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A devastating disaster by water is comming (Read 11858 times)
Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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A devastating disaster by water is comming
Dec 31st, 2007 at 12:54am
Hi All,

I had a lucid vision last night of a devastating water catastrophy soon. No need to comment, just rememer and keep in mind.


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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #1 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 3:33am
Any other details, Alan? For the record, I think you might write down here exactly what you saw.

I had an odd thing happen last night. I was puttering around at home and I had a brief flash of fire in my vision. Like a wall of fire -- and I briefly worried about my apartments. It was like a picture, fast, but noticeable, and unusual enough to cause me to pause.

Within a couple of hours darkness had fallen, and  I noticed that a small group of neighbors and their friends had lit a bonfire in their back yard just down from the property on which I live. This had not happened before. The smell of the burning wood was strong. But no disaster.

Still, I did have a real premonition, as far as I can tell.

love, blink Smiley
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #2 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 5:40am
Yes, blink dear,

It involved a river in flood, somewhere with a huge wave or wall of water crashing over a dam wall; I felt the blue water approach me as I prepared myself for death.” I was someone else”. The blue water indicates that the source could be from a glacier.

Strange in your case it was fire and my case water, Very interesting indeed!


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Alan McDougall
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #3 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 8:56am
Thank you for the details, Alan. How did you feel when you awoke from this dream?

It is possible that you were observing or participating in a retrieval there. I have been in several "disaster" type dreams over the last couple of years. In one I was very concerned with warning people and trying to "move" them in a certain direction up away from incoming waters by the seashore. In another earlier dream I was in a countryside setting and seeing long lines of homeless people on foot.

So, I think it is very significant that you were "someone else" -- from your description it bears some similarity to the last memory I have from my "great flood" dream, whereupon I seemed to "be" a man right before the moment of death. For me, as this man, it was a moment of profound acceptance.

What did you experience emotionally? Was there more than one "viewpoint" in your lucid experience?

love, blink Smiley
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Alan McDougall
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #4 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 10:32am

Hi Blink,
I know very little about retrievals and assume it is some method of helping souls trapped between this life and the next.

The feeling I had as the huge wall of water approached was resignation to the inevitable coming death. I really did not know what to do. There was fear, but not terrible fear more resignation.


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Alan McDougall
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #5 - Dec 31st, 2007 at 9:10pm
Alan, do u know of any dams or rivers near you? or will you be checking the news or papers for such a dam breakage? sometimes people dream of these things and they are located in another state shortly after the dream. in any case I would be interested if you discover a dam did break somewhere.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #6 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 1:42am

Laffing Rain Dear,

There are dams near in South Africa, but they are unlike the huge dam in my dream, our rivers are all small, brown and muddy and do not contain the blue water I saw in my dream.


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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #7 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 10:25am

Ocean water is also blue when backlit by the sun. Check out the photos of surf- boarders catching their big wave, or the colors painters use to try to paint the water quality of high waves.
If the wave you're describing was narrow, perhaps it was ocean water being forced up a riverbed. that could happen alot of places if a meteor or something hit the ocean nearby.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Old Dood
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #8 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 11:23am
The Three Gorges Dam goes online soon.
Maybe that is what was in your dream.

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Alan McDougall
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South Africa
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #9 - Jan 1st, 2008 at 1:32pm
Hi, Blink,

I did not answer your question on how felt on waking from this dream. I was weeping and tears of sorrow were running down my cheeks,

Hi OldDood,

Thanks for the ling on the three gorge dam project in china. I was vaguely aware of this enormous undertaking. Certainly, a disaster from this dam would equate to what I observed in my dream. I saw an enormous wave approach the dam wall from upstream and crash over the huge dam wall. I was one of many people huddle below the dam wall as this huge wave came rushing towards us.

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Alan McDougall
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #10 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 6:50am
Alan according to Cayce and Johannsen a water world will take place.
Below I scanned part of the picture out of the book I am reading lately.


According to this image all the areas in black will cease to exsist.

Yes, folks we have a problem, a big problem!
Thats why I didnt understand that the US President vetoes the climat change project, causing a slow down of proceedures.

Somebody hit the man on the head from the back and anyone else that seems to think we have lots of time to change things... please.


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Old Dood
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #11 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 7:57am
Nanner wrote on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 6:50am:
Alan according to Cayce and Johannsen a water world will take place.
Below I scanned part of the picture out of the book I am reading lately.

According to this image all the areas in black will cease to exsist.

Yes, folks we have a problem, a big problem!
Thats why I didnt understand that the US President vetoes the climat change project, causing a slow down of proceedures.

Somebody hit the man on the head from the back and anyone else that seems to think we have lots of time to change things... please.


Better Idea!  Simply IMPEACH.  Starting with the Vice President FIRST!
It is NEVER too late for that.
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #12 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 5:20pm
Evidently we have BST problems in the everyday world. Unfortunately, Mr Bush seems to be a little bit neurotic, and is clinging to ideas suggested by his fundamentalist beliefs plus his desire for economic gain. Since there is no immediate threat to these ideas, he continues unabated. The Congress and Supreme Court, the other two branches of government which are intended to curb such foolishness, have long ago been sold out to the Administration, so they have become ineffective. Whether this will reverse in the next Adminstration remains unknown. My guess is not. There seems to be a lot of interest in imposing other, equally inappropriate, decisions, while solifying the Administration's posture from attack, whether by the other branches of government, or from simple common sense.

Cayce was criticized for his prediction that California would "fall into the sea", but if we allow him a little literary license, what he predicted is quite similar to the sea rising to engulf California instead.  The entity who spoke through Cayce is known for scrambling terms, mispronunciations and a few similar quirks.  Personally, I bought a house on a hill sufficiently high to escape the onrush of rising tides for the next couple centuries.

There are two relatively likely sources of onrushing walls of water. One is an impact in a lake (hence the image of a dam) or an impact in the ocean, in which case sea walls would be breached and overrun. The other is simple warming, in which case many areas will be rather abruptly flooded. Even if the "Apophis" asteroid misses us, it looks like global warming will arrive. Levvies that hold back the sea today will be hopelessly overrun tomorrow.

A third source of calamity might be another earthquake. The crusty surface of the Earth floats on a sort of gooey mantle that slowly circulates. As the mass of ice holding parts of the crust in place is melted, those areas rise. Greenland, for example, has a mile or two depth of ice to melt off. So do the poles. As the crust rises, it grinds and bumps, especially along the coastal subduction zones, which gives rise to tsunamis. These are very likely to occur, and to be far more severe than we have previously witnessed.

One minor blessing - Washington DC was built on a swamp. It will submerge. That means that we have the chance to rebuild our government in a more stable place, such as Omaha. Whether that bodes good or ill remains to be seen.

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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #13 - Jan 3rd, 2008 at 5:58pm

That Cayce / Johannsen map appears to take out most of the population of predominantly Christian countries, except for Spain, France, and Portugal. Is there something about their understanding of Spirit in those countries that saves them or is it purely geography?

Darn, and I was just starting to get the feel of living Christian.
What will the new world religions be, did they say?


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: A devastating disaster by water is comming
Reply #14 - Jan 4th, 2008 at 1:01am
Nanner wrote on Jan 3rd, 2008 at 6:50am:
Alan according to Cayce and Johannsen a water world will take place.
Below I scanned part of the picture out of the book I am reading lately.

According to this image all the areas in black will cease to exsist.

Yes, folks we have a problem, a big problem!
Thats why I didnt understand that the US President vetoes the climat change project, causing a slow down of proceedures.

Somebody hit the man on the head from the back and anyone else that seems to think we have lots of time to change things... please.



Hi Nanner, neither Cayce nor his guides ever drew up a map, and they didn't give enough direct info to draw one up, unless one had a really, really good grasp of a super advanced geology as well as being psychically led.   They gave some info, of which one can infer certain things, but the map above isn't necessarily correct.

  Also, Cayce's guides occasionally said that a city, a town, etc, could be saved by the metaphysical activity of its peoples, meaning if more people than not, decide to align to God's ways and drop Mammon's ways, then they may experience less extreme and disrupting changes.   So, such things are not completely set in stone, though much has been written to occur as very high probabilities. 

  Also, if one is going to go with Cayce's info regarding the Changes, well his guides seemed to infer that these changes were happening primarily out of natural cycles, which happen with the long turning of the Ages and not so much from human pollution, and while they don't say it directly they give info which suggests that this oft occurs in relation to Galactic Solar alignments, such as the one which started in 1980 in a physical way, peaked or reached center point in 1998, and will be in physically observable alignment till 2016.   

   I doubt that much is going to disappear, especially not in the east coast of America.  Quite a bit in some areas, but not so blanketed.    And certainly not all at once. 

  I would suggest going within for answers relating to this kind of info, especially.   There is a lot of misunderstanding, disinfo, ignorance, relativity, etc. relating to the Changes and a lot of info is very contradictory.   One's best bet is always to meditate and go within and ask for direct answers, after attuning and intending to attune to spiritual forces.
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