing to do with the afterlife and should NOT be here at all. It's driving me bonkers.... Should have worded it different if you wanted the topic to stay here... someone is gonna get Bruce to move it.)
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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #8 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 3:04am
[quote author=Terethian link=1203039474/0#7 date=1203053398]I am tempted to go out and kill some people using very basic methods simply to prove your posting wrong.

Wow... human nature at it's finest.

The point to that load of crap above that I just typed is you cannot stop humans from killing humans.

Better you try to stop the sun from rising.

(This topic really REALLY has nothing to do with the afterlife and should NOT be here at all. It's driving me bonkers.... Should have worded it different if you wanted the topic to stay here... someone is gonna get Bruce to move it.)
Won't be the first time I got a post bumped/moved...
But what the hey, it lasted long enough to get noticed.
I guess that makes it a success, for what it's worth.
Anyway - in a way, my post has to do with spirituality. (Might
people be more inclined to treat each other better,
if they didn't get any practice in being bullies - because
the easy torture targets were removed from the population at
an early age? Might society be less violent then?
Might this lead to more people getting
a better afterlife..? *There you have it!*)

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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #9 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 11:23am
This is an important topic, although at first blush it seems like B-man's typical antibully, life's a b$@^ rant.   First of all, I am not aware of any medical study showing the ability of genetics to absolutely dictate the free will of any human being.  It is true that certain genes may have an effect on: intelligence, anger/rage, depression - but the person is not dictated to in an absolute fashion.  Indeed, I hate the excuse "my father was depressed/an alcoholic/etc, so what chance did I have?"  

Life is about using our free will wisely.  From an early age, kids are shown the laws of cause and effect; reward or punishment; praise or disdain.   Essentially, they know good/right behaviour from bad.  Some will choose to act in a negative manner despite these laws of society/karma/heaven.  However, let's get one thing clear - the choice is theirs.

Did the soul choose the parents, the gene pool, etc.?  Or did like attract like and was that gene pool the only one they could have been born into?

I firmly believe that we see evidence of a person's spiritual nature/soul from the time they are born.  I have seen it in my now five year old wonderful son.  Certain actions, tendencies, etc. that no one could have taught him.  I no longer believe in tabula rasa (the idea that we are all blank slates coming out of the womb).  

So there are several issues to discuss.  It is clear from scientific surveys that genetics gives predispositions toward behaviour, without acting with absoulte certainty.  Free will is still in play.

Do we choose our families, as some new age reincarnationists postulate?  Are we limited in our genetics depending on our spiritual development (in other words, does our spirit only find an incarnation in an earth family with certain genetics tuned to our current spirituality)?

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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #10 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 1:29pm
You are all starting to sound like a bunch of Nazi's. Killing people because they have genetic differences from you. Next you will be saying that the crippled should also be killed off. My stomach is in knots over these posts. It really shows how you think. An you Berserk2, don't you call yourself a man of God? Yet I hear no defence for the week . No offer of love or forgiveness. Are there no posting restrictions regarding hate and the desire to openly say you want to kill other people. I am sickened! My consideration is to vacate the board. I feel no desire to be part of this sort of behavior nor the transmission of this hate out to other who come here to learn or ask question of/about the afterlife, etc. Not this verbal diarrhea. Lets talk about the killings at the schools. Cause and effect. No problem but injections to kill them off as kids...Moderator please.
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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #11 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 1:34pm
Hi Hawkeye,

Don't take it too seriously. B-man/Fubar is very much against bullying and his posts have shown that despite his sarcasm, he is not in favor of violence.  Terethian made some jokes with a dark slant - neither of these guys wanted to really put forth a killing agenda - just trying to vent after the shootings and some dark sarcastic joking slipped out.

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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #12 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 1:36pm
This shooter was a "revered" member of the body of that university and a campus leader in the area of criminal justice.  He was a "good" person.

He went off of his medication.

He was mentally ill because he went off his medication.

He had a license to own firearms.

You do the math.

love, blink
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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #13 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 1:43pm
M, It seams like hate of a sort. Having a crippled mother, and a nephew who has ADD, the post are at least to me, somewhat offensive. Perhaps if they had said Jews or Blacks, Arabs. Would that have made a difference? No problem Matthew, it was my buttons that were pushed.
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Re: Of school shootings, and genetic defectives...
Reply #14 - Feb 15th, 2008 at 1:50pm
Hi Joe,

I'm not sure if we choose our families or diseases pre-birth.  I tend to think that would be too much to plan.  How we express love under the hard knocks of the earth school is what matters most.  I see patients who bear their diseases nobly, who are upbeat, creative, loving and functional.  I also see patients who are bitter, angry and resentful.  Its a mixed picture.  I've always thought that those who manage to manifest love under the most trying of life's burdens are very special/blessed indeed.

I wouldn't condone negative comments against any individual, disease or ethnic group.  B-man's rant is more a sign of his anger and being upset at the school shooting than anything else, if you get past the sarcasm.

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