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The Day After Roswell by Philip J Corso (Read 1337 times)
Old Dood
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The Day After Roswell by Philip J Corso
Feb 8th, 2008 at 9:16pm
Excerpts from "The Day After Roswell" by Col Philip J. Corso
(This is just to bring up some important parts/info.
To show some of you how things like this can become/remain so 'secret' for so many years)
PDF file


From Chapter 6:

The Strategy there is an old story I once heard about keeping secrets. A group of men were trying to protect
their deepest secrets from the rest of the world. They took their secrets and hid them in a shack whose very
location was a secret. But the secret location was soon discovered and in it was discovered the secrets that the
group was hiding. But before every secret could be revealed, the men quickly built a second shack where they
stored those secrets they still kept to themselves. Soon, the second shack was discovered and the group realized
they would have to give up some secrets to protect the rest. So they again moved quickly to build a third shack
and protect whatever secrets they could. This process repeated itself over and over until anyone wanting to find
out what the secrets were had to start at the first shack and work their way from shack to shack until they came
to where they could go no further because they didn't know the location of the next shack. For fifty years this was
the very process by which the secrets of Roswell were protected by various serial incarnations of an ad hoc
confederation of top-secret working groups throughout different branches of the government, and it is still going
on today.

Were you to search through every government document to find the declassified secrets of Roswell and the
contact we maintained with the aliens who were visiting us before and have been doing so ever since, you
would find code named project after code named project, each with its own file, security classification, military
or government administration, oversight mechanism, some form of budget, and even reports of highly classified
documents. All of these projects were started to accomplish part of the same task: manage our ongoing
relationship with the alien visitors we discovered at Roswell. However, at each level, once the security had been
breached for whatever reason -even by design - part of the secret was disclosed through declassification while
the rest was dragged into a new classified project or moved to an existing one that had not been compromised.

It makes perfect sense, especially to those of us who understand that the government is not some monolithic
piece of granite that never moves or reacts. To those of us inside the military/government machine the
government is dynamic, highly reactive, and even proactive when it comes to devising ways to protect its most
closely held secrets. For all the years after Roswell we weren't just one step ahead of people wanting to know
what really happened, we were a hundred steps ahead, a thousand, or even more. In fact, we never hid the
truth from anybody, we just camouflaged it. It was always there, people just didn't know what to look for or
recognize it for what it was when they found it. And they found it over and over again.

This is a very fascinating read. No punches being held back.
This was thought of as even more Top Secret then the Manhatten Project.
Their thinking was at the time since the Soviets were infiltrating just about all aspects of our government back then that they had to "hide this from themselves".
It was the only way to keep it out of their hands. Actually that was good thinking.
We were just finding out about how 'advanced' Germany really was in the war.
Our government was worried at how much the Russians knew. And visa-versa.
(They were not very far away from launching their 'Super Weapons' upon the USA.
That was what the Battle of the Bulge was about. To split our forces then release their weapons.
As we all know they had jets that were faster then our P51 Mustangs.
They also has 'Super Submarines' as well.)
They 'planned' on Disclosure but, were putting it off until they felt the public could 'handle it'.
The radio drama 'The War of the Worlds' was only a decade behind (1939) them and they were afraid of mass panic.

Like I said that this 'On-Line' book is worth the read.
I am only a few chapters in myself.
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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
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Re: The Day After Roswell by Philip J Corso
Reply #1 - Feb 9th, 2008 at 11:40am
More Excerpts from "The Day After Roswell" by Philip J Corso

Lasers from Chapter 13:

But it wasn't the Soviets who were going after our cattle. In fact the Soviet strategy for destabilizing the United
States was so sophisticated that it was only a strategy of playing nuclear chicken with the Soviets that forced

them to back down in the end. It was the EBEs who were experimenting with organ harvesting, possibly for
transplant into other species or for processing into some sort of nutrient package or even to create some sort of
hybrid biological entity. This is what people attached to the working group thought in the 1950s and 1960s, and
even though we had no solid intelligence at the time that we were right, we operated on the assumption that no
one takes an organ just for the sheer pleasure of removing it. Although the first public reports of cattle mutilations
surfaced around 1967 in Colorado, at the White House we were reading about the mutilation stories that had
been kept out of press as far back as the middle 1950s, especially in the area around Colorado. There was
speculation, also, that maybe pharmaceutical companies were responsible because they could utilize the
organs and soft tissues in biological experimentation, but we dismissed that because the companies had their
own farms and could grow anything they wanted. Our intelligence organizations and especially the working
group believed that the cattle mutilations that could not be obviously explained away as pranks, predators, or
ritual slaughter were the results of interventions by extraterrestrials who were harvesting specific organs for
experimentation. So if our cattle were important enough to the EBEs to get them to expose what they were
doing, it was an important thing for us to understand why. The EBEs were nothing if not coldly and clinically
efficient - their methodology reminded us of the Nazis - and they didn't waste time sitting around on the ground
where they were most vulnerable to attack or capture unless they had a darn good reason for doing so.

We didn't know their reasons back in the 1950s and 1960s and can only make educated guesses about them
now, but back then we were driven by a terror that unless we found ways to defend ourselves against the EBEs
we would be corralled by them and used for replacement tissue or as a source of nutrition. In 1997 this may sound
like a nightmare out of a flying saucer horror movie, but in1957 this was our thinking both in the White House and
in the military. We didn't know, but we had irrefutable evidence that EBEs were landing on farms, harvesting vital
organs from livestock, and then just leaving the carcasses on the ground because they knew we couldn't do
anything about it.

The mutilations that interested the National Security personnel seemed to have the same kind of modus
operandi. Whoever went after the animals seemed most interested in the mammary, digestive, and reproductive
organs, especially the uteruses from cows. In many cases the eyes or throats were removed in a type of surgery in
which the demarcation line was almost microscopically thin and the surrounding tissue showed that the incision
had super heated and then blackened as it cooled. But the crime scene and forensic specialists noted that in
any type of cut by a predatory animal or a human - even a skilled surgeon - one would find evidence of some
trauma in the surrounding tissue such as swelling, contusions, or other forms of abrasion. In these reports of
mutilations, forensic examination showed no evidence of collateral trauma or even inflammation. Therefore, they
believed, the cuts to extract the tissue were made so quickly and wounds were sealed so fast that the
surrounding tissue never was destroyed. This meant that whoever was operating on these animals did so in a
matter of minutes. It was rare, therefore, that police would ever catch them in the act. So if we couldn't protect
our livestock or react intelligently to the stories of human abductions, except to debunk them and make the
abductees themselves think they were delusional, we had to find weapons that would put us on a more equal
footing with the EBEs. One of those weapons, which had a wide application potential, was the laser - light
amplification through stimulated energy radiation - the device the army found in the Roswell spacecraft and
would later develop as a weapon in cooperation with Hughes Aircraft.

Shortly after the first successful demonstration of a ruby red laser at Columbia University, the three military
branches realized they had a winner. The following year, the results of the tests at Columbia, the industry interest
in developing laser based products, and the Roswell report on stimulated energy all merged on my desk. Now it
was my turn to get involved and assemble the information to support laser product development with military
funds before the whole operation was turned over to one of the R&D specialists who would take the product
through its next stages. That was the way our backfield worked: I fed the play, made sure the snap got off, and
then faded in behind the blockers. By the time the ball carrier had made his way into the secondary, I was
already off the field. I never got the Heisman Trophy, but I sure as hell moved the ball.

I began by listing the needs of the army for what the laser might be able to accomplish. Based on what the
army analysts reported they saw in the Roswell ship, it seemed to me obvious that if the Roswell laser was a
cutting or surgical tool, the beam could also be utilized as an advanced rapid firing weapon. With a beam so
precise and directed, the laser would also make an excellent range finder and target manager for artillery. If the
beam was capable of instantaneous read ajustment and fed into a computer, it would also be the perfect
targeting system for a tank, especially a tank on the move. Typically, a tank must stop before it can fire because
the gunner needs to have a fixed firing platform from which he calculates range direction, and other
compensating factors. The laser can do all that while the vehicle is moving and should therefore enable a tank to
stay on the move while firing. And if a laser can paint a target from a tank and find the range, I speculated, it can
do the same for a helicopter from air to air and air to ground.

I suggested to General Trudeau that all the research we were conducting into helicopter tactics, especially
into the role of helicopters as infantry support gun and rocket platforms, dove tailed perfectly with the possibilities
of the laser as a range finding mechanism. We could paint friendly troops to locate them, identify our foes, and
illuminate potential targets with light invisible to all but our own gunners. At the same time, our own bombs or
missiles can home in on the laser image we project onto a target, like a heat seeking missile. Once painted, the
target could evade the laser guided rocket or shell only with great difficulty. For a stationary target such as a
fortification or artillery redoubt, a laser guided shell would be particularly devastating because we could take it
out with one or two rounds instead of having to go back again and again to make sure we'd found the target.

As a signal, a laser is so intense, refined, and perfectly stable that it is almost impervious to any kind of
disturbance. For this reason, I wrote General Trudeau, the EBEs must have used an advanced form of a laser for
their communication, and we can, too. The intensity of the beam and its highly refined focus mean that it can be
aimed with minute precision. Amplifying the power to boost the signal should not distort the beam's aim, which
makes it perfect for straight line long distance communication.

Lasers also have high capacities for carrying multiple signals. Therefore, I wrote the general, we can pack a
greater number of transmission bands into a laser signal than we can with our conventional signal carriers. This
meant that we could literally flood a battlefield with different kinds of communication channels, each carrying
different kinds of communication, some not even invented yet, and have them securely carried by laser signals.
For command and control on the increasingly sophisticated electronic battlefield the army was predicting for the
1970s, lasers would become the Signal Corps workhorses.

General Trudeau said that he was also interested in an item from one of the specification reports that other
military observers wrote that said that lasers could also serve as projection devices for large screen displays. Lasers
were so bright that displays could be shown in rooms that didn't have to be darkened. The general saw the
possibility of fully lit situation rooms with large screen displays from satellite radar transmissions. The room would
allow computer operators to see what they were doing at their keyboards while seeing the displays and listening
to the briefing.

I suggested that the army cartography division would be particularly interested in the accuracy of the laser
derived measurements for maps. That same measurement ability would also be able to generate digital data for
ground hugging infantry support helicopters or low flying planes. Aircraft that could stay close to the ground
could avoid enemy radar and stay concealed until the last minute. But unless there was a method for accurately
charting the topography, aircraft could find themselves scraping tree tops or crashing into the side of a hill. If a
laser could accurately transmit topographic features to altitude control and navigational computers on board
attack aircraft, it would keep the aircraft safely above any ground obstacles but close enough to the ground to
remain concealed. This ground hugging capability that I suggested to General Trudeau had been suggested to
me from the analysis reports of UFOs that also had this capability. It was what enabled them to hover close to the
ground and to move rapidly at speeds over a thousand miles an hour at treetop level without hitting anything.
The laser type devices aboard the UFO instantly fed the craft with the topographic features of the landscape and
the craft automatically adjusted to the terrain.

In late 1961, General Trudeau asked me to visit Fort Belvoir again, this time to meet a Dr. Mark Johnston, one of
aeronautical research scientists from Hughes Aircraft. Fort Belvoir was one of the safe houses for the Office of R&D
to conduct meetings in because it was a secure military facility. My comings and goings there on Army R&D
business were completely routine, even to the CIA surveillance teams that would occasionally pick up my car
coming out of the Pentagon, and could be covered in our daily logs with references to the ongoing projects that
served as covers. My meeting with Johnston, for example, was to talk about the Hughes helicopter development
program, not to give him my reports on the laser measuring devices we believed were in the Roswell spacecraft. I
briefed Johnston on what the scientific team from Alamogordo believed was on the spacecraft, asked him not to
talk about it, and suggested that the Hughes team developing the navigational radars for the helicopter project
consider using the newly developed lasers as terrain measuring apparatus and for target acquisition.

"Yes, of course, " I assured him. "The Office of R&D would have a development budget for the laser project if
the R&D team at Hughes thought our idea was feasible and they could develop it. "

And that's exactly what happened. Using the positive results from the Columbia University test and the army
weapons specifications we drew up in R&D for the requirements of a range finder, targeting, and tracking
weapon, and with research grants from the Pentagon, Hughes signed on as one of the contractors for the military
laser. Today, the laser has become the HEL, or High Energy Laser, deployed by the army's Space Defense
Command as, among other things, an antisatellite/antiwarhead weapon.

My meeting at Hughes was quick and direct. Like so many of the research scientists I met with from Hughes,
Dow, IBM, and Bell, Johnston disappeared behind the work benches, computer screens, or test tubes of the
company's back room and out of my sight forever. When General Trudeau would ask me to follow up on the
project months later, a different company representative would meet with me and the project would look just like
any other Army R&D initiated research contract. Any traces of Roswell or the nut file would be gone, and the

project would have been slipped into the normal R&D functioning. Of course this device didn't come out of the
Roswell incident. The incident was only a myth; it never took place. This came out of the Foreign Technology desk,
something the Italians or French were working on and we picked up through our intelligence sources.

Our work with laser products was becoming so successful by the end of 1961 that General Trudeau was urging
me to spread the wealth around as many army bases as I could. I spoke to weapons experts at Fort Riley, Kansas,
for example, about the use of lasers by troops in the field. Maybe as range finders, we suggested, or even as
ways to lock onto a target the way the air force was experimenting with something they were calling "smart
bombs. " By 1964, after seeing the research into the feasibility of lasers that we had commissioned, hand held
range finders were being tested at army bases around the country, and today, police forces use laser sights on
their weapons. Lasers became one of the army's great successes.

In one of our final pushes for the development of laser based weapons systems, we argued successfully for a
budget to develop laser tracking systems for incoming missiles. This was a project we fought hard for, over
political opposition as well as opposition from the other military branches, which were looking at our proposal as a
conventional method of tracking missiles. The laser was too new, they argued. Atmospheric interference or heavy
clouds would distort the laser over long distances, they said. Or, they said, it would simply take too much power
and would have no portability. General Trudeau and I had another agenda for this project that we couldn't
readily share with anybody. We believed that lasers could be used not just to track incoming missiles - that was
obvious. We saw the lasers too as our best weapon for not only tracking UFOs from the ground, from aircraft, or
from satellites but, if we could boost the power to the necessary levels, for shooting them down. Shoot down a
few of them, we speculated, and they wouldn't violate our airspaces with such impunity. Equip our fighter planes
or interceptors with laser firing mechanisms and we could pose a credible threat to them. Equip our satellites with
laser firing mechanisms and we could triangulate a firing pattern on the UFOs that might even keep them away
from our orbiting spacecraft. But all of this was speculation in late 1961.

Only a very few people in the other branches of R&D even had a hint about what we were proposing. The
National Aeronautics and Space Administration had its own plans for developing laser tracking systems and didn't
want to share any development budget with the military, so there was very little help forth coming from NASA.
The air force and navy were guarding their own development budgets for laser weapons, and we couldn't trust
the civilian intelligence agencies at all. So General Trudeau and I began advocating a plan as a cover to
develop laser tracking and other sophisticated types of surveillance projects. It was outrageous on the surface,
but it quickly found its adherents, and its real agenda could be completely masked. We could never call it an
anti-UFO device so we named it the antimissile missile. It was one of the most successful projects ever to come out of Army R&D.
It owed most of its theory to our discovery of the laser in the Roswell wreckage.
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