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Analogy re: the triune balance of phys., soul, Spi (Read 919 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

Analogy re: the triune balance of phys., soul, Spi
Jan 17th, 2008 at 1:37pm
Spirit.  A musical analogy. 

  This came to me the other day.   I saw the physical body as the "instrument", the Soul or Mind (not speaking of intellect here) as the player of the instrument, and Spirit as the potential for and actualization of perfect playing, the inspiration, and the state wherein the instrument and player become perfectly balanced and completely merge. 

  So there is an important triune balance here, and the instrument must be in tune, and in accord with the player, and the player must become in tune and resonate with Spirit, for Wholeness to experienced in the now.

  Many people i've noticed, tend to concentrate on one, or two, for the lack of the other or of a general balance, and don't maintain that perfect, triune balance necessary to achieve the Soul's deepest desire and intent.   Some disregard the body physical and concentrate on the body mental and on Spirit.  Some concentrate on the body mental and physical, with too little focus on Spirit, etc.

  If Bruce would be kind of enough to allow us another sub forum/category, based on the above premise and principles, i would share any and all info i have regarding this holistic balance, which has been a huge focus and on going, evolving process in my life.    I would be grateful for this opportunity and development, though no doubt my wife would say, "you volunteered for what!  Don't you spend enough time on the p.c. already (read not enough time with me!)?!"
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