spooky2 wrote on Nov 15th, 2007 at 10:35pm:AhSo:
Yes, I thought that too, that some abilities would maybe hinder other, more important things, to be accomplished. We don't know with what those abilities are connected.
For example, I once asked in a meditation about wizard-like abilities. The answer was, when one becomes a wizard, one had to be ready to deal with nonphysical influences (and not always friendly) 24h7d, because the doors of perception then would have opened; one would have a lot of abilities, but also a lot of duties and new issues to deal with. You have to be solid like a rock, and fine as air for being something like a wizard. And at some occasions, the veil to my own deepest fears had lifted, that wasn't funny, and as long there are fears of some intensity, wizard-like abilities would drive you crazy. So I stated I would think about that lol, maybe in slow step-by-step approach...
Yes, i definitely agree, and have had similar, more specific thoughts like the above. Plus, i believe that in a sense, there is a 'higher psychism' and a 'lower' psychism which one can develop.. It's not so black and white as that, and it seems they can over lap, blend to some extent. But as regards being that open, both my astrological chart and info i've gotten from my Greater self during dreams, meditation, being lead to other sensitives, etc. all indicate that i was extremely psychic in some "past" lives, and particularly from a linear time perspective, the last one.
This life in many respects was quite hard and challenging and part of that was just how wide open this self was, and how much others energies sometimes unduly influenced him.
This time my G. Self opted for a much more gradual unfolding, and a lot more focus on C1 issues, particularly practical service, health, and jobs, which is why i was born with Virgo North Node and generally Virgo stellium. At different times, i've had feelings that lots of times, for lots of people "psychic" development, abilities, and exploring can be distractions which cloud or even hinder real spiritual growth which doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with the former. There can be a lot of ego traps involved with such abilities.
Quote:Quite interesting what you said about mental colors and one's favorite color.
I also found that this often strongly correlates with a concept repeated in the Cayce readings, which talk about "astrological sojourns", and that planetary positions can represent the nonphysical dimensions most influencing us in the present physical life, and particularly oft times the planet closest to our Ascendant point, and sometimes near the Mid-Heaven represent that dimension from which we directly entered the physical from. In my case, it's Jupiter and it makes sense that purple is a very strong color in my aura. Cayce called the planets, and the nonphysical dimensions connected to same--"mental" energies, and in my experience so far these seem to directly connect to the mental layer in the aura. I've studied the aura from many different angles, and not just the usual ones.
Quote:I have extensively studied colors when I was painting. I purchased a lot of artist's colors. It's really a world on it's own. I quit at some point to read about the symbology of certain colors, when my own impression of colors, and my ability to discern the hues of the different pigments became very strong and so rich, that those color symbologies became too narrow for me.
Very interesting, and i kind of know what you mean, probably not to the extent that you do though. My wife is an artist and art teacher, and its funny how sometimes we perceive or label the same colors a bit differently.
Quote:The last time I saw a bright rainbow I noticed that the low frequency side of the spectrum, red to infrared, and the high side of the spectrum, from deep blue to ultraviolet, the colors were going to similarize again, that's astonishing as they are on the opposite sides of the physical visible spectrum. Of course, they look not the same, the low end is sort of rusty, an LED type of red, while the high side is a more lively-airy violet, or light-but-deep-magenta. But they're both something like "reddish". Maybe that's a symbol for something? The circle is closed or so? The OT sign of the covenant between man and god. As above, so below.
The above is very deep! And i find it very interesting from a few perspectives, but one of the main ones is that Cayce's guides referred to the deeper blues, violets, and purples as "the higher reds" and then regular red, orange, as the "low" or "leaden reds". I guess one could say that the former colors/vibrations are the transmuted reds, which have the life force and strong will power of the lower reds, but channeled spiritually and more purely constructively? Not to say that these latter colors are perfection, that would probably be pure white light, but they are starting to get close to that relatively speaking.
Quote:About your experience with Becky, I just noticed, when you look at something and relax your eyes, and defocusing them, as Kathy suggests for practice, then as well I start double-seeing, as the eyes will synchronize for far-away-sight. Something similar you do with these 3-D pictures. So maybe actually defocusing the eyes is good for seeing auras, as it may take as well the focus away from the physical to other aspects of reality.
After images: A professor of psychology told us, there once was an experiment. Probands were asked to close their eyes and imagine as real as they could a rose elephant. Then they had to open their eyes and look at a grey or white screen, and observe what they see with their physical eyes. Some told, they see a greenish elephant. Why that is, is unclear; it's a sort of reversed-after image, where the initial input comes from the mind rather than the physical surrounding. Interesting!
Yes, very interesting, especially the last part. Never would have guessed that, thought it was only a 'physically based' phenomena. Maybe the people who did see the green E., were ones who either had a lot of imagination, or who were really strongly attached to physical energies and reactions?
Yes, the couple of times when i saw auras in the more physical sense, i used the defocus method and kept trying to look beyond the body. This advice is found in quite a bit of aura info out there and seems pretty commonplace practice. Sometimes its hard and you want to look at the body, but its kind of like mediation and when something starts to take form in your minds eye..sometimes the first inclination is to really concentrate hard on that forming image, feeling, rote, etc...which can actually dissipate it, but when you relax and let yourself become receptive again it can reappear. Lot's of time when i meditate and am seeking more specific info, i will give myself a suggestion of something like, "you are completely receptive and relaxed right now, but also aware, alert, and focussed". It's basically a hemi-sync type state and concept i think--the merged, fully connected right-left brain aspects.
I'm not totally sure if i would want to see the aura 24/7. That other self i talked about, could see aura for much of his life, and as far as i know, it didn't make him any happier--though sometimes it guess it did because he used it to help others occasionally. But it can be difficult enough sensing and feeling it strongly. For example i work with a lady who is very attracted to me on all levels, and very much sexually (it doesn't help that she is very frustrated in that area). It's constantly like red and pink waves coming into my energy field, and i feel myself starting to respond in like, even though i'm not really attracted to her that much in that way, and in any case i would prefer not to have those feelings because it can be very distracting--especially since i'm married!
Speaking of wizards, and the like, have you read or like any fantasy stuff? Ever read Robert Jordan's books, or Peter (last name escapes me, think its French sounding--has a ton of wizard type books?)? I grew up reading a lot of that kind of stuff, and still like fantasy books but don't have much time for them anymore. My favorite series of all time, has to be the Thomas Covenant Chronicles (6 books) by Stephen Donaldson...very, very, very deep and moving books. I remember reading those as a young teen and becoming so immersed in them, that during the challenging/sad parts i walked around totally dejected and sad, as if it was real, or conversely i would laugh out loud and shout for joy. I was a weird kid needless to say (for a Capricorn Sun, i have a lot of imagination tendencies).