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what the aliens are trying to tell us (Read 23891 times)
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #30 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 5:40pm
Actually, you make excellent points, AhSo, and you tell it like it is on this subject, which I do appreciate.

I spent a considerable number of years trying to decide whether or not to be a vegetarian. In fact, for much of the time I thought I was one.  I was even a vegan for a while. Some of my best friends, and also my sister is a vegetarian (she always detested meat of any kind -- and I will say, she has always been more kind-hearted to animals than most people I have known).

However, I drifted back into that river again, that river of denial we all talk about. So, yes, meat is on my menu. At times. Along with "cage free" eggs, and organic this, and organic that.

And, last night, I had a veggie burger on a toasted crumpet with my own hydroponic lettuce! I admit that the mayo and dijon mustard were also part of the big event.

How about that!

Of course, we can all do better...and we will. It's written in the stars. It's happening even as we speak.

love, blink Smiley
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #31 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 7:19pm
AhSo, Having not personally been a carrot or a plant in a number of lifetimes, I just don't remember how it felt to be eaten as one. Now as for these farms you speak of that torture animals. I highly sudggest contacting your local SPCA or the police. I don't hang around pulling the wings off chickens. Or poking out the eyes of cows before they are killed. I do rip the life bring roots off plants as I pull them from the ground though.
Your more than welcome to eat me AhSo once I have dropped this body. Why would I care. In the meen time I would mosk likely revert to my survival instincts and at least attempt to save myself.
I don't mind your preaching AhSo. Everone has different beliefs. Your just as entitled to have yours as I am mine. At my place in 27 I have all sorts of animals. I don't kill them and eat them there. I have no need of food, plant or animal, OOB.
Now as for this Yeshua, I don't really have any idea what he really thought. I know there are countless books and people who wrote things saing that this is what he thought and what he taught, but I again don't have a recall of hearing him in person. Your entitled to have any beliefs you wish. Books and what some people have interrupted as what the true meaning of Gods lessions are changed over and over again, and by many religions. Most of them wrong or done in an effort to control the masses. My God would never judge me for eating meat (if he did judge). I am sure there are much more pressing issues. Of course my God dosen't judge at all.The paranoia of judgment or the return of Jesus to judge everone on earth is just so much bull. (My opinion only) My God would never have you kiss his butt in order to go to a heaven. Everones different. One thing that is so great here is that we all are allowed to express our beliefs without the fear of reprisal. That is a true blessing.
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #32 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 1:42am
  Hi Blink, i believe that sometimes it's important for some individuals to sometimes eat some meat, because of health issues or concerns.   While meat in general, is not very good for the human body, it does contain large amounts of certain important nutrients not much concentrated in most plant foods.   Particularly women, because of their periods, tend to need some meat if their diets aren't very, very varied, balanced, and well planned out.   For a woman to be a completely healthy vegetarian, they either need to be practically a nutritionist or practically ascended.  Neither condition is too common right now.   Becky is a vegetarian as well, but sometimes i've gotten the definite sense that she could stand to eat a little, real farm and organically raised chicken if she wanted to be optimally healthy.  She of course, ignores my suggestions though she knows i have a well developed intuition.

  I've met plenty of what i would call, "junk food vegetarians" who weren't all that healthy.   Not eating meat doesn't necessarily mean one is going to be very healthy.

  I don't see in black and white on this, or most any subject.   There is a certain amount of relativity involved.   However, basically and universally speaking, to not support, especially the current mainstream American meat industry, is a constructive thing both spiritually and health wise both collectively and individually speaking.
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #33 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 8:58am
Without reading ALL of the posts here in this thread this is what I have come to believe....

Ever since the mid 1940s there has been a lot of UFO sightings....


Nukes baby....Nukes!

They are very interested in our ability to kill ourselves.
Some of these off world beings are very nice and really want to help....some are not so nice.
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #34 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:04am
I believe I have posted some of this before but here just in case any of you missed it...
(Looking at Nanner Wink)


I strongly suggest the Bob Dean interview FIRST!
Very exciting stuff....then maybe Clifford Stone's interview next.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #35 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:32am
Honey, if I`ve missed anything, be sure to smack it up to my nose for that is truely one thing I have not a problem with. (The worst thing that can happen to me is if I die dumbfounded knowing that I had the chance to learn)

I will check out that link - Nanner promises!  Wink (looking at old Dood)

Hugs a bunches!
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #36 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:37am
Old Dood wrote on Dec 14th, 2007 at 8:58am:
Without reading ALL of the posts here in this thread this is what I have come to believe.... They are very interested in our ability to kill ourselves

I havent looked at this yet, however I can`t just keep my trap shut on that quote up there though..

They are smarter than we are or otherwise we would be the ones "traveling at the speed of light and "lightness" and our lives on earth to them is probably like a Sitcom. Ergo: as the world turns part IV or something like that. I mean lets be for real - we are interesting little "ants" when looking from the outside, but what have we to offer if we don`t finially learn to comprehend. WHERE THERE IS FEAR THERE IS NO LOVE.
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #37 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:50am
Nanner wrote on Dec 14th, 2007 at 9:37am:
Old Dood wrote on Dec 14th, 2007 at 8:58am:
Without reading ALL of the posts here in this thread this is what I have come to believe.... They are very interested in our ability to kill ourselves

I havent looked at this yet, however I can`t just keep my trap shut on that quote up there though..

They are smarter than we are or otherwise we would be the ones "traveling at the speed of light and "lightness" and our lives on earth to them is probably like a Sitcom. Ergo: as the world turns part IV or something like that. I mean lets be for real - we are interesting little "ants" when looking from the outside, but what have we to offer if we don`t finially learn to comprehend. WHERE THERE IS FEAR THERE IS NO LOVE.

Well, I believe they travel faster then light.
They travel at the speed of 'Thought'.

Most of what I have read is that ETs are coming not so much from where as to from 'when'.
They are our Future Selves. Not all...some. There are at least 58 'races' of ETs that we know of.
So they would have a big stake on how we take care of this planet.

I also come to believe there is more then ONE timeline.  
We our present selves have screwed this up with things like the Philadelphia Experiment...
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #38 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:01am
Okay Old Dood - I am watching Part 1 of Bobs video. Just for the sake of a smerk to you. He ist just now speaking of "them" flying over germany all the time". Right about that time I busted out laughing and said to myself "I knew it, I knew it - they dropped me off here in germany!" The Nanner is an alien to this world!  However it makes me "indifferently upset, that here we go again, us super duper hypocritical human beings show our true butts in 1964 and shoot at the flying objects "SIMPLY because they are flying around taking a look at us"... Wonder when someone will invent that really big fly swater and swat at us when we go zooming thru space out of curiousity. Oh this makes me "mad" man, we are ignorant and really need to advance to a higher consciousness - like quick like. And I really really hope that when the time comes, where they publically pop up for everyone to see, that they differ "who wants to shoot them from those that find them absolutley great!". I dont want to be in the first catagory, nor do I want to be cheated out of the chance to get to know them by MIB gov.`s whom think that they are the only ones whom can comprehend. UUUUUUUgh! Angry

Thanks for the tip, I`ll keep listening and watching.
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #39 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:19am
Exactlly Nanner...
'We' threw everything at these guys and they simply shut off the jets and their weapon systems...haha!

We have since then 'shot them down' with Lasers and Scaler Weapons.

Yes...We 'Back Engineered' this stuff and of course we back engineered the WEAPONS!

Notice since 1940's we all of a sudden had all this new tech? Transistors,Micro Chips and the like.... We are not 'that smart'.  We back engineered this stuff.
Same for Zero-Point Energy.  'They' are sitting on that because it can't be METERED to make a PROFIT.
B A S T E R D S! (Sorry, I Evaded the word was needed)
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #40 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:31am
Thats okay with envading the filter - I wouldnt call them that, for I want to learn to advance to higher energy, however back to my interest to the subject: Looking thru spiritual eyes, I see that the "reputation of mankind on earth lays in the hands of those that lead us" So what can the "world in mass consciousness do" inorder to restore reputaion which these knuckelheads whom we vote for are ruining?
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #41 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:34am
Nanner wrote on Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:31am:
Thats okay with envading the filter - I wouldnt call them that, for I want to learn to advance to higher energy, however back to my interest to the subject: Looking thru spiritual eyes, I see that the "reputation of mankind on earth lays in the hands of those that lead us" So what can the "world in mass consciousness do" inorder to restore reputaion which these knuckelheads whom we vote for are ruining?


There IS a Shadow Government(s).
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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #42 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:39am
You think you can get a headache over that stuff?

Try this one: ( there is a lot of Dis-information here...however, the man that started this site quit and started Project Camelot)

Here is why: (He still believes Serpo happened though)

Also the FORUM for Project Camelot is here:

That should give you quite a bit 'To Do' for a while. hehehe Cheesy

EDIT: Also there is a lot of Serpo explainations on the Open Minds Forum.
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Theres only AGAPE

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Hamburg, Germany
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #43 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 10:54am
But Old Dood, the objective of my journey is to "enlighten" my thoughts, worries, pain and discomfort not GIVE ME MORE REASONS TO ASK THE UNIVERSE FOR THE ULTIMATE FAVOUR!  Grin

for now I am not too interested in other "forums" to chit chat with - I like my Moen friends quite well. They all seem to have the same intent in their mission and no one seems to make themselves sound better in spirit than anyone else. So - I guess you guys are stuck with me until my quest demands me elsewhere.

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Old Dood
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #44 - Dec 14th, 2007 at 11:01am
I was showing you the Open Minds Forum so you can simply read and look for more answers.
It is a good one.  There are a lot of 'UFO Type Forums' out there.  Not all are equal...most are  C R A P!

That was all...'Dear'. Smiley

I rarely post there myself.  It is beyond me in a lot of ways so I will simply read and try to understand more of the UFO thing...
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