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The importance of Love Energy in retrieval (Read 1096 times)
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The importance of Love Energy in retrieval
Nov 2nd, 2007 at 12:19am
heres how I came to the conclusion about Love is eternal, and so, since I could not touch the face of god, I could touch the face of love, I said, like others from time began, love is god, love is also like a religion in that respect, that you follow your heart and from my studies and experiences we gravitate to what loves us, and those people we have  bonded with in life, the same after death, as you surely wouldn't be attracted to a level of existence where they were doing calculus, what you got an F in school, they are not the like minded of your attachments to others, your pattern of being.

so with that not very good synopsis, I tell you why I love my kids so much.

I'm lucky they came to me in this life and it is more than a feeling we have shared other existences.

Somewhere else on this board I went through an experience with my mother where she had finally confessed after 55 years that she hadn't treated me well when I was small. After that conversation where I found myself speechless as I never thought she would ever say that to me, almost like saying she was sorry, the little girl in me that was her daughter experienced a death. I call it NDE and I choke up when I remember what happened to me after mom and I began this forgiveness journey/process what leads to love.
Ironically, after this talk with mom, we were taking her home, after 3 years of living with me, to her other children, and we were in a motel when this child that was me died in dream like circumstance, but so real seeming, that when I awoke, I felt like I had a 2nd chance at living as everything was strange and new.

This is a retrieval, but in this case I am showing, or trying to, how PUL is what retrieves, and I was not the giver of PUL, in this case, my daughter reminded me, that she loved me, and in her love, I was reminded that I was not lost and alone out there and I found my place through our loving relationship, and if you have a loving relationship with children, or with family, or your spouse, there is spiritual success in that upon transition, so be proud if this is the case!

as I was saying, I was floating out there in the ozone, while the body was in a motel room this night. All karma had been cleared with mom, but I was still worried about the way my kids were acting with her. She had ignored being their grandmother and they were out of sorts about this on the trip taking her home. we were caravaning.

so I was floating, looking for my place in life, feeling so very alone, yet I possessed a trait which always saved me, an adventurous streak, a person follows their nose or goes with the wind to see where it would take me.
I had no idea this was like symbology of the child dying, who was related to the mother. When mother had made her confession, what had happened is psychologically, I had released her from acting like I thought a mother should act, such as mothering, or caring. I had released her from the expectations that she should love me back, and that is what set up this similar to NDE experience.

As I floated I became involved with communicating with various beings I came across out there, but soon discovered they could neither see nor hear me, except in special cases they could sense my presence.

this was disconcerting and very similar to my relationship with mother, where things I would say to her, to share with her something, was often ignored or misunderstood as if I were not there, a non person to her. so that was the bereft feeling and I did suppose there might be others who died, and floated adrift this way. all the more reason to learn good retriever skills. No one should feel that alone, was my thought. Later, I realized, like a ghost, I was still trying to remain attached to the physical dimension, when I should perhaps be seeking to move on towards the light.

However I didn't know where to go or how to get there; remember, this was the child inside of me had died. Before I went to the light, again, I only have symbols of this experience to give forth with; all sorts of feelings were there I can't share.

As I was realizing something was out of place, (me) I came across my daughter. she was at a sink and doing her dishes. I floated around her, she knew instantly my presence and spoke to me from her subconscious mind. I asked her where I was, and that something was terribly wrong, that I was trying to find my way, and nobody but her could talk to me, and I said it in these words "hon, somethings wrong, do u know what it is?"  She answered me crying softly, "mom, you're dead."

I felt her grief as I would feel her love. She was missing me terribly. I always think in gratitude that she loves me, for I never thought of myself as that great of a mother, maybe I was too lenient, etc. I knew at once her process of grief would cause her growth, so I could not make it all better for her, not right then.
She had just told me I was dead! this in essence is what retrieval is about, to simply awaken the spirit to their situation of having transitioned, as they still feel the same as they did while on Earth, with a body as real as before.
Now that she had awakened me to my plight, I was heartened that I would find my way, to the next level, which would be people like me, who could see and hear my communications, which was not obviously this physical plane.
She had given me PUL, an energy, I used this to find my way to the light.
It was like a joyful feeling to be loved and missed. Intellectually I hadn't a clue about levels and spatial realities just then, but the PUL was helping to expand my perceptions. I did not think god. I did not think of beings of light.

I simply let a wind take me away as I released concern for myself. I trusted I would see my child again, that I would return, but right now i would have to let the universe sweep me to my destination wherever that was.
symbolically the ride was intense as I was now just energy within a current of energy, the sensation was "up." and indeed, swift. While going up, I felt trust and joy. seemed like I had done this before, the act of dying.

My kid didn't know anything about doing retrievals, about waking people up to the fact they are no longer among the living and there are more comfortable levels to be moving towards. yet when people love others unconditionally, it's like love is something that is intelligent and alive, and knows where to put you.
I eventually was brought into some scenes where I could once more be active and be relating to others, in the dream circumstance, life outpictured this way when I awoke, as it was shown on the symbols.

so my kid retrieved me! lol! a chip off my block for sure.

I guess this is a self retrieval using the family love bond as example. btw, the kid that did the deed is the picture with me, acting silly. isn't she a cutie?

thanks for the read. we welcome others stories because we know they happen. we all know how to love.

a later note. The question always comes up here, how many people die and don't realize they have died, thus needing assistance to move on?

actually, I believe the number in comparison with all of humanity is very small and depends on each circumstance of transition, whether it happened suddenly, how aware they are of spiritual premises, how many love bond connections they have, the age of their soul, theres many factors, but we need not assume we will die ourselves and not know of our transition...nor should we assume right away that our family members will need to be "unstuck." The evidence of guides being active, the evidence that prayer is a working thing, all of these factors will come into it. and from what I've seen, there are always family members around and about in the normal bedside transition, and thats why they are there, because they love this person.
this is my experience that we are not alone in our journey but that it is a temporary passage from one place of being to another.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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