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what the aliens are trying to tell us (Read 23893 times)
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #15 - Dec 6th, 2007 at 12:11am
Hi there B.W.S...,

   I live in VA now, but i'm not from here.  I'm from MA originally and was born in CA.   

  I would agree with you about the double nature of the climate changes going on.   Actually, my best guess and hunch is that its about 85 percent natural and natural cycles, and about 15 percent directly human caused or rather influenced.    There seems to be more oceanographer type scientists finding out more and more that a lot of the heating of the earth is actually coming from undersea/ocean volcanic type vents.   Much, much, much more vast and intense than the energy and heat being released from the above land volcanic systems.   In 1998 two  scientists independently found out that the bulge of the Earth at the equator was noticeably increasing due to some massive mass shifting going on in the earth.  They could only speculate about what actually was happening.   I have a theory, buts it's kind of a long drawn out explanation and i haven't worked out all the kinks yet.   It's based quite a bit on the psychic predictions of Edgar Cayce, which if interpreted correctly and holistically have mostly been fairly accurate.

  Either way, this doesn't let humanity off the hook for a moment, the big issue of pollution beyond and above that of climate changes is simply just human health and the very negative impact that this is having on us and other species.   Clean air, clean water, clean earth are all very important to those physically incarnate, and above all we just need to start learning to have respect, and to not be so selfish and narrow minded as we have been collectively for so long. 

  Thanks for all the links.   Yes, also do believe that some extremes and major changes are coming within the next 10 years or so.   This will happen on all levels for humans, and it's a way of 'clearing the air' so to speak, very necessary at this point, and a natural balancing phase and reaction.   Much like the nature and Archetype of Saturn, with Uranus combined.    How interesting then that we are moving into the Aquarian Age which is said to be ruled by Uranus and Saturn.

  That good ole Galactic Center of ours is certainly turning up the heat big time.  Funny then that this increasing bulge in the Earth near the equator happened in 1998 which is the exact year in which the Galactic-Winter Solstice Sun alignment started to happen in a physically/astronomically measurable way!   Funny then that Edgar Cayce's sources mentioned 1998 as an important marking point in the Changes, and singled this year out the most as the earnest start or pick up of same.
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #16 - Dec 6th, 2007 at 12:45am
  When i first started to do in the in home Gateway CD's put out by TMI, i did it really intensively for a couple of weeks.   I got to the point in it regarding the ask your guidance questions and get answers part. 

  So i asked about the Changes, particularly about the more physical aspect of same.   I got an unbidden and very, very vivid image in my mind's eye of what appeared to me to be a very active and intense, reddish orange colored, and almost "angry" seeming Sun.   

  For awhile, the Sun has had a pretty regular 11 year cycle where it reaches peak activeness (and conversely at another point, peak passiveness) as regarding Solar flares, CME's, and general energetic output.    It also flips its polarity, oddly at that peak active part of the cycle.   

  The next most active phase is scheduled by NASA to start about 2010 or so and peak in 2012, and probably stay strong for awhile after.   

   From the message i received during that meditation, my sense is that around this time, or maybe in a later cycle, the Sun is going to get very, very, very intense and active. 

My Twin Soul/Wife recently had a dream where the climate in our area was really heating and drying up, and causing a lot of issues for a lot of people and even animals and nature in general.    Many people started to get sick, and started to become more emotionally unbalanced.   

    This dream of hers, and my earlier guidance message from a few years ago is interesting because there is a book called the Dweller on Two Planets, wherein this young man Oliver channels a being who calls itself Phylos the Tibetan.   Phylos talks about many different things, and like Cayce's guides, compares America very powerfully to the "fabled" Atlantis.    Like Atlantis, Phylos sees probable upheavals and massive changes for both America and the world. One thing that Phylos specifically mentions, and which relates to the above is the "Solar heats" which may or probably will come at some point.  Btw, like Cayce's source, Phylos is apparently a big fan of Christ and talks about him a bit and very positively.

   When or if this happens, this will greatly speed up other inner Earth changes which have been in the works for quite awhile now, since 1936 if you consider Cayce's guides on the subject.

  It's important to keep in mind, when thinking about such possibilities, that this is all for the spiritual growth of humanity and will greatly facilitate this goal in a more long term sense.   

Not surprisingly then, when Robert Monroe visits the far future times, he sees some pretty massive changes, like the western part of VA has now become coast.   Or his long time explorer Rosiland McKnight relates in her book Cosmic Journey's, directly from those explorer sessions that her guidance shows her a very changed Earth in the semi far future, and not just socially and spiritually, but very much also geologically as well.   At one point, she says its almost as if the North and South Poles have moved from where they use to be. 

  This is something that Cayce's guidance talked a lot about, and mentioned that Earth periodically goes through such massive upheavals, wherein the actual outer crust of the Earth moves notiably and relatively quickly over the more fluidic mantle layer.   His source mentions some 5 major periods of such changes, and seems to more than hint that another one is scheduled to occur sometime in our nearish future.   

  Cayce's guides relate this to a deep, inner upheaval and shifting of the core of the Earth in the year 1936 vaguely caused by "cosmic forces" as they say, which changed the orientation of the inner core from its alignment to Polaris and to the outer Earth.   This, this inner shifting he indicated is what would cause the Earth to gradually but noticeably start to warm up, starting he said in about the year 1958 and becoming obviously noticeable and apparent by the year 1998, wherein these changes would pick up in earnest.    Contrary to popular mainstream belief, he didn't give an exact year for the crustal shift, and didn't seem to say if it would reach some kind of "peak momentum" or if there would be different smaller shifts over a period of time.   I don't know enough about physics, geology, etc. to venture a guess, i just know from guidance that something with the crust is going to happen. 

  Unfortunately, very, very few people are even open to the above probabilities, and tend to label any talk of such possible events as "fear mongering" or the like.    They in particular will be in for a rude awakening when it climaxes.

  Yet from a completely spiritual and detached perspective, these very outer difficulties and challenges are going to be what acts as such a powerful, collective catalyst for humanity to finally learn how to cooperate and work together for a greater and more constructive ideal.   Nothing like challenge, friction and difficulty to wake and shake people up.    It's certainly worked for me fairly well in my life so far, and that's exactly what my Greater self planned for when it made those decisions and planned this physical life for me/us.
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #17 - Dec 7th, 2007 at 12:43am
ahso, honestly i don't think food is worth so much thought.  a great percentage of people on the earth are lucky to have any food at all.  i think starvation is a bigger issue than what food exactly people eat.
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #18 - Dec 7th, 2007 at 12:46pm
the_seeker wrote on Dec 7th, 2007 at 12:43am:
ahso, honestly i don't think food is worth so much thought.  a great percentage of people on the earth are lucky to have any food at all.  i think starvation is a bigger issue than what food exactly people eat. 

  Yeah, definitely agree with the above Seeker.  At the end of our lifetimes, food and diet is not so much an important issue.  What's important, and what our greater selves, our guides, and the Elders/Masters ask us during our life review is, "how much kindness, love, and compassion did you practice and show to Creation in your recent life?"

  That's the heart of the issue here and the point i'm trying to make.   We need to be kind, loving, and compassionate to all of Creation, not just to fellow humans.   This, this is what causes us to spiritually grow or not.   And, if you really think deeply about it, when we abstain from eating meat, and cutting down on dairy, we are also being kind to our fellow humans as well because we saying no to the devastation of Rainforest, to increased pollution, and saying YES to better health for ourselves which leads to less of a drain on society and its resources.

   Much of the "food" we eat, well comes from animals with a very developed nervous system, and developed emotional system.   Hence, very much like us they can feel excruciating pain, and they can feel deep and acute emotional fear.    Do you honestly believe any animal goes to the slaughter happily and willingly.  The very definition and standard of "spirituality" for all, is, do unto others as you would have done to you.   

Something tells me that you probably would NOT appreciate someone cruelly caging you, torturing you, and then cruelly and very painfully killing you for your meat.   Something tells me that if this was done to you, you probably would feel a lot of deep and pervasive fear.  Something tells me that if you could enter the consciousness of an animal whilst the above was being done to it, and you could really feel as if it was yourself going through this, you'd might think twice in the future of supporting such behaviors and actions yourself.   

The basic message and point i'm trying to get across is very simple and uncomplicated Seeker .   It's all about having compassion and love, versus having the lack of it, and how this relates to spiritual growth while in this physical dimension temporarily.
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #19 - Dec 7th, 2007 at 8:07pm
I see no lack of love in eating meat. Also the high demand for vegies is causing an extreme increase in the use of pesticides and herbicides. All of which are doing damage to us and to animals. If eating meat was wrong and wasen't to be OK by some God like over ruler then even the animals woulden't be doing it. Me, I love a good burger and I will never go to someones elses hell because of it. Burger good, parsnip bad.
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #20 - Dec 7th, 2007 at 10:37pm

1.  Switching to organic would very much decrease the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides.

2.  I never said anyone who eats meat would go to hell.

3.  Some more credible psychic sources talk about either very spiritually advanced far past cultures, and/or very spiritually advanced future cultures.   Some of these accounts seem to suggest that these spiritually advanced past and/or future cultures were primarily vegetarian in nature.   

   Why then, if these accounts are true?

4.  How is it loving and compassionate to cage, torture, and then cruelly and painfully kill another being who feels acute physical pain, and emotional fear very much like a human does?

  Ok, maybe that is "loving" in your book, but its not in my mine, and thankfully more and more people are starting to become more vegetarian in nature.   In about 100 years, i can see most people living like that.   About time  Roll Eyes

5.  Why would very high sources like Cayce or Rosiland McKnight's guides occasionally speak out against eating meat, and mention that it does more harm than good to most bodies and energy systems, if it had no basis in reality whatsoever? 

  Are you wiser, more intune, more loving, and more perceptive than Rosie's guides, Joe?
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #21 - Dec 10th, 2007 at 3:27pm
My My ASLTAO, Little sensitive today. Paranoia about being verbally attacked or something?
1) with food demand a current levels we most likely could decrease the levals of pesticides and herbicades. But then again we arn't feeding the world and in many places there is just not the food resources to go around. But perhaps your not so concerned about those people, over there and not here in front of your face.
2)I didn't say you said anything. lighten up. Your auras fading man.
3)Hmm, now you might just have something here. But... more credible phychic sources than who? (primarily vegetarian? huh)
4)I said nothing about meat eating being loving or compassionate. Its all about survival. Although it is also loving and giving to give up ones life for the survival of another. Surely you understand about giving?
5) (Yes, very high sources of protein.) I am not putting down Rosie's guidesor her at all. I have met her a few times and read her books. Very loving. What, you think she has never eaten a burger. By the way, she dosen't like being called Rosie. She much prefers Rosiland. As for Cayce, never met him. Whats he like? Ever sit down with him over lunch? As for meat, moderation is the key. It is much harder for the human body to break down meat. The best thing to remember is to chew at least 100 times just like Grandma used to say.
Now as for being more intune, more loving, and more perceptive than Rosiland's guides..... perhaps mine are. Just who are you to impose your beliefs upon me or to impose restrictions on my being-ness. Perhaps you should ask her if she thinks her guides are wiser, more intune,more loving, or more perceptive than mine. I think you allready know her answer. (Perhaps earthy judgment is best left up to you?) I won't be judged here and the only one who will be judging me, is me. I follow no strainge cult, like some here....I don't think Bruce, Bob, Rosiland, or any of them are Gods or even God like. There just the same as you and me. Its not wrong to eat meat ASLTAO. Life is a choice made. By us and by animals. Is it wrong for a lion to eat a Gazelle alive? Would it go to your hell? Just because I think different than you about meat dosen't mean I am attacking you or what you believe in. I am just expressing what I think. Your choice of being a vegetarian is commendable. But don't think for even one second that I an less than you for not believing the same. Pehaps its time to reread that book put out by the past Popes and see if you have such a right.You know the one, starts  with "In the beginning". My God dosen't need a book to explain what is right or wrong. Or even Priests, churches, or even have judgment over me. My church is within, my priest is myself, and only I will have judgment over what I have done or will ever do on this earth. It might be best to start thinking "out of the box".
My love to All of you.
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« Last Edit: Dec 10th, 2007 at 7:25pm by hawkeye »  
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #22 - Dec 10th, 2007 at 5:05pm
Hey ASLTAO, now that I have vented on ya, a question. I see you also have a thing about dairy also. Whats that all about? Don't tell me that JC didn't eat cheese or drink milk. When on the farm I used to milk cows by hand. No pain for them, in fact they come running at milking time. Also, it has been showen that plants can be effected by emotion and by music. Sometimes it can kill the plant. Why do you feel its OK to kill plants but not animals? Having had a personal conection with a plant energy at Gateway , and experiencing the energy of consious, knowing life from within them, I know they are as much alive as any animal. Not to say you do, but if you understand plants as being alive, how could you eat them knowing they have life? I have been showen "All" from this one plants energy. All about life, love, life sacrifice, giving and forgiveness, along with a host of other information about afterlive knowledge and in life knowledge. If you had had this expearence, I doubt you could even eat a plant. There is no less life energy in a plant than there is in an animal. I think its that whole ego thing again. To believe that a vegetarian is more spiritualy advanced than a meat eater is ridiculous. (my limited view point only) A vegetarian is no better than one who consums meat. No closer to God. No more spiritually advanced. No more, no less. Its only my personal view-point, but you know...I have been wrong and you what...I have no interest in changing how you believe. The only problem I see is the one being somehow better than the other. Its one thing that I am sure that we will never come to an agreement on. 
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« Last Edit: Dec 10th, 2007 at 7:47pm by hawkeye »  
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #23 - Dec 10th, 2007 at 8:54pm
Great point, Joe!

What should we eat, after all? Can't we live on love, on air? What is the purpose of food anyway, to sustain this body? How close to this body do you feel?

If you don't feel particularly close to this body, it is remarkably unimportant what it does, or what it consumes.

We are to do good to others. It's boring. It's harsh. It's impossible. It's God's Law. The greatest commandment is, however, to love God above all others. God is supposed to be numero uno.

Then, love others as we love ourselves. Comprende?

So, how do we love God? By loving all of God's creatures, including ourselves.....

And how do we do this perfectly? See, that's the thing. God leaves it up to us, whether we buy that hamburger at the store, whether we smash that insect, whether we insist on organic...God doesn't bring a lightening bolt down from heaven to smite us. How ridiculous!

And how much does God care if an asteroid destroys every single one of us tomorrow?

I don't really know. And that scares me. Because, if you want to go biblical, well, the measure I use will be the one used on me, after life.

Whether I am "in charge" of this process or whether some angels or God or whoever doesn't  really matter to me. The point is, the law is clear.

I guess I'm ready to be someone's lunch someday because I eat whatever is around, like a good omnivore, although I pay lip service to "health" and all such nonsense. For god's sake, if you're not enjoying your life, aren't you spitting in God's face anyway?

Think how many people in poverty who would smite you, just looking at you turning up your nose at that delicious caviar and sour cream.....Oh, oink, but I digress.

(OMG.........was that just a flying pig I just saw going by me?      Mmmmmmmnnnnnnn........... Smiley)

God, would you get me off the topic of food? I just spent $200 at the grocery store, as part of an "organizing" campaign at the home front. Well, you know, be prepared.

I make myself sick.

Can I go to the monastery now? Don't we all get a rotation? I need one. Well, this life will have to do.

love, blink Smiley
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #24 - Dec 10th, 2007 at 9:07pm
Well, d*&n me to hell, Joe, you have hit the nail on the head!

They say, it's not what goes "into" you that matters, it's what comes "out" of you that makes the difference.

Now, that's profound.

love, blink Smiley
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #25 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 1:57am
hawkeye wrote on Dec 10th, 2007 at 3:27pm:
My My ASLTAO, Little sensitive today. Paranoia about being verbally attacked or something?
1) with food demand a current levels we most likely could decrease the levals of pesticides and herbicades. But then again we arn't feeding the world and in many places there is just not the food resources to go around. But perhaps your not so concerned about those people, over there and not here in front of your face.
2)I didn't say you said anything. lighten up. Your auras fading man.
3)Hmm, now you might just have something here. But... more credible phychic sources than who? (primarily vegetarian? huh)
4)I said nothing about meat eating being loving or compassionate. Its all about survival. Although it is also loving and giving to give up ones life for the survival of another. Surely you understand about giving?
5) (Yes, very high sources of protein.) I am not putting down Rosie's guidesor her at all. I have met her a few times and read her books. Very loving. What, you think she has never eaten a burger. By the way, she dosen't like being called Rosie. She much prefers Rosiland. As for Cayce, never met him. Whats he like? Ever sit down with him over lunch? As for meat, moderation is the key. It is much harder for the human body to break down meat. The best thing to remember is to chew at least 100 times just like Grandma used to say.
Now as for being more intune, more loving, and more perceptive than Rosiland's guides..... perhaps mine are. Just who are you to impose your beliefs upon me or to impose restrictions on my being-ness. Perhaps you should ask her if she thinks her guides are wiser, more intune,more loving, or more perceptive than mine. I think you allready know her answer. (Perhaps earthy judgment is best left up to you?) I won't be judged here and the only one who will be judging me, is me. I follow no strainge cult, like some here....I don't think Bruce, Bob, Rosiland, or any of them are Gods or even God like. There just the same as you and me. Its not wrong to eat meat ASLTAO. Life is a choice made. By us and by animals. Is it wrong for a lion to eat a Gazelle alive? Would it go to your hell? Just because I think different than you about meat dosen't mean I am attacking you or what you believe in. I am just expressing what I think. Your choice of being a vegetarian is commendable. But don't think for even one second that I an less than you for not believing the same. Pehaps its time to reread that book put out by the past Popes and see if you have such a right.You know the one, starts  with "In the beginning". My God dosen't need a book to explain what is right or wrong. Or even Priests, churches, or even have judgment over me. My church is within, my priest is myself, and only I will have judgment over what I have done or will ever do on this earth. It might be best to start thinking "out of the box".
My love to All of you.

  Hi Joe,

  Having read, and re-read your replies to me carefully, it would seem that perhaps you are the one who felt attacked or what not.   

  You also apparently don't remember very well what you say and don't say, for example, you wrote Quote:
I see no lack of love in eating meat.

  Then you wrote, Quote:
4)I said nothing about meat eating being loving or compassionate.

  The first thing you said, certainly implies something, doesn't it?   Tell that to the cow who was cruelly caged, tortured, and then painfully killed for your precious hamburger.   Tell her, "hey its no biggy, it's all about survival, and i just wouldn't survive if i didn't support the system which provides me with your delicious, succulent, bloody flesh".   

Joe wrote, Quote:
1) with food demand a current levels we most likely could decrease the levals of pesticides and herbicades. But then again we arn't feeding the world and in many places there is just not the food resources to go around. But perhaps your not so concerned about those people, over there and not here in front of your face.

  Do you realize how much food is purposely thrown away every year to maintain and manipulate market prices?   Do you realize that one of the reasons why if there was ever a REAL shortage of sustainably grown food for people, not just Americans, is because so much crops, acreage, and food goes to feeding huge animals that we grow to eat?  That everyday, tons of rainforest is being cut down for this very same purpose, to feed the cattle that you need to eat so badly?

Do you realize how wasteful and unsustainable this is, in the long run?   Do you have any real logical arguments besides the fact that you like to indulge in and support this corrupt and inherently destructive system?
As regards Rosiland's guides, they say that meat is inherently destructive to the body and to the overall energy system.   If i could quote them and her book, i would, but since that is against the law, i will not.   However, i can refer people to the exact pages where they say this. Yes, maybe your guides are more intune, wise, and loving than they are, but something tells me that it doesn't matter what your guides are about, i'm not addressing your guides, i'm addressing you and your beliefs.   Nor am i addressing Rosiland the channel.   Many channels in my experience, rarely fully live up to what their guidance systems advocate.   Cayce was a great example of that one.   

  You wrote, Quote:
Its not wrong to eat meat ASLTAO. Life is a choice made. By us and by animals. Is it wrong for a lion to eat a Gazelle alive?

  That is an old tired argument Joe.   Use some logic and reasoning man.   Are you a lion, am i telling a lion that its destructive for it to kill and eat a gazelle?   We are human, we have intellect, we have a greater degree of freewill and conscious awareness than any other animal, we do not need to eat meat in order to physically survive.   Our bodies are not even that of a carnivore, virtually everything physically about us says primarily vegetarian with the ability to eat meat, but its like putting sugar gas in ones gas tank, not too bright in the long run.

  Let me put it very plainly and succinctly Joe, its not about the partaking of the flesh in and of itself.  If one wants to pollute their bodies with it, that's totally fine, as far as that goes, its on the same level as smoking a cigaratte in the privacy of your own home.    However, this is not primarily what i'm addressing, what i'm addressing is not contributing to and supporting the physical and emotional suffering on an animal for self serving and superficial reasons.   Or to switch the above around a bit, is it ok to smoke a cigarette in the same space of someone who goes out of their way to avoid such toxic pollution?    Or rather is doing something like that, just plain ole self serving selfishness that so many humans excel at?

As i already said, if one absolutely is in a dire, survival situation, and needs to go kill some animal for food, that is one thing, but how many really need to do that in order to survive? Do you personally?

  Your arguments are so unbelievably black and white, and lack holistic reasoning and logic.  You don't seem to realize the huge amount of suffering that goes on in todays agri-business commercial world, in regards to animals.    It is so unbelievably sad and horrifying what we do to these beings with emotions and who feel acute physical pain.   

  It's one thing to go out and cleanly and quickly kill a deer for food, its a whole nother to eat the typical burger which comes from a cow who has been tortured their whole life in order for you to eat that burger.     This is more what i'm speaking against, a cruel and compassion less system that both dehumanizes animals and humans.   

   But hey, you need that burger don't you Joe.   Truly, it is your choice, but as been said of old, "ye have before you death and life, choose thou." 
Enjoy the dense and slow vibrating fear energy in same.   As Rosiland's guides said quite plainly in her book Cosmic Journey's, like attracts and begets like, those who are slow vibrating and dead within, are attracted to that outside of self which is similar or begets a similar energy.    They say that a human truly intune with its inner guidance and who is becoming more balanced and spiritually attuned, will be led to eat more alive and life giving foods.   Many more everyday are finding this to be the case more and more.   

  Fear energy is that of death, decay, and super slow vibrations, and that's what one soaks up when one pollutes ones Temple with burgers and the like.   

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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #26 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 2:31am
hawkeye wrote on Dec 10th, 2007 at 5:05pm:
Hey ASLTAO, now that I have vented on ya, a question. I see you also have a thing about dairy also. Whats that all about? Don't tell me that JC didn't eat cheese or drink milk. When on the farm I used to milk cows by hand. No pain for them, in fact they come running at milking time. Also, it has been showen that plants can be effected by emotion and by music. Sometimes it can kill the plant. Why do you feel its OK to kill plants but not animals? Having had a personal conection with a plant energy at Gateway , and experiencing the energy of consious, knowing life from within them, I know they are as much alive as any animal. Not to say you do, but if you understand plants as being alive, how could you eat them knowing they have life? I have been showen "All" from this one plants energy. All about life, love, life sacrifice, giving and forgiveness, along with a host of other information about afterlive knowledge and in life knowledge. If you had had this expearence, I doubt you could even eat a plant. There is no less life energy in a plant than there is in an animal. I think its that whole ego thing again. To believe that a vegetarian is more spiritualy advanced than a meat eater is ridiculous. (my limited view point only) A vegetarian is no better than one who consums meat. No closer to God. No more spiritually advanced. No more, no less. Its only my personal view-point, but you know...I have been wrong and you what...I have no interest in changing how you believe. The only problem I see is the one being somehow better than the other. Its one thing that I am sure that we will never come to an agreement on. 

  No, i have no problem with dairy gotten in more compassionate and kind ways.   However, the dairy industry and what they do to animals, is just as bad oft times, as what the meat packing industry does.   
To compare our times and systems, to Yeshua's times and systems as regards that, is like comparing apples and oranges.    Again, there is a certain amount of relativity involved.   

  I partake of dairy myself, but i try to choose wisely.  For example, i only buy from farms that i know who don't treat animals in a very cruel and tortuous way.   Most of the milk i drink, is from goats, because goats are not as commercialized as cows have been, hence they are not such a factory type product.   
When possible, i buy from small local farms, wherein i can check in on the state of the animals and see what kind of conditions they are subjected too.   

  Joe wrote, Quote:
Why do you feel its OK to kill plants but not animals? Having had a personal conection with a plant energy at Gateway , and experiencing the energy of consious, knowing life from within them, I know they are as much alive as any animal. Not to say you do, but if you understand plants as being alive, how could you eat them knowing they have life? I have been showen "All" from this one plants energy

  Joe, when did i say that plants aren't alive?   So a carrot is pretty much in the same category as a pig?   A carrot has a developed nervous system designed to register intensely as a specific warning system, anything which causes physical pain...hmmm kind of like us?   Also, doesn't a pig, unlike a carrot, have a very developed emotional system which can acutely feel and react to fear...hmmm kind of like us?  But a carrot is the same thing as a human right?

  Ok Joe, since a carrot is the same as a human, and its all just life under one big same color of a category, then why would it be wrong for me to show up at your house when i'm a bit hungry and i don't know, start chewing off your arm?   Hey, what's wrong about that, you're the same as a carrot, just as a pig is the same as a carrot right?

From your reasoning, anything goes, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, because its all just "life energy".   
To believe that a vegetarian is more spiritualy advanced than a meat eater is ridiculous. (my limited view point only) A vegetarian is no better than one who consums meat. No closer to God. No more spiritually advanced.

   When did i say that a vegetarian is always more spiritually advanced than a meat eater?   I don't give a donkey's butt who is more spiritually advanced than who, what i'm talking about is people learning to have some compassion for suffering, and not just thinking nice thoughts about it, but actually doing something about it.   

   But since you brought it up, is it more spiritual to have and live compassion or to lack same?   Is it more spiritual to give up something that is harmful to self and to others, as a way of saying yes to more compassionate and kind ways of being and as a way of saying no to a system which is treats animals and the workers who slaughter same as pieces of trash ?

  Dunno, you tell me Joe.

  Personally, i would say that the person who lives and acts out of compassion for the suffering of others, both human and non human, is a person who is remembering their own Source like nature and becoming like Source again.   

  It's all about two things Joe, the little separated self and its wants, ways, and desires, and the the wants, desires, and ways of the Greater self.   One brings death, and one fosters, sustains, and brings life.   

  A good example of a group of people who knew well the Law of the Universe, that of like attracts and begets like, is the Essenes who some say were strongly involved in with Yeshua's.   family.   These were vegetarian, and not only were they vegetarian, but they went out of their way to eat only living, enzyme rich foods.   They had the simplistic notion that life begets life, and that death begets death. 

What's interesting about them is that many of them we know, lived much, much longer and healthier lives than the other groups around them, even though genetically there was very little difference.

  Wonder why?   Could it have had anything to do with the way they lived, and what they ate?  Could it be that they understood the spiritual laws better than most living during their times?  Cayce's guides once said, that those groups who are living unusually long life spans, are the ones doing God's work in this world.   

   Hey, maybe that's why the most mature and evolved person living in our space/time cycle, that Monroe asked to and did meet, was some 1800 or so years old? 

  Maybe if we lived like He/She, we too would become like what they have become like?
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #27 - Dec 11th, 2007 at 3:18am
Well, d*&n me to hell, Joe, you have hit the nail on the head!

They say, it's not what goes "into" you that matters, it's what comes "out" of you that makes the difference.

Now, that's profound.

love, blink Smiley

  Profound?   I would say more like "convenient".    The majority of people, even many with spiritual beliefs, tend to go with what's more convenient for self and self's wants and desires, i've noticed.   Sure, maybe God doesn't care, and there will be no lightning bolt...but yet we suffer and suffer and constantly question to Source, "why me, o why me?", never realizing that its our own choices which either bring to us joy or suffering.

  Personally, i believe if Yeshua was teaching publicly right now, he too might speak out against the agri business corporate machine and how cruelly and wrongly they treat our fellow aspects of Creation, as well. 

  But yes, first we must learn to be kind and compassionate to fellow humans before we can realize the finer and more subtle points of spirituality, compassion, and the Oneness of life.   Most people in his day and age, could not grasp even that, they were taught an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. 
  They barely listened to him about not being so dogmatic and vengeful, would it have done any good to bring up something like animal cruelty in a time and place where animals were only regarded as food and slave labor?

  So he had to start real basic and simplistic like for them.   However, an entire astrological age has almost passed, and i'm talking not to ignorant and religiously dogmatic Jews, but to people who call themselves free thinking spiritual students in a world where all cultures are connected at almost the speed of light.    If there was any place, or group who could get the finer and more subtle aspects of such messages, it would be this place and group.   

  However Blink, o mystic Sage of the Afterlife Knowledge forum, have you read of the account wherein Yeshua displayed some pretty strong feelings about what was going on in the Temple market areas?    Do you know what was going on?    Animals were being sold for sacrifice to God.   Is it so hard to believe that a big part of him rebelling so strongly and even physically, was because not only they were turning a place of spiritual worship and contemplation into a business area, but also because they were selling animals, his friends, to be killed in horrible ways such as being burnt alive, all for stupid and dogmatic spiritual belief systems which not only supported such cruel activities, but sought to expand and proliferate such practices and activities?

  Certainly its more important what comes out of one's mouth than what goes in, but even more important are the activities that we either directly support or support by apathy or silent agreement, and which relates to having compassion for suffering or not.

Pretty simple isn't it?   One either has compassion, or one doesn't.  One either sees, recognizes, and lives that Oneness we have with fellow animals, or one doesn't.  One either lives in a self serving and destructive manner, or in a Greater self serving and constructive manner.   One either cares about that animal being tortured and cruelly killed enough to do something about it, or not.   

   Many who don't care enough, support their ways of being with inane and illogical plant arguments, or say that vegetarians are just being egostistical, arrogant, controlling, etc.    Or use quotes from Yeshua, taken out of a larger and rather important context.   

  Or who say things like,  Quote:
For god's sake, if you're not enjoying your life, aren't you spitting in God's face anyway?

  If one "enjoys" life by and through supporting cruel, polluting, non-compassionate, activities towards beings which feel acute physical pain and deep emotional fear like we do, then i would suggest that such a person could stand to re-evaluate what "enjoyment" and enjoying life really means in a more universal sense.   

  If life is all about sensual pleasure, then yeah, go for it, because hey, it's all relative and about your rights and freewill right?   There is no such thing as constructive or destructive, positive or negative, slow vibrations or fast vibrations.   What need could there ever be for trite  concepts like self discipline or sacrifice?

   The standard of "spirituality" for all, is so genius in its simplicity, in its perfect balance of fluidity and absoluteness.   Do unto others as you would have done to you.    So what i'm saying is, if you wouldn't like to be cruelly caged, tortured, and then very painfully killed so that another human or other being can eat your flesh, then why would you do or support that being done to an animal who like you, also doesn't like it?   

  Do people really have a problem with understanding such a simple message?   Or would it sound better if it was coming from a non vegetarian who doesn't feel passionate about compassion to beings who cannot speak for nor defend themselves as most humans can in relation to what other humans do to them.
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #28 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 4:25pm
ASLTAO, much of what you say I agree with. Nobody should purposely inflict pain or needless death upon any living thing. Plant or animal. To me, it seams that you project yourself as not understanding the reality that plants feel. It seams that your earthy, in body knowingness is not allowing you to see that although plants do not have the same body structure as animals, they do in fact "feel". Phyical reality is no differant to a plant than an animal. It would seam to me that you just might be one of those "city boys" that woulden't know the front of a cow from the rear inless he had seen it in a book. Perhaps a trip to an organic farm would enlighten you to the reality of food production in the modern world. Yes it would be great if we all lived on the land and raised our own food but thats just not real in this day and age. My impression, having lived on farms most of my life, is that both plants and animals are raised under stressfull conditions. I been to farms that are used for chicken rearing, beef, and also to pig farms. Its not nice. Of course I have also seen how these so called "organic" farms run also. The same thing, not nice. Your point about the amount of food being thrown out or destroyed is based on fact. Large amounts of milk and eggs especially. Again you are right. Its to keep the price up. Of course they de the same thing with organic food. Large amounts throwen out to keep the price up. This includs grains also. Now you point about a pig being different than a carrot. Like I had mentioned to you, yes they are the same. Plants feel energy just like animals. When you are so lucky to have had a spiritual conection with a plant like I have had, you would know and understand this. Its not ALL about being in physical body reality. There is more than just being a physical body!! That means plant or animal. Your killing and ingesting of plants is no better than the ingesting of animals. They are both killing something to provide nourishment for are carbon based bodies. Only once we let go of this type of existence of physical matter reality, will we truely be able to exist without the necessity of the whole killing and eating as is required on earth. I wonder if this is what the aliens are tring to tell us. 
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« Last Edit: Dec 13th, 2007 at 6:36pm by hawkeye »  
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Re: what the aliens are trying to tell us
Reply #29 - Dec 13th, 2007 at 4:43pm
  Lordy Joe, i never said plants didn't have feelings.   Course they do, but its not like with us or a pig for example.

  Red is not the same color as blue, but they are both colors aren't they.   There is a similarity and yet a difference at the same time.   Same with plants, animals, and humans, they all come under the category of "life" and consciousness, but there are qualitative differences and unqiueness between them as well. 

  This is what i'm pointing out.  Killing and eating a carrot, is nothing like torturing and killing a pig for food.  How can you really honestly compare the two?   I get the sense that you are arguing semantics in order to defend beliefs which relate more to false self tendencies than to the real self. 

Again, i will ask you and i just want to you answer this one direct question.   It is spiritually ok for me to go to your house, cage you up, torture you for awhile, and then painfully kill you so that i can fill my tummy with your flesh?    I mean what's "wrong" with that, if you're the same  and feel exactly the same as a plant right?  Something tells me you wouldn't like that in the least bit. 

  I may "preach" and be overly preachy at times, but at least i practice what i preach.   So many here talk about PUL, love, till the cows get bored to death, but how many actually give enough of a hoot, to not support the torture and violent murdering of animals for food in a time and place where we don't actually need to do that to survive?   I only know of a few here myself.  And yes, i do have "ego", of course i do, i never claimed to be fully enlightened by any means.

  No, to many here their selfish, superficial material appetites are more important and necessary to them, than that animals extreme suffering or the contribution of one of the most polluting systems in place.    That's what you are defending and arguing for.  Don't try to wrap it up in a beautiful, "spiritual" guise of more awareness and lovingness than others.    That is the height of hypocrisy and the same thing that Yeshua lambasted the Pharisees, Sadducee's, and Scribes for.
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