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Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrinolog (Read 4072 times)
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Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrinolog
Oct 4th, 2007 at 2:39pm
, karmic influences correlating with physical force, and Americans growing taller..

This was a post made by another person on another site, and i thought the subject was rather interesting, as i've long been fascinated by this general topic.   My reply to his post, will be in the next reply.  Keep in mind that Cayce and his source was dealing with a very biblically based environment, and thus tended to communicate in bible speak so that the people could understand and accept the info coming through.  Like the use of "Satan" at the end, representing spiritual error.

"Hi All,

Any special points of interest in the following reading?

With love. Dinesh.

READING 281-38

GC: You will give at this time a discourse on the endocrine glands
of the human organism, discussing their functions in relation to
physical body and their relations to the mental and spiritual forces.

2. EC: Yes, we have the activity of the endocrine system, as may be
described from this body here. A discourse, to be of help or aid,
may not be finished under fifteen or twenty series; for this is the
system whereby or in which dispositions, characters, natures and
races all have their source.

3. Little of course is as yet known or recorded as to the activities
of same. For these are being discovered, or rediscovered by man in
his search for the anatomical structure of the human body; and are
continuing to be found. Hence, as is the natural thing, they are not
present in a dead body.

4. Hence those influences or opportunities that have been given to
man under varied circumstances from the study of the anatomical
structure in a way or means or manner in which they may be observed;
namely, through the Digestive System (and even about this very
little is known). For only this one portion in the animal kingdom
and in the history of medicine has been studied by observation.

5. So in the study of the glandular systems that work within the
glands or the organs, or the active forces of a physical body, these
become then only those that may be seen or observed as from an
INDIVIDUAL activity; and thus are only RELATIVE - or may be
correlated to others as they may be observed in that which is
produced within same.

6. For as has been indicated in some manners, some activities, there
is an activity within the system produced by anger, fear, mirth,
joy, or any of those active forces, that produces through the
glandular secretion those activities that flow into the whole of the
system. Such an activity then is of this endocrine system, and only
has been observed in very remote manners, or just here and there.
Only the more recently has this activity received that consideration
from the specialist in ANY activity in the relationships to the
human body.

7. And as has been indicated by those who are possibly leading the
whole of the revolutionary activities as related to these, in making
for the visibility even of the circulatory system, there is to be
considered ever the whole activity; not as separating them one from
another but the whole anatomical structure must be considered EVER
as a whole.

8. Then we would give - to be as brief as possible in this short
period, though for you to be aware or gain much it will take eight
to ten to fifteen such periods for a really INSTRUCTIVE influence:

9. What are the activities of the glands? Most every organ of the
body may be considered a gland, or at least there must be within the
functioning activity of each portion - as the eye, the ear, the
nose, the brain itself, the neck, the trachea, the bronchi, the
lungs, the heart, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas - that which
enables it to perform its duty in taking FROM the system that which
enables it to REPRODUCE itself! That is the functioning of the

10. Not as a whole only, but as individual well as the whole.

11. Hence there is then in the system that activity of the soul,
that is the gift of the Creator to man. It may be easily seen, then,
how very closely the glands are associated with reproduction,
degeneration, regeneration; and this throughout - not only the
physical forces of the body but the mental body and the soul body.

12. The glandular forces then are ever akin to the sources from
which, through which, the soul dwells within the body.

13. As an illustration - for this may be very brief for this
particular period, but that you may grasp an inkling even of what
you have begun:

14. Let us consider the Race question. Why in the mixture of races
is there in the third and then the tenth generation a reverting to
first principles? (Remember, we are speaking only from the physical

15. Because that period is required for the cycle of activity in the
glandular force of reproduction to reassert itself. How is it given
in our Word? That the sins of the fathers are visited unto the
children of the third and fourth generation, even to the tenth. This
is not saying that the results are seen only in the bodily functions
of the descendants, as is ordinarily implied; but that the essence
of the message is given to the individual respecting the activity of
which he may or must eventually be well aware in his own being. That
is, what effect does it have upon you to even get mad, to laugh, to
cry, to be sorrowful? All of these activities affect not only
yourself, your relationships to your fellow man, but your next
experience in the earth!

16. This is indicated in this particular body which lies here,
through which the information is being given - you call him Cayce;
John would be better!

17. There are those very influences as used or manifested in those
periods of activity in indulgences, as we have indicated, which have
magnified such activity of the glandular system. Hence in the
present actions as related to the physical forces of the body these
make for a continual warring - against those influences or
activities within the system.

18. This same reverting to first causes may be seen in others, when
there has been the self-indulgence in any manner. Hence as you may
see about you, and which is coming to pass: Why is the race of the
people in America growing taller and taller. The exercising of the
glandular forces as related to the activity that produces within the
system the extension of the physical structural forces of the body!
Fast rather than thinking! The glories of self rather than the
glories of God!

19. Monstrosities or giants or such active forces are the results
from the glandular secretions produced in the system - and these
show themselves again and again.

20. This does not necessitate, as you see from viewing of same, that
the parents of such be monstrosities themselves, but that they have
in their union made possible the expression of that which HAS made
for the extravagant use of the individual's influences in his own
experiences in the earth!

21. Then we find the endocrine system - not glands but system - is
that which is disseminated throughout the whole of the body, as
related to the physical forces of same; and may be studied or may be
followed in their relationship not only to the physical structural
forces of the body but to what we call hereditary and environmental
forces and how they may be expected to react upon the system.

22. And if these are considered in their proper relationships at
those periods during conception and during those formative periods,
the application of these may be made in such a way and manner as to
make - as the Romans did - a beautiful, lovely body; yet the life
may be as of Satan itself!

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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #1 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 2:41pm
My reply:

"Hi Dinesh, very interesting reading below. Basically Cayce's source
was saying that the physical forces to mental and spiritual energy
relationship is VERY RELATIVE, and yet there are certain averages,
tendencies, and patterns to be seen in a more universal manner. As
his source flatly said, it would take many, many discourses to fully
cover such a vast subject. I've long been very interested in these
connections between physical indications (genetics and hereditary) to
that of karmic and spiritual factors, and how it all intertwines in a
holistic manner.

It can also be related to astrology in many ways--actually it is the
very basis of astrological 'influence' (rather these are indications).
In other words, physical indications are symbolic, encoded
indications of karmic, mental, spiritual patterns as relating to
physical forces.

It's interesting to note that the source uses Cayce and his body as
an example, mentioning an over activity of the glandular forces in
some ways, to certain karmic over indulgences carried over, of which
'warred' within him (in an extreme manner).

And then right after mentioning this aside, goes on to talk about
America, and Americans getting taller because of over emphasis on self
and gratification of same! I think this is interesting since Cayce
as we know, was somewhat unusually tall for his day. I believe he was
6' 2" at some point--fairly tall for his day. Uranus was right on his
Ascendant and the ASC directly corresponds to the overall, and major
parts of the body pattern. Uranus of course represents the extremes,
the very low and the very high mixed together in one oft messy bag.

Uranus conjunct (near to) the ASC is known to correlate oft to those
unusually tall, or well above the current average, but conversely can
also correspond (seems less common though) to those who are unusually
short too.

Interestingly, in astrology, Pisces is the last sign, and thus in
the archetypal sense, corresponds to the most evolved and mature
individual pattern within the Zodiac. Yet its not the 'zenith' by any
means (the true zenith, completion, is beyond any one indication).
Anyways, Pisces Rising on average, and in the Archetypal sense, is one
of the shorter sign indications. Pisces tends to be very inwardly
focussed (and also tends towards physical passiveness), and oft times
too much so!

Perhaps those who are unusually tall for their race average, gender,
and/or generally for their times and climes, could sometimes (or on
average) indicate an individual who is bringing over a karmic pattern
or tendency to extreme over concentration and indulgence on the
"outer" in life.

Perhaps those who are unusually short for their race average,
gender, and/or generally for their times and climes could sometimes
(or on average) indicate an individual who is bringing over a karmic
pattern or tendency to extreme over concentration and indulgence on
the "inner" and/or being too passive in life?

Isn't it interesting that on average, Westerners tend to be rather
tall as compared to Easterners, and vice versa, that Easterners tend
to be rather short as compared to Westerners? These are clues, and
indications of their different archetypal imbalances (beyond purely
dietary considerations).

Isn't it interesting that men on average tend to be taller than
women on average, and the converse?

Isn't it interesting that the so called "masculine" and positively
charged (Yang) signs Rising (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius,
Aquarius) tend towards greater height not considering other
potentially important factors (such as sign cusping, a certain planet
rising, etc), and yet the "feminine" and negatively charged (Yin)
Rising signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces)
tend towards lesser height not considering other potentially important

There is a happy medium which is indicative of completion and
perfect balance, and this can be seen in the Archetypal perfect
pattern within the Earth, the man known as "Jesus". Via indications
in the Shroud of Turin, and in the Cayce Readings, it seems that Jesus
was about 6 feet and a half an inch tall (give or take a half inch).

Yet Freewill being what it is, and that which potentially trumps all
indications, patterns, tendencies, probabilities.... well an
individual Soul can take a built up over feminine pattern and reverse
it more towards the masculine, or vice versa....or one could even go
from coming in with a greater balance, and then go to either extreme.
In other words, in the individual application, it can and often is
very relative.

But, while a person may change the inner patterns, and
mental/emotional tendencies in this physical life, the physical being
what it is, takes longer to follow suit. Hence we have hereditary and
the constant but somewhat slow shifting of genetics and genetic
patterns, both within an individual family, the races, and the greater
human race. So, the unusually short person, may balance the inner
forces to that more of the masculine...BUT, chances are, his or her
physical body will not 'grow' to accompany the inner change, though in
the next life they may be more towards the happy medium--particularly
if the person starts this after the major periods of physical growth.

Come the year 3000 or so, there may not be as much of a difference
between the average heights of women as compared to men, as well as a
slightly greater trend towards androgyny in general--though in our
Earth, the physical forces and bodies may not ever revert to full
androgyny like it was in other very intune cycles in the past, or in
other beings from more developed systems.

That which is physical, is a symbolic pattern and indication of what
an individual Soul and what the collective Soul has done with its
freewill relative to the Whole and to the Creative forces. The
physical is a slow forming reflection of the inner consciousness. And
the physical must eventually be 'redeemed' and lifted up by all those
who partook in manifesting of same, both in their individual bodies
and collectively speaking. Again we see this completed in the man
Jesus, and we will eventually see it collectively."
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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #2 - Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:41pm
Thank you!

I can vouch for Cayce's #6 because I live with daily reminders of its truth , and I find the rest of Cayce's and AhSo 'discussion" very worthwhile. Many thanks!

The topic is very interesting to me because I come from a tall family but where the women are generally average or short, so I've been intrigued by the disparity when a tall female such as myself shows up. Cayce's comments on #6 substantiate my memories, that emotions of anger and terror at early abuse can cause a person's glandular system to respond ---for example choosing self-protective measures by creating size/height as a hoped-for protection against further abuse. (After my abuser died, I began to shrink at a faster rate than just ageing would suggest.) Not every abused soul chooses extra height as their protection though, so it's just a (genetic) possibility, not a required outcome.

Cayce and AhSo don't get into DNA heredity very much so I can only conclude that we are born into family lines that provide opportunities for certain experiences that we believe we need.

Physicians don't seem to know  how to use Cayce's insights---a shame!

Love, Bets
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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #3 - Oct 5th, 2007 at 9:49am
Hmm, thanks for the interesting reply Bets.   I want to get back to it, but i have to run now.
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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #4 - Oct 12th, 2007 at 12:19am
betson wrote on Oct 4th, 2007 at 4:41pm:
Thank you!

I can vouch for Cayce's #6 because I live with daily reminders of its truth , and I find the rest of Cayce's and AhSo 'discussion" very worthwhile. Many thanks!

The topic is very interesting to me because I come from a tall family but where the women are generally average or short, so I've been intrigued by the disparity when a tall female such as myself shows up. Cayce's comments on #6 substantiate my memories, that emotions of anger and terror at early abuse can cause a person's glandular system to respond ---for example choosing self-protective measures by creating size/height as a hoped-for protection against further abuse. (After my abuser died, I began to shrink at a faster rate than just ageing would suggest.) Not every abused soul chooses extra height as their protection though, so it's just a (genetic) possibility, not a required outcome.

  While i find the above interesting in relation to the topic Bets, part of me is also sad to hear about what has happened to you during childhood, though i know some part of you probably chose it before hand for the purpose of growth.

  I think many scientists today, hold the belief that DNA and genetics are a more 'fixed' pattern, which only gets changed when mixed with another pattern, as in during sex and conception or do to extreme outer influences such as certain strong chemicals.   I don't hold that view, and believe its a more fluidic and relative type process and patterning.  That there are certain average trends, probabilities, natural tendencies, yes that is pretty evident, but the human mind and emotions are more powerful and influential that many of us at first consider.  In short, mind influences and shapes matter much more than we tend to consciously realize.

Cayce and AhSo don't get into DNA heredity very much so I can only conclude that we are born into family lines that provide opportunities for certain experiences that we believe we need.

  But of course, i would say.  The genetic energies and patterns, as well as family conditions and the psychology of same, approximate the karma patterns and dharmic paths the Soul wants to work on and with.  If one makes a deep holistic study of astrology, relating it to physical look indications, as well as tying it in with spiritual concepts like karma, life plans, etc., then this is seen in a very interesting manner.   You begin to understand the 3rd dimension, from a 4th dimensional, larger perspective.   

   Rudolph Steiner, Ra Tah, and some others known have reached this plane of holistic understanding, and accordingly, these become very strange to most others indeed!  Particularly in our P.C. society, you cannot talk about race being related the evolution of the different peoples from an energy perspective, or one will be branded a "racist".    Such are belief system hang ups...

  But Yeshua and his birth is an excellent example in the necessary patterning of the physical to resonate more in sync with the the faster vibratory levels of the human energy system.   Such a powerful, pure, and fast vibrating consciousness as his, needed a physical vehicle which was manifested/facilitated in a conscious, positive manner.   Such a one, needs a physical vehicle which its energies are innately on a faster vibration, though still labeled 'physical' for its whole self to fully shine through into the physical world.   

  He could have just manifested a physical body, using his developed mind abilities, but then he wouldn't have been the example to humanity that he was and is.   It would have been like "cheating" and we who need to be born through physical, carnal channels, would have placed him even more on a pedestal than so many do now.    No, he had to have been born of a woman to completely, correctly fulfill his role, and to re-finish up his own spiritual evolution within the Earth system.  And so he could more fully relate to us and the issues of imbalance we were and are dealing with...for he experienced these tendencies of the carnal body too, but transcended them through constant positive use of the spiritual will. 

Physicians don't seem to know  how to use Cayce's insights---a shame!

Love, Bets 

Cayce's stuff is rather laborious and hard to read, and so i understand part of the reason of why not more people are into it, even though it still has very profound, complex, and original info in there even for our times.    As far as physicians, well these tend to be more materially minded on a whole, even when they have religious or spiritual beliefs.   One of the few astrological studies done in relation to astrology and statistics, found that in more than the average, Saturn tends to be amplified (in or near the angles of the chart) in a percentage of physician's charts.   Saturn is rather materially oriented, though there can be a service aspect to it as well. 

  Look at how many American physicians can't even accept the holistically beneficial affects of colonics and other inner purification methods, they automatically label it hogwash, and invalid, yet most who have actually had a series of colonics or did the Cayce apple diet, will tell you that there is a tremendous difference in feeling in both body and mind after, which is not solely attributable to the power of suggestion or "placebo" effect.  What convinces me that its not solely suggestion, or placebo affect is that often, during the first colonics, etc., you at first feel reallllllly crappy and nauseated.   This latter part was not emphasized to me, when i first went into this...and to say that i was a bit surprised is an understatement.   

Or take the acid alkaline balance, and avoiding certain combinations, etc.   I can always knock out a cold extremely fast, just by practicing some basic info and principles as espoused in the Cayce readings on health.  One time, Becky had just come down with strep throat, and conjunctivitis around the same time...   She was a hurting puppy, but i told her to drink only water, i fed her only fresh lettuce and juiced her fresh carrot juice, and by the end of the 2nd day all symptoms of both had receded so much as to be barely noticeable!  Yet, there is 'nothing to it' because my limited mind and understanding says so, what a crock of b.s.b.s (belief system bull-shit).

  To be fair though, there are a percentage of doctors (MD's) who do work with the Cayce readings in some active capacity.  Would be great if there were more who started to, but i'm not holding my breath.  Money and status are large factors in the education, training, and oft in motivations of both educators, sponsors, and those who go into this kind of work.
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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #5 - Oct 15th, 2007 at 12:26am
Justin said:  Or take the acid alkaline balance, and avoiding certain combinations.

I read a very interesting book about this balance is so important. the author's name was Braggart I believe. He sold me on the use of apple cider vinegar for getting the blood ph right in any kind of disease, he purported the benefits of this vinegar, as well for arthritus to break up calsium deposits in the joints, a completely natural cure available for people, while they continue to injest drugs with side effects, while the cider does not produce any side effect. cherries are good for arthritus too.

I don't have it, I just remember all the diseases he listed with cures (he was a doctor too) and he also suggested colonics was a neglected factor in a meat eating society.

the problem with our love of meat is the longer it stays in the colon, the more fermentation occurs and this produces the wrong ph value as the fermentation goes into the blood then the blood has to get rid of it.
as part of my soul group/lives there is/was a successful herbalogist of chinese heritage, he has imparted to me a distinct mistrust of our entire medical society. I have never been to a doctor in my entire life, I have no medical insurance and no plans to use medicare.
I am bombarded daily with ploys to "prepare for old age and it's ensuing ailments". even down to buying a grave plot. haha! the kids can dispose of my remains as they see fit, I prefer no funeral and I don't think they should keep the ashes, but it's up to them.

also our society wants a quick fix drug for everything. take diet pills..I mean don't take diet pills, I lost partial hearing in one ear from diet pills..not worth it folks, don't buy into the hype, the docs made a guini pig out of my mother.

I never even take aspirin as I never have a head ache, a head ache is when you're trying to push a thought away..examining all thoughts mean you don't have to squash the thoughts into the back where they make tension appear.

I know not all headaches are surface kind though. I should just speak for myself. ok I'll do that!  we should teach meditation in schools. wanted to say thanks for bringing up this subject Justin, the body is important, but the mind should be able to tell the body what to do, at least in the future, I believe this will occur, mind over matter.

if u think about if you don't have your health, you feel so tired and can't think about spiritual stuff except how bad you feel, so eating right is the first step and proper elimination and the rest of it.

seems like the older folks I see, all they're trying to do is stay alive by making round after round to the doctors..going deeper into debt and its just a way of life for them.
but you are young, and have brought this talent and these knowings into life with you, I'm glad you have a place to share yourself and thanks again.

love, alysia
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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #6 - Oct 18th, 2007 at 10:27pm
Hi there Alysia,

   Yeah, i've heard good things about raw apple cider vinegar too.  Haven't used it much myself, cause i don't much like the smell of same, but i've heard great things from others about it.

  Totally, it would great if mediation was taught in school...  Someday it will be, i would say in about 30 years or so, though "school" won't be quite the same thing.

  I try to not think too much about the situation or condition that many older folks are in...cause if i think too much about it, i have a tendency to get angry about it, and how they are taken advantage of.   I use to do in home service with folks who are elderly, and it always bothered me when i had to give them their so called 'meds'...   

  Thanks for the thoughtful reply, i'm glad we are friends again (consciously speaking that is, on a soul level we weren't ever anything else Wink ).
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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #7 - Oct 18th, 2007 at 11:15pm
true, I am very close to you and always was.  Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Interesting Cayce reading relating to Endocrin
Reply #8 - Oct 29th, 2007 at 6:36am
Hi guys. I've just found this thread. It's interesting territory in that as some of you may already know I have a long history of thyroid and related endocrine problems which manifested as chronic fatigue and related illness.

I've no idea regarding the longer term position, but I'm pretty sure that there was a strong spiritual and energetic dimension to my illness - that the effects of getting spiritually off track effect endocrine function in the short term too. (and vice versa)

I've always been a sensitive type, and very intuitive and heart driven but as a result of a difficult upbringing (emotionally dysfunctional parents), heavy family conditioning and my own failure to stay true to my instincts I made a big effort to be a big corporate wheel until my early thirties. I'd have to say that I never wholly lost touch with my heart side, but I did deny it by suppressing my feelings and hanging around in an environment that caused huge tensions within me. Probably creating some energetic blockage(s).

It all came apart in the early 90s with the onset of chronic fatigue and all sorts of related chronic health issues.

What's been interesting is that while I'll probably never ever be quite 100% (i ended up with a thyroid cancer and had my thyroid removed), my path back to very decent health has tracked a progressive spiritual search and opening since the mid 90s - much of which seems to have involved re-opening the heart or re-connecting with emotions.

It has involved physical breakthroughs as well - like figuring why normal thyroid replacement wasn't working for me, and just recently getting rid of dental mercury but my sense is like yours - that it's all a big holistically linked picture that plays across mind, body, spirit and what we perceive as external circumstances.

I can wholeheartedly agree that the medical profession's understanding of this stuff (the endocrine system, and it's interplay with energies and well being) is negligible. While I may (or may not - I don't know for sure if it was the right course of action) owe a lot to a surgeon for doing a good job of removing my thyroid, every single healing breakthrough I've made has been the result of information coming from the alternative side of the house.

There are healing traditions out there like that of Tibet which draw on spiritual, karmic and energetic issues as well as the pysical. (the Chod practice my Yogi was doing is one part of this - but there's a huge body out there which in some ways parallels Chinese medicine too) I wonder if there isn't scope for some sort of merging with Westrn medicine??

Anyway - I can't prove it, but my experience tends to suggest that endocrine function is definitely influenced by mind and spirituality....

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« Last Edit: Oct 29th, 2007 at 11:07am by N/A »  
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