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Catholic nuns and monks decline (Read 6720 times)
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Catholic nuns and monks decline
Feb 6th, 2008 at 12:14am
Catholic nuns and monks decline

BBC 2/5/08

The Vatican has reported a further dramatic fall in the number of Roman Catholic monks and nuns worldwide.

Newly published statistics showed that the number of men and women belonging to religious orders fell by 10% to just under a million between 2005 and 2006.

During the pontificate of the late Pope John Paul II, the number of Catholic nuns worldwide declined by a quarter.

The downward trend accelerated despite a steady increase in the membership of the Catholic Church to more than 1.1bn.

However, correspondents say even this failed to keep pace with the overall increase in world population.

Dramatic fall

On the back page of its official newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican published on Monday new statistics revealing that between 2005 and 2006 the number "members of the consecrated life" fell by just under 10%.

The number of members, predominantly women, some engaged only in constant prayer, others working as teachers, health workers and missionaries, fell 94,790 to 945,210.

Of the total, 753,400 members were women, while 191,810 were men, including 136,171 priests and 532 permanent deacons.

The figures were published next to a report of Pope Benedict XVI's meeting with nuns, monks and priests from many countries gathered in St Peter's Basilica in Rome last weekend.

The BBC's David Willey in the Italian capital says the accelerating downward trend must have caused concern to the Pope.

The Roman Catholic Church has an aging and diminishing number of parish and diocesan clergy and this latest fall is quite dramatic, our correspondent says.

The number of Catholic nuns worldwide declined by about a quarter during the reign of Pope John Paul, and this further drop shows that new recruits are failing to replace those nuns who die, or decide to abandon their vows, he adds.


The writing is on the wall.

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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #1 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 7:03am
yup. the writing is on the wall. I think what really hurt the Catholic church the most is the molestation exposure of some of the clergy.
plus the scriptures have been messed with too much over the centuries, so that new souls coming in are looking for more modern means of attaining guidance by forging their own path. its kind of like throwing out the baby with the bathwater though.
the future will be a merge of science and religion, more in line with a spiritual value than a religious fixation on commandments like thou shalt not..useful though they are, those commandments are not valuable to youngsters we are forced to admit.

as far as the priests go who would perpetrate those deeds upon a child, these are the ones who end up in self made guilty hells and need retrieval.
they are retrievable, but it's difficult.
what religion did to them is made them repress their sexuality by thinking chastity was the goal. they were obviously, unsuccessful.
a fine mess Ollie.

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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #2 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 8:54am
Desert, thanks for the post.
I agree with what Alysia had written.
However I question the actual reasoning for the downfall of the statistics of the RCC.

There have been a number of things, which have happened over several years now. Even some of the opening of the secret teachings out of their vaults has startled the world a bit into disbelief of the uprightiousness of their belief. I know opening of these documents led to spark the common interest in media to start to talk about the Illuminatie, Temple Ritter, Masonary etc. and of course last but not least "the afterlife as known by churches" openly...especially when the Pope decided to give a Press Conference Quote: "that it is no longer a sin to contact the afterlife as long as mediums, fortune tellers etc. are not  involved".. Heck in germany there were lots of TV shows, and Aaaaahs and Ooooohs when that happened.

That blew me away Desert, as I began to question the validity of the initial law and order of their belief. Hmmm  Undecided ...I thought..Why would a Pope after all these hundreds of years pull such a religious law back out of exsistence`?

Clearly we are all heading into a spiritual entlightment, some one way, some the other.
For me to keep an open mind is very important to me.

Maybe the nuns are also beginning to understand that "love" has nothing to do with withdrawel from life, but rather implementing it into life on earth. Not saying that the nuns and monks never did anything for people on this earth, but rather saying that they themselves denied themselves consciously of a lot of "emotions" which are needed to experience "life".

I can seriously say that when the topics about perpetration of children had found its full force, I literally got sick at my stomache and was very angry...

I understand that the materialisation around us, has the ultimate deed to help us better understand that theres always a higher focus of the subject, but sometimes and in some cases, I can`t seem to grasp the higher meaning of things happening. Hinse that was one of the cases, I am referring to. When I saw the little boys whom confessed against the Priests I instantly began to feel very angry at the priests, it took me a serious while to get a grip on myself.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #3 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 9:54am
A good thing at that, they talk the talk but these dried up old crows dont walk the walk. I went to Cathololic school andthey are anything but sacred beings And the term cathololic is a complete misnomer as they like all cults are exclusive.

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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #4 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 3:17am
Alan McDougall wrote on Feb 6th, 2008 at 9:54am:
A good thing at that, they talk the talk but these dried up old crows dont walk the walk. I went to Cathololic school and they are anything but sacred beings And the term cathololic is a complete misnomer as they like all cults are exclusive.


why must you always label people? ergo: "dried up old crows" - "they are anything but sacred beings".

Maybe for their "souls view" of things, they may think that they are not "anything but sacred beings" and maybe they dont feel like "dried up old crows" either. I find they are people with soul missions of their own. Be it whatever it is.

How do you expect the "world" to change its face value in general when you yourself looking in the mirror this morning haven`t accomplished "not labeling things" honey. Does the "change of consciousness" not have its beginnings within ourselves for it to manifest on the outside and reflect?

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #5 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 8:51am
Quote by Nanna,

Maybe for their "souls view" of things, they may think that they are not "anything but sacred beings" and maybe they dont feel like "dried up old crows" either. I find they are people with soul missions of their own. Be it whatever it is

They walked around with veils and holy affected looks that did not convince me they were any more atuned to the almightly than I was. Their hateful actions that I had to tolerate as a small helpless school boy gave me this life long impression. Again they talked the talk but I did not see them walk the walk. The molestation of little boys and girls by peadaphile priests should speak for itself.  However I should not generalise here and admit that great good has been done by this collosal institution over the years.

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #6 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 9:12am
Oh dearest Alan,
I can tell that "this topic" goes much deeper than the skin with you. Its perfectly okay for it to do so. That is a sign that "this" is one package which you have been carrying with you for an awful long time and that your not completely ready to let go of it as a weight.

Let me explain sugar bump, as long as you catch yourself "labeling", then you`re not free of its weight. These nuns whom you called  "dried up old crows" and the priests whom you labeled as being "anything but sacred beings" have cut a wound a mile deep within your soul - as it still reflects to bleed years later, even though you`re no longer a part of the circumstance. Stating it as you did: broad spectrum though - makes "all" of them carry that cross of burden, which not all of them deserve to have to carry.

Sweetie, all I am trying to tell you is: be free. Be free of all that anger and the hurt you seem to claim as being yours alone. Forgive. You are not a victum of circumstance Alan, you my dear ~ are a survivor ~, which means that you should be able to forgive those people and advance to becoming a leader teaching others "how to forgive and advance". 

It the essence of "love" Alan. The greatest triumph you could have is to go and hug one of those nuns whom must have hurt you emotions badly or even hug one of the priests and tell him I forgive you and really mean it. That adds to "your" benefit of souls advancement.

Heres a hug from me,  Smiley
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #7 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 7:13pm
Nanna Dear,

You make me go into instopection and examine my psychi again. Yes what I experienced and said does reflect life long baggage and if I read pack on my posts, the only time I got angry was when a thread about organised religion came up. You could be a counseller and you have made this old fellow re-examine himself. I will undertake to not react like I did when religion is brought up in the future as I am sure it will be.

I have had a life long distain for religious cults and will now abandon this useless topic

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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #8 - Feb 8th, 2008 at 3:03am
Hi Cheeks,
"I am a counselor" Alan. You`ve uncovered me.. You sly little imp.  Wink

And I find it very impairative that YOU NOT drop the issue at all, but rather take a serious look at it. The topic is not useless Alan, as the topic possibly "only" affects you briefly "here on this board" at times, however in your real life out there your eyes, ears and mind is confronted with it possibly every day. My objective: is for you to confront yourself and look at the past with all its gory details and then work it thru step by step, so to be able to free your real self of the "useless baggage" as you called it. You can`t free yourself of it when even clinging onto small memories okay. All the tears that you`ve held in so long over your versions of unjustice all these years have held you back in many ways, from shining your bright and beautiful light at fullest possible strength dear. The unjustice is NOT that it all happened to you, the unjustice takes place whereby no one has held your hand and walked you thru it still today. Guess whaaaaat? Whenever you are ready, just start an off topic thread and we`ll work it thru, one package at a time. It will end up as a thread where you spill your heart, and it will be a long one for sure. The beauty of it is, that your topic will help hundreds besides yourself.

If you read the other thread in which I answered to Rondele, you will have noticed that I had a pretty neat life so far. Just to click into one particular topic, the molestation. Hmmm that was a very hard one for me to over come. There was vivid hate present in my heart for many many years Alan. Anger that those around me did not protect me from such abuse as a small child. Therapy as a young adult seemed not to eleviate the pain I carried within my heart. After I finished my studies - I decided to buy my agressor a plane ticket and let him live in my house and I fixed breakfast for that booger for 30 days, every morning I sat infront of my agressor and the first coupleof mornings I wanted to carve his heart out with my butter knife.. Cry however I had realised inside that "he wasn`t hurting inside, so I thought" until one morning I looked at him and said "I remember what you did and it hurt me a great deal, I want you to know that". And he almost choked on his toast. I told him "I forgive you now" and I want you to forgive yourself too. He got up from the breakfast table without a word, went downstairs in his bedroom and this almost 50 year old man must have cried for 6 hours straight.

I had come to realise that even though it was pittyfully sick what he had done to me, anger and hate would not heal my wounds, but rather "love" would and did. I am much more happier now Alan, of course he is too. I sent him back to the USA shortly thereafter and end is well - all is well.

I am not suggesting that you call up your perpetrators and invite them to your home and hug them, that was my only way - hinse I had tried everything else I knew of first.  What I am suggesting is to take a good look at what the "hanging on to the past, what type of manifastation has molded within your heart by your holding on to it and what its done to you personally". Maybe look at what the holding on to it has caused you to become inside of yourself and then realise that "the unjustice is no longer being done to you, as you are "now" an adult and have the choice of what you allow being done to you mentally as well as physically. You are a very quick learner Alan - I know this. And once you get past that obstacle you will feel much more "light" within, for that type of light needs place to thrive in and does not want to reside together with inner darkness, honey okay.

And now you may understand how come your butt ended up on this board. Everything in life has a reason Alan, everything dear and I know that you know this already, it merely a matter of fine tuning... and Alan you may "think" that you are an "old fella, but at heart I know that you are still 20!" and theres nothing wrong with that, you still have alot to give.

Give yourself a pat on the back - you`ve made a long haul and you`ve done great buddy!


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #9 - Feb 8th, 2008 at 9:07am

I am one convoluted complex person that has had mainly a good life like yours, but also appalling mental health issues over many years.  I believe triggered by childhood traumas like yours, as well as inheriting the gene of manic depression. This appalling illness has now being controlled adequately for the past 10 years but rears it ugly head mildly every now and then. If you read my posts carefully you will see this, when I go hypo manic the logic and spelling of my posts deteriorate.

I was reluctant to reveal this to the forum as I felt I would not be taken seriously and they would think all my experiences were due to my bi-polar illness.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #10 - Feb 8th, 2008 at 11:32am
I had noticed Alan and thats why I tagged you like that.  Wink I do and generally say nothing without a solid reason behind it. I am a very deep rooted person, sweetie.

I believe you had read me write once before that I am not "stupidified".. That doesnt mean stupid but rather means that I haven`t let others "make me that way".

I can assure you that there is not 1 issue that can not be resolved thru love Alan okay. And if you do not want to talk about it, getting one issue out at the time, then its okay too. Just get to the point where you say to yourself, okay, this is it, no more fear, no more of this "controlling" me inside. I am going to free myself of you little imps that take my rest at night in my subconcsiousness. Work it thru Alan dearest and then I promise you there wont be anymore of the state of manic depression. You will have to continue doing the homework though. And then let it go.

Rest assured no one here is interested in humiliating you, nor do they gain any self respect by means of ridicule - so therefor your fear will not come true. You have really found a bunch of wonderful people whom all seem to have found each other thu 1 common denominator: Bruce Moen.  Smiley

So I hope you have a good day and start feeling good about your accomplishments so far, like I said you`ve come a long haul and are a survivor.

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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #11 - Feb 9th, 2008 at 2:49pm
My story is a lot like Nanners. I too confronted the molester. his reaction was different than Nanner's molester. He denied it happened. This showed me the tremendous power of denial to block out what we don't want to face up to.
At the same time, during the confrontation, there was a sense of elation and hope in me to see his denial; as the more a person denies what happened in an emotional sense, the more you can understand what is denied will soon manifest into the conscious mind with a steady prayer.
i was thinking about this morning how my five year old soul had a mission to confront him but had to get older to learn exactly how.
seems so young to have a mission, so that is why I support I have lived before. I seemed much older than him, even when I was five.

He towered above me but he was the small child I wanted to save from hell. Then like Nanners example there was a crying jag one day after he had perpetrated the last heinious act upon my body. There is no hell blacker than being molested. trust me, the feeling was upon me my temple had been desecrated beyond man would ever love me..I was soiled forever. I had no hope of being pure again.

god works in mysterious ways. he sobbed to see me in this hole for it encompassed the entire we both were in hell and burned together in the darkest shame of what was not PUL.  Nanner reminds me of this. I wish to bring hope to survivors of this malady, for in truth its 1 out of 4 girls, and 1 out of 7 boys it happens to, under the age of 18.

then the retrieval that took place, of his very soul occurred at my age of 14 and involved no confrontation at all. It involved a huge anger had surfaced in me where I was about ready to break into a million pieces. not wishing to lose it, I prayed instead what to do, but this prayer had been ongoing since age 5.

suddenly I was overtaken by spirit, god, whatever to be in listening mode to him. I was told to find his soul. I listened for about an hour to see signs of his soul. As I listened I began to forgive him his debts to me. Fear was receding as PUL filled the room. He jabbered on, oblivious to what was happening inside of me, how PUL was making me free from fear. Then he noticed the light in my eyes? He stared transfixed at me like he had gone into shock at something he saw. The PUL? it must have been streaming out my ears, this is what happens with true forgiveness what leads to PUL, expansion of perceptions, what I call a miracle. I saw a cloud of anger and guilt morph across his face; another emotion came to him as fear. the kind of fear which is where an animal will bite the hand that feeds it in error that you are a threat to it.

this quickly changed. he looked down at the floor as he couldn't hold my gaze. he gained courage once more to look in my face. to me, I was just smiling, at one with him, enjoying his tales of man about town, strickly ego tales. he must have come from Monroe's sex pile but he was retrievable and he was ready.

he got up from the table and began whistling. Forgiveness had completely cleansed him of the desire to steal a child's innocense to make his own. he was free, but I was made free too.  His gratitude to me we never openly spoke of. his attitude was one of gratitude that had not been there before.
the reason I know this was a soul mission, invented before my birth was I never emotionally bonded with the man myself, but he bonded with me to show me his gratitude the rest of my life, while I felt no need to keep in contact myself.
it was like it was just a job, cut and dried, and I had to go on to learn, as JC taught, the body is nothing really, every 7 years a new body is made of new cells therefore I was not defiled forever and I had agreed to go get him for god so he wouldn't rot in hell.

Nanner, I suspected u were a counselor by profession. it is no mistake you have come here.  blessings! alysia
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #12 - Feb 9th, 2008 at 10:38pm
I cannot express adequately or even begin to understand a monster that would molest little children as you both were. If someone did such a heinous act to my beautiful granddaughter, I would want vengeance as that act would go beyond my capacity to forget or forgive...

How you plunged the depth of your souls searching for that tiny spark amazes me and is commendable beyond description. I who has a had a similar experience has been traumatized for life and can only remember the molester as some monster that vested me when I was alone separate from my parents.  Suspect who it was but cant believe this loving person could also be the nightmare of my childhood.

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Catholic nuns and monks decline
Reply #13 - Feb 9th, 2008 at 11:48pm
dear Alan. I'm sorry for anyone has this experience, but like Nanner says, we can overcome and bust out of the jail they would put us in the rest of our miserable life, if we didn't look to god to help us get out. the problem is a criminal such as this has no control and often doesn't even remember what happened, as it's even heinous to themselves. you must think in terms of an orderly universe with justice ruling over it in the end. if you lift a soul out of hell, this is like lifting yourself out of hell also. when u get home, they celebrate how you overcame and you showed them, they cannot harm you, as you are free spirit, always pure and innocent and lovely you will remain that way as god made you. the only way we can home is helping each other. I know its hard.
love, alysia
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