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what the aliens are trying to tell us (Read 23908 times)
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #45 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 11:19am
Old Dood - The link that you gave me. I personally believe that you need to add that link TO EVERY LINK SITE AROUND THE WORLD! Part 2 is taking me up - up- and away!
I have to agree with the man, I`d grab "humans by the neck and slap the poop out of em too" considering that we don`t seem to understand, even though its really so clear. Thank you so much you old soul! Thank you so much.

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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #46 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 11:23am
You are welcome.
I have tried to share that with many, many people.

I put it on 'other forums' that have nothing to do with UFOs or Spirituality.

All one can do is plant the seed and hope it will grow...
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #47 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 11:53am
Hey, listening to Part 3 - I feel that I now understand the one question I have always had in my own mind. The question I had asked at the age of 7 to my dad.
Dad why is there so many races on our planet? His answer: To learn the true meaning of love.

Part 3 - clearly answered my own question. IF we can`t raise our own AGAPE consciousness of love for another on our own planet, how in the hell can we even begin to develope such for other civilians on other planets? So thats why the different cultures, colors, sizes, shapes, languages of our humanbeings here. We are our own lesson - again - !
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #48 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 11:58am
FYI: Don't forget to right click on those and download them for yourself.

Never know if that site will become under attack and go bye bye.

I have all the videos downloaded on my hard drives....
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #49 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 4:10pm
hawkeye wrote on Dec 13th, 2007 at 7:19pm:
AhSo, Having not personally been a carrot or a plant in a number of lifetimes, I just don't remember how it felt to be eaten as one. 

Ah, but you've become one with the plants and thus have reached the pinnacle of awareness
concerning them, haven't you?  Wink

Now as for these farms you speak of that torture animals. I highly sudggest contacting your local SPCA or the police. I don't hang around pulling the wings off chickens. Or poking out the eyes of cows before they are killed. I do rip the life bring roots off plants as I pull them from the ground though.

  Joe, extreme, consistent, repeated animal brutality has been very well documented in many of the huge, mainstream agri food giants like IBF for example.   Even workers later report how much such animal brutality is fostered and encouraged in these environments.   It makes it easier to detach from their suffering so that one can do their job of murdering them.   Some workers who got out of those jobs have reported that they started to develop a deep and pervasive insensitivity to their fellow humans as well, starting getting real bad mean streaks going on.    Like attracts and begets like ever Joe.   Violence and inhumanity begets violence and inhumanity...  But that's where your typical burger comes from Joe, from one of those places.   NOT from a small family farm, which is still a real farm like they used to be in the day that my Grandfather still milked cows, etc.   

There is a big difference between these small, family type farms of yester year, and these giant food corporations.   I don't overall much mind the small, real farms, while there is still insensitivity and lack of compassion towards animals there, and they are treated as things and as commodities, there is not the extreme suffering that goes on as with the big corporate food places and system.

  Get the spuds out of your eyes and ears, and hear that beyond what you want to hear.   

Your more than welcome to eat me AhSo once I have dropped this body. Why would I care.

   Umm, that condition was not part of the question.  I'm talking about when you are still very much alive and healthy, and wanting to live.    I don't have much problem with a person finding an animal by the side of the road, and eating it.    Sure, meat's not the healthiest thing in the world for the human body, but ethically and spiritually speaking i see no deep harm in that.   

But that's not what i'm talking about.   I'm talking about me forcefully coming into your home, putting you in a tiny little cage with no fresh air, sunlight, at times force feeding you (like with what happens to many chickens), injecting you with all sorts of hormones, vaccines, antibiotics, degrading you so that its easier for me to eventually murder you, then actually painfully killing you, keeping you alive so the blood doesn't "taint" the meat, and then chewing on your carcass afterwards.   

   Sound "humane" in the least bit, appetizing at all? Hungry yet?   Still on your high horse of nothing wrong with supporting that kind of stuff?

  But the million dollar question is Joe, do you really honestly feel that you need to eat meat in order to survive and be healthy?   That's the important question, because if the objective answer to that question is no, then you are doing it for very, very superficial and selfish reasons.   You could call that judgment, but i call it a wake up call to humanity to become actually more "humane".

  You don't have to worry about "God" judging you at all, no, your own Soul, the part of you still more attuned to God, sees error and tries to balance it out.   Tis Karma Joe, tis the immutable law of energy resonation, and what goes around, always eventually comes around whether we like it or not.    The choice and freewill only comes in, in choosing when exactly to deal with what.   

  The point of all spiritual teachings, is to lesson an individual and humanity from attracting anymore difficult and suffering filled karma.   To learn how to attract joy, peace, and happiness.  To learn how to attune to Source.  This comes ONLY from using one's freewill in a positive, loving, compassionate manner towards all of Creation.  To consider other beings before oneself.   It's a "radical" message apparently, since Yeshua tried to teach that 2000 years ago and humanity is still struggling with that important insight since.   I mean, he only drove home his point with the ultimate "self" sacrifice and all. 

  Since i know you wouldn't consider doing the above caging, torturing, and painfully killing of other humans for non survival food, then why would you support a system which does that to beings much closer to us in nature and likeness than a friqqin carrot or head of lettuce?     Unless you would consider doing that to a fellow human as well? 

  Now, to play the devil's advocate for a moment, i see tough times coming for people, and especially for many, many Americans.   Food and clean water are going to become scarce in the near future.    There may be some survival necessity for people, even vegetarian types like myself, to hunt in order to survive..  However, it goes beyond just one's shallow and totally selfish appetites and tastebuds, and those like me while we may have to resort to it, we will do it a lot more in the manner of the Native Americans, with a lot of respect and gratitude to these beautiful creatures.   We will always try to kill them as quickly, as painlessly, and if possible without them physically knowing too deeply before hand.   

  I'm hoping i can get the point of transcending the need for too much food in the first place, before this necessity develops.   However, the clock is ticking, there isn't a whole lot of time, and i haven't raised my overall vibrations enough yet to subsist off very little food and be healthy and strong at the same time.   This may come, but not any time soon i think.   

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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #50 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 5:15pm
Excellent AhSo, Yes I have become one with a plant. A dead tree to be more exact. I am sure what was shaired with me was just a pittance of what awareness this being holds. I can only hope to attain the knowledge and wisdom this plant has. Truly so much farther advanced than me.
I don't know who this IBF is but I am sure it is no differant than the large farms we have here in Canada or that around the world. They are in wholesale food production and are horrible places. Yes they stuff the food down the necks of the chickens and keep them in cages that they can't move in. Cut off the beaks so they can't eat one another and a number of even worst things. Cattle and sheep are no different. Hormones and antibiotics from the day they are born. I am not saying these places are good at all. they are not. An example of the ignorance is that some people thing that "free range" chicken eggs are better than others. They get the same food, antibiotics, etc as the ones kept in cages. There just allowed to go out in a feces filled outer cage with no grass. At least they get some sun. Look at the egg yokes. Pale and weak. Not good food like you say.
Now when it comes to the small farms of yesteryears. Now they new how to cut of the head of a chicken. Or kill a cow so much better than they do today. Kind of reminds me of a "South Park " episode. They showed a humane way of killing the Turkeys. Soft music, low lights, and  beautiful pictures of scenery. As the Turkeys look up at the pictures a saw comes by and cuts off their heads.
You ask if I "need" meat to remain healthy. I think yes.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #51 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 5:40pm
 Joe, extreme, consistent, repeated animal brutality has been very well documented in many of the huge, mainstream agri food giants like IBF for example. ... Even workers later report how much such animal brutality is fostered and encouraged in these environments.

Pls. remain "calm, cool and collected my dearest" - inorder to teach, one can not reprimand. Anyone whom is not blind can tell that you are a teacher, for your qualities at heart told on you!  Wink Got`cha. So I understand the issue as Joe wrote it and your reply - wonderful "communication" - thats where it begins. Alot of people feel as you do. But tell me two things to the above quote:
1) How did we get into THAT mess?
2) How do we get out of it?

Like attracts and begets like ever Joe.   Violence and inhumanity begets violence and inhumanity...

Alot of people feel as you do. But tell me two things to the above quote:
1) How did we get into THAT mess?
2) How do we get out of or change it?

I'm talking about me forcefully coming into your home, putting you in a tiny little cage with no fresh air, sunlight, at times force feeding you (like with what happens to many chickens), injecting you with all sorts of hormones, vaccines, antibiotics  

What can we do "right now" to change that?

The point of all spiritual teachings, is to lesson an individual and humanity from attracting anymore difficult and suffering filled karma. To consider other beings before oneself.

I disagree, the point of spiritual lessons is actually to "teach oneself" - even the teacher learns anew thru the experience of teaching. Have you noticed that no matter what spiritual lesson you`ve learned someone/something happened to extend the lesson ergo: When we begin to think the the lesson being taught is the "end all of info" - then er`ve missed the lesson.

All of the answers we "seek" are found within 1 word. Agape. Its answers every question, every problem we have.

I agree, we humans have serious problems however the more that multipy themselves practising Agape love - the quicker these problems are solved forever - the lesson concerning the earth realm is then learned.

Thump, thump, thump did you hear my heart beat,

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #52 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 6:15pm
Oh yes, eating meat... Even yourself has said of the importance of eating some meat for a woman. Your wife I think you mentioned could use some once and a while..... Now of course you could look at the Eskimo's of just 70 /80 years ago and they almost never ate veg. I take it in your perception they would only exist in the lower spiritual planes?
You mention the sacrifice of Jesus. Do you think he nailed himself to the cross? I think not. The Romans sacrificed Jesus. I also see from your posts that you have never lived on or near an Indian reservation. I thinks you might be watching to many movies. 
I too look forward to transending to the point where carbon based food is not necessary. Now you getting there before me because you don't eat meat....thats a different thing. I hope we get there at the same time.
By the way, I think that you may be one of the ones who is far advanced here. There is no doupt about your intelligence. I know you turly feel about meat eating just how you write about it. Please don't think that I apprive of the farming method used in our consume society. There will be many here on earth that may well be left behind spiritually. I don't think you will be one of them. The big differance between us is that you seam to think the meat eaters are the ones who are somehow less than the veg's. I don't belieave it has anything to do with earthy pleasures or necessities of food. My lesson to be learned here my well not be the same as yours. I am sure that for both of us the lesson my well be in tolerance.
Merry Christmas AhSo, the best to you and yours. All is well. 
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #53 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 7:31pm
hawkeye wrote on Dec 14th, 2007 at 6:15pm:
Oh yes, eating meat... Even yourself has said of the importance of eating some meat for a woman. Your wife I think you mentioned could use some once and a while..... Now of course you could look at the Eskimo's of just 70 /80 years ago and they almost never ate veg. I take it in your perception they would only exist in the lower spiritual planes?
You mention the sacrifice of Jesus. Do you think he nailed himself to the cross? I think not. The Romans sacrificed Jesus. I also see from your posts that you have never lived on or near an Indian reservation. I thinks you might be watching to many movies.  
I too look forward to transending to the point where carbon based food is not necessary. Now you getting there before me because you don't eat meat....thats a different thing. I hope we get there at the same time.
By the way, I think that you may be one of the ones who is far advanced here. There is no doupt about your intelligence. I know you turly feel about meat eating just how you write about it. Please don't think that I apprive of the farming method used in our consume society. There will be many here on earth that may well be left behind spiritually. I don't think you will be one of them. The big differance between us is that you seam to think the meat eaters are the ones who are somehow less than the veg's. I don't belieave it has anything to do with earthy pleasures or necessities of food. My lesson to be learned here my well not be the same as yours. I am sure that for both of us the lesson my well be in tolerance.
Merry Christmas AhSo, the best to you and yours. All is well.  

Excellent Point!
There is no 'Judgement' in that regard about ourselves.
Eating meat will not make us any 'less' spiritual or anymore 'sinful'.
The only judgement we will receive will be by our ownselves after we pass one else will JUDGE us.

Gotta look at the bigger picture...Earth is Boot Camp/School. Simple as that.
I will still enjoy meat any time I want too and will not accept anybody saying I am less of a person for doing so....EVER!

I also make a wonderful Meatloaf too. Good wholesome winter food.  Along with my whipped potatoes. My secret to those is adding a block of creme cheese...hehe!
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #54 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 12:28am
  You're completely right Old Dood (btw, love your avatar), eating meat will not directly make one less spiritual in the ultimately spiritual sense. 

It's a little more subtle and shades of gray than that.   Plenty of more holistically verified and thus more "credible" psychic sources, talk about meat and its influence.   For example, long time explorer and co-worker with Bob Monroe, Rosiland McKnight, channeled some very spiritually attuned guides and they talked a bit about meat and how it tends to slow down and clog up one's vibratory rates.   How it takes away important energy from the total energy system of a human.  If you're interested, check out her book Cosmic Journey's, its one of the best i've ever read, and i've read a lot of these kinds of books.   She devoted a chapter to the issue of diet and self discipline and its called, "Control: The Foods We Eat" or similar. 

I can vouch from the above from pure and direct experience.   When i stopped eating meat, i started to feel more and more "lighter" in nature, i had more energy, more focus, my mental state was sharper, i felt more alive and intune.   I became less aggressive and less angry in tendencies, or in other words my testosterone levels seemed to drop.   I wasn't so horny and centered in my 1st and 2nd Chakras all the time, like i used to be.   I started to feel more balanced and happier overall.

  There were other changes going on around the same time, but i know from direct guidance that this was definitely one of the big factors in this more positive, alive, and balanced me.   Others who have gone vegetarian in a smart and slower way like i did, also have reported similar trends and patterns.   

  Edgar Cayce's guides talked a lot about diet, and while they rarely told anyone to completely abstain from meat, they oft, like Rosiland's guides, mentioned again and again cutting down on same in general and overall and sticking more to the "lighter" meats like fish and fowl.   These were said to be easier to digest and also energetically lighter in vibration (meaning faster vibrations).   

   At least one time, Cayce's guides told a more spiritually developed person to not lower the plane of development by eating meat.  It was one of the few more firm and in your face advise that they ever gave.   

  I've also gotten some direct guidance from my guides concerning diet at times, which suggests that both Rosiland's and Cayce's guides know what they are talking about.   

   One of the issues with eating meat, is the intensity and amount of fear vibrations contained within and around these.    Fear is the closest opposite to love there is, though not truly its opposite.    But universal, impersonal, complete Love is the fastest vibratory state, and fear is one the slowest vibratory energies.   There are degrees of both, but when an animal goes to the slaughter, it usually knows what's going on, especially the more complex animals like pigs and even cows.   

  So it's body gets flooded with toxic hormones and chemicals, and the energy around same is permeated with intense and large amounts of emotional fear energy.   Higher animals are Soul energy, developed up to the emotional energies.   Unlike a plant, they can feel deep, pervasive, and very emotionally oriented fear, in many ways just like a human can and does.   

  Interestingly, when a human starts to feel a lot of deep fear itself, it becomes much more like the animal temporarily.  The reasoning, logical, left brain goes right out the window, and one becomes irrational and reactive, and overly emotionally centered until the fear lessons.   

  Besides the fact that meat is so hard to digest and takes away a lot of energy from the total energy system of a human, besides that it tends to slow down ones physical, etheric, and emotional vibratory energy levels, besides all of the smart and self interested reasons to avoid eating meat...

One is left with the simple and more compelling issue of compassion to another beings suffering.   While i enjoy the many side benefits of better digestion, more energy, more mental focus, etc., the most important part of not partaking of this system of death and suffering for me, is that i am sensitive too and have compassion for these fellow aspects of Creation suffering and pain.   I just don't want to contribute to it at all, if i can help it.

   I take it a step farther as well.   Lately i've been nudges from Guidance to eat more living foods and to eat less in general.   It's been hard for me to do because i lack total discipline and self control at times. 

But when i went to The Monroe Institutes's Gateway Voyage program, i decided i would try an experiment.    Normally in my diet, i eat some dairy, particularly yogurt and goat milk, a good amount of grains, good amount of beans, cook a lot of food, and only eat some raw and very alive foods.

  Since it was so easy and convenient for me, i decided to stick more to raw and living foods while at TMI.   I mostly stayed away from dairy, only ate a little grain type foods, and some beans.   I also tended to eat less than i normally would.   So i was on a basically low calorie and very simple, but lots of fresh salad, sprouts, and fruit diet (and i avoided certain mixes and combinations).   

  By the end of the that week, with all the meditation, with all the love, and with such a light and very alive diet, with communing with nature, i cannot begin to tell you how good i felt, how much energy i had, how fast vibrating and ALIVE i felt.  I felt like i was floating on air practically.  It was a constant and very nice and natural "high", and it almost felt like when i tried the drug "E" a couple of times when much younger.   Essentially blissful and really happy.   

  I've looked at some pictures of me from the end of my stay, and i look almost like i was starting to radiate physical light.    I feel if i could keep that up, and if i changed my daily life to match my 6 day stay at TMI, i would soon start to completely transcend physicality, and fuse my physical, Soul, and Spirit energies together.   My guidance has been getting on my case, so to speak, in the last couple of years to finally and completely live what i know i should be doing and have more discipline, self control and focus in regards to diet and consistent meditation.

  Cayce's guides stressed again and again, that becoming spiritually attuned and realizing the Souls deepest desire while physically incarnate, was a 3 way process of strengthening, harmonizing, and balancing the physical, the mental, and spiritual energies within, and achieving a perfect balance between same. 

  This of course, takes a lot on many levels, and a lot of discipline and self control is involved.  Probably why i chose to be born under Capricorn Sun, because Capricorn tends most out of all the signs to live intensely powerfully focussed discipline.   If its positive/constructive or negative/destructive, just depends on where this intense focus is directed too. 

  This is a very complex and shades of gray issue O.D.    It contains both relativity and absoluteness at the same time.   Many folks, tend to see and focus on one, for the lack of the other.   My deepest desire is that i can know and maintain the happiness, peace, and balancedness i felt at TMI, and that all others can know that degree of joy, peace, and balancedness too.   This is a part of the reason of why i speak on what i speak on, but the problem is, i still have some unregenerated false self tendencies and energies to me, and so sometimes that gets mixed in as well when i interact with my fellow selves.    But mostly, and on average, i'm coming from a helpful inner intent and motivation.   I'm a very honest, sincere and direct personality...sometimes too much so.

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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #55 - Dec 15th, 2007 at 12:49am
   Thanks for the last reply Joe.  I don't have anything else to say on the subject.  I think i've outlined all that i could have possibly outlined, and now its up to people's freewill and intuition. 

  I try not to, and rarely do, look down upon individual persons who eat meat...however, i do disagree with meat eating in general, as a belief, as concept, and as a way of life for those who don't need to in order to survive.   

  There is an important but subtle difference between the two.  One's more personal, and one's more impersonal.   One's more based on emotional judgment and attachment, and one's more based on pure 6th Chakra perception.   

  Jesus occasionally spoke some very critical words to others, particularly to those who had set themselves up as spiritual teachers or leaders to others and who taught the people false, limiting, and ego/self interest based beliefs.    While i'm no Jesus yet, he is my example and my teacher and i believe that love encompasses more than just nice, flowery, and supportive words to others.   Sometimes love is firm, sometimes even a bit critical on the outside.    It's the inner intent and motivations which matter more than a person's words, and i've found that few people can fully and truly read the inner heart, intents, and motivations of another, just by reading their typed words on an impersonal I-net forum.   

Only those who purely live love always, truly know all there is to know of love.  Jesus was one of those in my perception.   While i may be wrong and off on this, i don't think anyone here, including myself, is as Source attuned as Jesus was.   Hence, we still lie to ourselves, we still have limited and limiting perceptions, beliefs, and ways of being.  Only one who lives purely like Source, can fully and truly know Source.   It's all based on the impersonal and universal law of energy resonation.   There is no going around this condition for anyone or any consciousness. 

  Joyful attuning to you and everyone.   In the future, i will try to tone down my at times too blunt, direct, and imbalanced to Yang, energy and expression tendency.  This is one of the issues wherin i can become over impassioned about.  At the same time, i would caution others to not assume so much about how much i was personally judging individuals.   There was some brief and temporary judgment within, but not as much as would appear to those who cannot fully read my inner heart by my outer typed words.   

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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #56 - Dec 16th, 2007 at 5:37pm
A Fair and straight response from you AhSoLaoTsuAhhOmmra.

I will give you that. I can't expect anything more from you. You are what you are.
Your choices are your own to make.  Not mine or anyone elses.

I myself will state right off I do not have all the answers.
Not even close.  I have many more questions when an answer has been found for me.

As to eating meat like everything Moderation is Key.
I do not want to eat meat everyday and I don't.
Some days I eat Tuna, others only peanut butter.
(yes, I have an odd diet)
In fact I do not eat food as much as I use to.
I will simply go hungry until the hunger stops bothering me.
Eating food at times for me is annoying. Meaning I am not in the 'mood' to eat when I get hungry all the time.
Other times I simply can't help it and I HAVE to EAT.  Blood suger is in my toes. Smiley

My wife is on a super low carb diet and meat, cheese, etc is all she will eat.
So many times that is all that is available at dinner time.
She makes a lot of fish and I do not care for it and will skip it and make a peanut butter sandwich instead...hehe!
Tuna with Mayo is my FISH! On toasted 'good' bread & butter.  I love that stuff.

There are other times especialy in the winter where like I said I will make a meatloaf like mom use to make.
It is fantastic and actually better the next day in the form of a sandwich with of course more MAYO. hehe!

Winter foods are heavier and stick to your ribs kinda thing. If I eat more meat in the winter I get less hungry and burn up all the protein too.
We also still have a daughter at home and well, we have to feed her. haha!

I can simply enjoy good old fashion cereal for a meal.  Rasin Nut Brand is excellent.

Now I am hungry after writing about food...<sigh>

EDIT: Oh and thanks for the compliment on my Avatar. Our kids(and Mrs Dood) seem to think I resemble him a lot at times.  So be it. Cheesy
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