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Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore? (Read 4078 times)
Super Member

Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
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Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Dec 18th, 2007 at 6:53am
Okay, just found this on yahoo news this morning. I just put in and it is on first page.

"A concentrated laser blast coming from out of a black hole and zapping into another galaxy". And the news says, well thats nothing new with the exception of it going to another galaxy. Heck this is NEW to MEEEEEE! Excuse me Shocked What going on here?! I cant believe that this story is not like EVERYWHERE to be found!
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Old Dood
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Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #1 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 9:31am
Nanner wrote on Dec 18th, 2007 at 6:53am:
Okay, just found this on yahoo news this morning. I just put in and it is on first page.

"A concentrated laser blast coming from out of a black hole and zapping into another galaxy". And the news says, well thats nothing new with the exception of it going to another galaxy. Heck this is NEW to MEEEEEE! Excuse me Shocked What going on here?! I cant believe that this story is not like EVERYWHERE to be found!

MSM (Main Stream Media) has been compromised for quite sometime now....

That is why you do not 'see' this everywhere....
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Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
Gender: female
Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #2 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 10:02am
Okay that explains  Thanks Old Dood.  Grin U R a sweetie! And Mrs. Dood too! Smiley Nanner
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Old Dood
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Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #3 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 5:27pm
David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission and one of the top globalist architects expressed his gratitude to the U.S. media for their vow of silence before the Trilateral Commission in 1991.

He was quoted saying:

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries."

That gives you a little bit of what is happening.

Here are a couple of videos you might enjoy (enjoy?):


Sorry...not out to ruin your day or anything like that...Wink

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Theres only AGAPE

Posts: 764
Hamburg, Germany
Gender: female
Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #4 - Dec 18th, 2007 at 5:46pm
Old Dood, I`m going to ask Marie to knock you upside the head if you "shock" me anymore tonight!  Wink (all in fun of course)  Grin
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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
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Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #5 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 9:17pm
Well, Sorry is another 'shocker':
(Let me know if the link doesn't work)

This one made me weep....there are some true Patriots in this film.  Not just from a National Standpoint....but from a Humane Standpoint!

People were murdered trying to tell the truth....

Take the time to watch this without interruption.  The sound is a bit 'off'. It will get soft at times then louder, but, other then that this is a fantastic film.
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Choose this Day

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Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #6 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 9:56pm
sigh..I'm so naive just doesn't seem worth it to be murdering just because of what people chose to that would make the truth go away...hey, I heard, don't know if this is true, this coming year, or before 2012 everybody will know, we aint the only ones in the galaxy...
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Old Dood
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Posts: 448
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Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #7 - Dec 19th, 2007 at 10:03pm
LaffingRain wrote on Dec 19th, 2007 at 9:56pm:
sigh..I'm so naive just doesn't seem worth it to be murdering just because of what people chose to that would make the truth go away...hey, I heard, don't know if this is true, this coming year, or before 2012 everybody will know, we aint the only ones in the galaxy...

Power dear....Power!
That is all it is.
Absolute Power!

Yes, I firmly believe that the next 4-6 years will be very interesting....

There is a lot to this. I am only giving you a taste.  For example from what I have read there are at least 58 races of beings 'Not of this World' that 'we' know of.
There are loving and kind races and then there is the not so Kind.
Our Governments/Cabals/People in Power are in bed with the 'Not so Kind' ones...
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Ex Member

Re: Anyone wanna deny life out there anymore?
Reply #8 - Dec 20th, 2007 at 12:58am
  I posted the below the other day, but it apparently disappeared into the ethers.   

Nanner wrote on Dec 18th, 2007 at 6:53am:
Okay, just found this on yahoo news this morning. I just put in and it is on first page.

"A concentrated laser blast coming from out of a black hole and zapping into another galaxy". And the news says, well thats nothing new with the exception of it going to another galaxy. Heck this is NEW to MEEEEEE! Excuse me Shocked What going on here?! I cant believe that this story is not like EVERYWHERE to be found!

  "There is an interesting multi discipline astrophysicist and astronomer named Paul LaViolette who has talked about a theory he called, Galactic Superwaves.    It's pretty simple in some respects, and does seem to have some basis in repeatedly observed scientific searching. 

  The theory is that the Galactic Cores of all Galaxies go in active and passive states.  Currently, mainstream astronomy believes that such Galactic Cores are super massive black holes, whereas LaViolette believes it's more like a super massive Star which through it's output can resist the collapse affect of a black hole type phenomena.  They seem to spend most of their time in a pretty passive state, but once in a while the G.C. becomes super active and explosive.   

  It can expel from out of its core, a massive "wave" of energy spanning the whole electromagnetic spectrum, and perhaps with an accompanying gravity wave, which the radiates and propagates outward towards the rest of the Galaxy and also going into other Galaxies at the speed of light. 

   These explosive events, according to Paul LaViolette can be so powerful and intense, that they make super nova's look weak in comparison.    

  LaViolette doesn't seem to think that the actual Galactic superwave would affect say us, in a directly harmful manner (except for knocking out satellites and electrical grids), BUT what it would do which would be very calamitous, is to push all the dust and much of the debris that lies on the outskirts of our system, past the Solar wind field, into the Sun, exciting it into a T Tauri like state.   The Sun would become temporarily occluded by this dust storm, would become darkened, and would start to give off more infrared radiation giving the Sun a reddish hue.   And again, it would go into a T Tauri like state.

   Which just means, super, super active which would strongly affect the Earth in many ways.   He seems to believe that our own G.C. is due for another one of these major Galactic Core outbursts.   Very interesting guy btw, is a real and hardcore scientist but one with a more holistic curiosity than many other scientists.    Became interested in tarot, astrological, and E.T. info, as well as playing the guitar.   Even talks about having had some dreams wherein he met these Elder type beings, who seemed to tell him job well done in finding out about this whole Galactic Core cycle thing.

  I don't think he has the whole picture, but certainly does add some interesting possibilities to the mix. " 

  I'm going to start a thread in relation to Paul LaViolette on this Off Topic section.  Very interesting guy, seems like a bonnafide all around genius.   He has developed a new physics theory which accounts for most of the anomalies in mainstream paradigms.   Like Bruce Moen and some others here and there, talks about how gravity is not really an attraction per se, and while i can't follow him too well in a left brain kind of way (due to lack of training), intuitively i sense a lot of holistic truth to many of his theories. 

  I also strongly get the sense that he is bringing in some very prominent and highly developed E.T. aspects to his physical personality, and may be one of those that Rosiland McKnight's guides talked about, some E.T.'s from much more aware and developed systems coming in directly by incarnating to help out in the Changes and E.T. communications. 

   Anyways, the guy just blows me away even though he doesn't have a full grasp of what Cayce has outlined, hinted at, and explained.    

   Oh, and when he's not developing novel Unified physics theories, he's studying things like Pulsars and how they seem to be artificially created or set up, as both space/time travel beacons for E.T. interstellar travel, and also to communicate to us about the important of looking at the Galactic Core of our Galaxy. 

  Or unraveling the encoded message of the Sphinx and of the western Zodiac, closer to their truer and more holistic meanings and purposes...

  Or providing convincing suggestive reasoning and data which points to cyclic Galactic Core explosions which when they are one of the major ones, has a enormous overall impact on both the physical and nonphysical Earth...

  Or showing how the B-2 bomber has incorporated the rudiments of electro gravitic technology. Yeah, anyways the dude is intense.   He and Bruce Moen should hook up sometime and talk.
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