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beautiful, beautiful nature- trees, Sun, grass, et (Read 878 times)
Justin aka asltaomr
Ex Member

beautiful, beautiful nature- trees, Sun, grass, et
Jan 8th, 2008 at 3:16pm
   Today i have a partial, part work day.  Tuesdays are only half days for me normally at work, but since i worked extra this last Saturday, my bosses said that i could take off some more hours today because its my b-day and my wife wants to take me out later.  Our schedules are pretty opposite, so it wouldn't work otherwise.   Gonna get some yummy Ethiopian food, and watch the movie Walk Hard.

  Anyways, it's unbelievably warm, nice, and breezy outside today here where i live.   So i decided to go for a run, then a bike ride to a nice grass area with trees but also Sun. 

   I took my shirt, shoes, and socks off, put my hair in a bun, laid down with my head at the base of a tree, and sun bathed.

  Then i decided to meditate as well.

  I love trees so much, to me, they represent and symbolize infinity and the way that we humans are supposed to be here while we are still wearing the guise of "humanity".   I love nature, and the consciousnesses behind, within, and beyond her forms. 

   Nature is so beautiful, so peaceful, so centering.  While i believe the physical aspect of Earth is an illusion and temporal, i appreciate her so much, because i know that her Consciousness is of Soul, just as ours is, and is as real and eternal as our Souls.   Spiritual Earth will always exist, though her temporarily projected form won't.

  And its the consciousness within, behind, and beyond the outer form, which is what makes nature and the Mother so beautiful.   She was a creation of the Planning Intelligence working with Source.   The inner beauty is so real and helpful as long as we don't let ourselves get too attached to the outer projected temporal form.

  And the Sun, the Sun!   What a powerful and loving Being, always shedding It's Light and warmth upon us, it would help lift us and our vibratory patterns if we let it.   While meditating i told myself, "you are only receptive the life giving and constructive energies of the Sun, you are being healed and your vibrations speeded up by its Consciousness and energies which are a reflection of and co-worker with your own Higher Self."

  And the grass!  Feels so good on one's feet, restful and rejuvenating at the same time, balancing just like its color, which is an outer clue to it's inner state of being and consciousness.   

  Truly are we blessed when we appreciate the Earth, particularly the real and eternal Earth...  And while the physical aspect of her may not be eternal and real, well we must learn to have appreciation and respect for it, before we can come to know and attain that AtOneMent with her Soul energies and Consciousnesses.   

  Cayce's guides oft told people to be out in nature more, to appreciate it more, to become quiet near a tree, near a brook or an ocean, and that these were helpful energies to the energy system of man.   They oft emphasized the beauty of this Creation, even though they knew the form was not part of original experience..

The Physical Earth contains or fosters an awareness of inner beauty, because its a reflection of the real and yet, because of the nature of physical and how it came to be, its not a pure and undistorted reflection, hence we have violence and self over self, even in nature, yet there is an underlying harmony and balance more than not.
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