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why must psychics charge so much?? (Read 2805 times)
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Posts: 179
why must psychics charge so much??
Sep 27th, 2007 at 10:37pm
ok, i think this is absolutely ridiculous.  i looked up george anderson's website, and for a "50-60" minute psychic reading, he charges $1,200.  yes, you read that right folks.  not $120. 

are you freakin' kidding me???  honestly, who has that kind of money?!  nobody i know.  if i had that kind of money to blow whenever i wanted, i'd just pay God himself to come talk to me.  i know other psychics charge more in the area of $120 than $1,200. 

he even has a FAQ on his site that addresses this question:

We understand that our private sessions are expensive, and it is our most difficult challenge.  In order to answer nearly 800 phone calls, 2000 emails and 300 letters each week requires a staff that works very hard, not only to do the administrative work, but also to be a sympathetic ear when someone in grief just wants to talk.  Additionally, part of the proceeds of private and group sessions help fund programs we do all around the world to help everyone benefit from the hope the sessions can bring.  George Anderson also funds many local charities, and  regularly waives his fee for those of limited means in order to make peace and hope a reality in their lives.  George Anderson is also considered the best medium in the world, and with any extraordinary ability comes a much higher demand. 

Our programs are an investment in your peace and well-being, and we consider it a once in a lifetime experience--knowing your loved ones are happy, at peace and living on in a better world that we will someday see.  It is our hope that after having come for a session, there will not be a need to hear from your loved ones again through a medium, but rather, in your own heart.

so basically, because you want to talk to your dead relative so much and he's such a great medium, that gives him the right to charge you so much?  huh?  i'm not following this logic at all.  this is the same logic as a doctor charging sick people more money the more sick they are, because he's such an extraordinary doctor.

my question is, why do psychics need all this money?  if i had a God-given gift such as being a psychic, i can tell you right now i would care much LESS about money.  i would want to live fairly comfortably, but nothing crazy.  i see these psychics going on all these cruises and trips and blah blah blah... must be nice!  call me pessimistic, but it makes me question his sincerity.  just do the math - $1,200 X 8 (8 hour workday) = $9,600 a DAY!!!!   it takes that much to hire a secretary to set up your appointments?

george anderson describes himself as a Christian, but would Jesus do this?  did Jesus refuse to heal people that were poor?  i don't think so.  Jesus himself said "if you have 2 coats and your brother has none, give him one of yours."
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Alamosa Junk Yard

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Arizona Mohave Desert
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Re: why must psychics charge so much??
Reply #1 - Sep 27th, 2007 at 10:54pm
They get too big for their britches. Full of themselves...greedy. I can see charging some money for time spent, since many psychics are charged license fees, etc by local officials for "entertainment licenses" BUT..a little humility can go a long way in life for some of those "fluff buckets" who act like they have a "Hotline to God". They remind me of the televangelists who take people for a ride. Your outrage is in good measure in my estimation. Most psychics who lecture, and appear on shows are honest, and reasonable. They have a true desire to share,  educate, as well as heal, and help. That's one reason they are still around, and respected years along.  Cool
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Re: why must psychics charge so much??
Reply #2 - Sep 28th, 2007 at 12:49pm
i totaly agree with you seeker a gift like that in my opinion is something that should have no cost i feel that it should be down to a gift for a reading(and only if the person is in a postion to give wot they can) more than money as this is fair to all as it would be in to the cost bracket of the poorer community  im sure its the poorer of these people that pay it out and can least afford to do so i myself have just realised that i too have this gift but money has never entered my head, my feeling, and it is very strong is that what i am hearing i must pass on to the person or persons involved and it is more  a  need to help people.its ok if they want to charge but i know myself god never charges for his love and this is a gift from god shame really that money over rules the mind of these gifted people im sure if they look at jesus and his life he never charged to heal nor for wot he told man wot would happen.
                                     kind regards jenny Smiley
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: why must psychics charge so much??
Reply #3 - Sep 28th, 2007 at 4:44pm
Greed is nothing to these people. I have doupt that this Anderson guy has an office and staff that need to be paid for this service that they are doing but the price quoted is a bit out of line. I have gone to TMI a few times and a lot of people think they charge to much. I can say that in my case the exchange is well worth the money that I spent. Now don't get me wrong, I am not rich by any means and found the cost of TMI high...what I got from it was worth the cost. Now if the people who go to this Anderson guy think they have receaved their money's worth then who are we to say that its gouging. If you felt that your life could not go on except by having communication with a passed soul and he (Anderson) had the means of doing the conection, then how much is to much. Our advantage, at least some of us here, is that we know that we don't need these people to help us and that the best help comes from within. Thank goodness that there is people just like Jenny here that are helping others for the sake of helping their fellow man or woman. Its what true love for others is all about.
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Posts: 179
Re: why must psychics charge so much??
Reply #4 - Sep 29th, 2007 at 12:09am
ok if i go buy something at a store...  virtually every store now has a return policy.  what's a psychic's return policy?  you think they'd return your money if you weren't satisfied?  yeah right.  so if that psychic is a fraud, that money just went down the drain.
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Re: why must psychics charge so much??
Reply #5 - Sep 29th, 2007 at 1:35am
I suppose its a case of let the buyer beware. ultimately I've always believed one should get their answers by entering their own closet. a fool and his money are soon parted.
the psychics I saw of several, were all right on, but I only discovered this many years down the road, in looking back, after I learned the answers were indeed, there all the time. love, alysia
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