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repeated guidance relating to purposeful deception (Read 2442 times)
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repeated guidance relating to purposeful deception
Dec 20th, 2007 at 1:54am
manipulation, disinfo, and misleading relating to spiritual issues, the true nature of the Changes, etc. 

  First off, when reading this post please consider that i'm not trying to foster fear, but rather hoping for detached awareness on part of others--bringing the repressed, supressed, and disowned shadow side out into the Light so it can be worked with.   I'm not in the least bit afraid or worried about this stuff.   What can be harmed?  Only the body, and that's not objectively real in the long run anyways.

  This all started a couple weeks or so when on a I-net forum.  I kept getting repeating thoughts and feelings in relation to a couple of posters, that they may be involved in deliberate, conscious misleading and disinfo relating to important spiritual and future Change issues.   Since i've so rarely sensed this in relation to other posters, i kept thinking and rationalizing, "isn't that a bit too paranoid Justin?"    Yet, i couldn't shake the feeling and thought about it off and on for rest of the day.    I was a bit worried that it was just unfounded paranoia, which if it was, is not a good sign on my part.    So there was a bit of wrestling with self. 

  Later on, the next morning i remembered a dream.  I was in a house and became aware that a couple of squirrels were in the house with me.   They looked harmless and "cute" enough at first and while i thought it was a bit odd that they were in the house, i didn't give it much thought or consideration.    That changed when they quickly went for my keys and wallet which were lying out, they ran very fast, grabbed them and started to run away with them. 

  I was fairly surprised at first, but my surprise soon turned to anger i and i ran angrily after them.   But at some point, i realized the ridiculousness on the whole situation and realized that these squirrels couldn't really harm me and hence no need for anger.  I don't remember anymore.

  My Greater self used the symbol of squirrels because to me, squirrels represent an animal that is both cute and seeming harmless, and yet is a known pest who can cause damage to people's houses.   And a roommate i lived with a bit, told me all about these kamikazes group of squirrels who live down in FL on a University campus there, and who go out of their way, as a collective, to bother and freak people out.   What she described sounded so strange and out of the ordinary that at first i wasn't inclined to believe her accounts. 

  So my dream was telling me two main things at the same time...yes there are people with the "job" of trying to mislead others in general and to try to uncenter certain individuals whom they are trained psychically and psychologically to spot.   Which is what i was picking up on the day before the dream, but kept doubting because it seemed to paranoid oriented at first.

  At the same time, my Greater self was telling me, don't worry about it all, because these groups and individuals are like squirrels in the sense that they cannot do any real harm to you, they are just "pests" or a nuisance at this point on your path. 

  This leads me to also believe that the "spider" images that both Becky and i saw (at different times) while more phased into the physical, but in a relaxed state, are related to these spying, deceptive, and intentionally destructive forces.   

  Becky's dream, which she had a couple of nights ago, reminds me of a Cayce reading concerning Moses and relating to the above issues.   "For there has been the continued battle with those forces as Michael fought with over the body of Moses.  He that leads, or would direct, is continually beset by the forces that would undermine." Reading 2897-4

  I'm going to share Becky's dream in the next reply
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« Last Edit: Dec 20th, 2007 at 3:36am by N/A »  
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Re: repeated guidance relating to purposeful decep
Reply #1 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 2:39am
  I found it a bit odd and surprising that my wife had this dream.  Mostly because she doesn't think too much on stuff like this for the most part, she tends to be more focussed on daily C1 activities all in all, especially as compared to me.  She is plenty intuitive and quite developed in that sense, but usually doesn't think on for focus on this kind of stuff, until she gets messages or has nonphysical type experiences.  Both of us have very intuitively oriented charts, and repeating factors connected to developed and more expanded perception and receptiveness related to same.   

  When she was telling me the dream, i got the definite sense that she had this dream more for me, than purely for herself.  Being Twin Souls and as close as we are, we sometimes have dream guidance like that, sometimes more for the other or for both at the same time.   

  This is what she wrote in her journal (she just stared this up again), after i told her to write it down for me, and that maybe i would share it:

   "I woke up paranoid.  (before that) In the dream, i was receiving texts on my cell phone from the government with a clear message that i was being watched/followed.  I had to text back to check in.  I checked in two or three time, then stopped, and knew i was being observed more intensely. 

After this dream, i had, as i often do, "recap" dreams.  Basically, i go over the dream in my subconscious, and either speak out loud or directly to another person.   This in turn really helps me to remember it days after in the conscious, physical state.  So my subconscious reiterated, and my first thought was "great. Justin has gotten me flagged by the government (by posting on forums all the time)."   I had a strong feeling my cell phone was tapped.  "I can't wait for the changes to happen so they'll stop tracing my phone."

  I also asked guidance, "why me now?  I'm just an art teacher, " and the response was that the government (or groups connected to same) is keeping tabs on me because i may be a threat in the future.  They know i'll be part of the changes and they want to stop me before i go down that path any further.   Also ...... (someone connected to TMI)* may be involved." 

*that someone is a person i've gotten guidance about on a couple of occasions btw.  Not to be trusted.

Ok, one dream from one person, possible misinterpretation or what not.   Two dreams from two different people who are rather open and usually clearly receptive to guidance all in all, one of whom doesn't tend to think about such stuff...  much less likely misinterpretation or distortion. 

  Does the above "change" anything if true?  Nah, not really, but its something to be aware of so that one gets a more complete and total picture.   One of my other selves who is strongly connected to my present personality, was said to have been one who "believed all, trusted all", was purposely mislead by a group of more self and materialistic invested folks, and whom "the Gods laughed at his weakness".   

  Yeah, needless to say i don't want to make that mistake again.   It is good and "spiritual" to be trusting of others, but that doesn't mean one shouldn't be able to look at or into the shadow nature of others or the collective.   There is a difference between being aware of same, in a more detached, non emotional manner, and being focussed on or worried about same in an emotionally imbalanced way.   
  My other self, could have used some more of the latter...and if he had seen more clearly into others, into the more total picture, he would have been able to have avoided their manipulations, and thus would have avoided what turned out to be a big mess which enabled a lot of needless suffering for others and himself.   And it happened again in the "next" life!

   Christ summed up the above when he said, "Be ye wise and serpents, but as gentle as doves".
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Re: repeated guidance relating to purposeful decep
Reply #2 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 10:17pm
Weird, Justin.

My cellphone has been cutting me off every five minutes for days now. I went in to get it fixed (fairly new phone) and he said they'd charge me $100 just to look at it, so I said I'd take my business elsewhere.

The squirrels have built a nest in the wood above the drainpipe just above my narrow balcony. My neighbor says she can see them peeking over the edge of the roof if she looks up over the balcony railing.

Neither of those things seemed particularly sinister until you wrote all this....hmmmmmmmnnnnn.

more sleepless nights.....  love, blink Smiley         just kidding
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Re: repeated guidance relating to purposeful decep
Reply #3 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 3:11am
  Har, har Blink.  Roll Eyes

Yeah that is kind of odd about your cell phone.   I have no idea about it, cause i know so little about them.  But probably could be a lot of things.

  I think in the near future, cell phone service may become rather unreliable.   There are some indications that the next major Solar cycle, cycle 24 is coming a bit early though relatively speaking on time.   

   Some like NASA have forecasted that they believe that this Solar cycle, especially near maximum, will be very intense.   It should reach and maintain peak intensity from around 2010 to 2013 or so.   If so, it may cause major issues with electrical grids, satellites, and things connected to same like cellphones.   

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Re: repeated guidance relating to purposeful decep
Reply #4 - Dec 21st, 2007 at 7:57am
I have read this also, in a fairly convincing way. I have to say that simplicity is a worthy goal for all of us, where we can manage it.

My lifestyle is such that I can move out of my apartment at a moment's notice, I can leave with particular essential supplies and belongings immediately by car, I do not need to rely on a car to transport me to work, my closest friend and companion lives 1/2 mile from me, and there are multiple locations with all normally needed essentials nearby. Therefore, ultimately, I do not need a phone, nor a car to survive in this world in a crisis.

Additionally, I know where all the local state parks are, and know most of them personally as well. Because of this I have a decent knowledge of the terrain around my city within 200 miles.

It's true, as you say, that there is no harm in taking simple precautions in today's world. But, it's easier if you can make it a lifestyle. I think that the closer to a nomadic existence we can live, the more free we become. Of course, not everyone may agree with my approach.

love, blink Smiley

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