Nanner wrote on Dec 13th, 2007 at 8:05am: physics tries to explain the behavior of even smaller particles. The reason that quantum physics needs complex math to explain the behaviors and properties of small particles is that the world of these subatomic particles is a very bizarre one, filled with quantum probabilities and organized chaos.
Specialty: Informative
Whats Quantum Physics Got to do with it?
Is that like the song by Tina Turner: "Whats Love got to do with it...?" hehe
That is what kinda got me all started in to Astral Projection and all that jazz.
I always wondered how 'God' (or as I like to call 'him' now The Source) could be everywhere at once.
When you look at String Theory and how that kinda works then it all makes sense to me.
In String Theory the 'strings' vibrate. Well, what happens to a lot of people before they project? Vibrations?
When you read the Bible and it says: "
In the beginning God Spoke" into being....Or..."
The Word of God"...wasn't that simply vibrations?
String Theory isn't the End All to everything but it is a damn good start.
Watch the show (you can get it on DVD) "The Elegant Universe" and the other movie "What the Bleep do you Know?"
Then 'everything' starts to
Come Together.....Yup...just like The Beatles sang...hehe