Hi JKelly. thanks for your response. it does look like you are entering the Heart Path rather abruptly but you've always been inclined that way.
as a medical person you will probably appreciate my reference to that which is beating inside your chest, there is a heart chakra, a total of 7 main chakras on the physical body. they are energetic portals, as energy is all there is, when the body is no longer animated by the soul, it becomes this energy form with it's soul characteristics of individuality.
so you are in process of spinning that heart chakra, it hurts a little to feel such tenderness all at once. you'll be ok its just a little overwhelming when the heart does start to open. the process entails balancing the mental with the heart intelligence.
Bruce Moen speaks a bit about the opening and closing of the heart, how it gets closed in childhood often enough and as we evolve it is supposed to become more active, sometimes it doesn't or we can refuse to allow ourselves to feel PUL for whatever reason, and then the process continues on the other side of life. Retrievals are about the Heart Path.
A natural born retriever will often be a defender. they will accept the negative, without understanding in the mental why they would do this. It's an act of dis-engaging or transmuting negative energy into something more positive, more in balance, or more, like as we say here, to go into the light, which we can say to one we retrieve.
to me it's sacred. I could be a natural born retriever from this one example, although I don't like to talk about me especially. when I was 10 I saw a kid about ready to get beat up across the street and without thinking I put myself between the bully and the kid begging to be hit. I didn't get hit, it just broke up the heat of the energy and they both left the area. so haha! success I guess. the bully was so surprised to see me butting in, she kept saying you're crazy! who are you? you're nuts! so I replaced the anger with curiosity. a different energy. I never even spoke a word, just stood there between the two and did it by looking her in the eyes. actually I didn't have any words handy anyway as I didn't know why I was defending the little one, I think it was the sound of his voice crying made me do it.
your brother is in his energy body now; that is where he kept his emotions, his hopes and desires, his sense of failure perhaps, and also all the love he felt in a lifetime is in his energy body.
this post is in response to yours. so I'm hitting on several different thoughts. our family relationships, for most of us I'd say, seem dysfunctional. certainly I cannot find a Beaver Cleavor family except on TV. Like your brother who wouldn't listen to you, I had such a little sister whom I felt I needed to protect, but she could not hear nary a word that I would speak. for our younger siblings, often enough it seems they come from a perspective "what can life give to me?" when they get smarter, things change; then it becomes "what can I give to life?"
my sister finally found steady work and so she is ok. I had to stop protecting her before I would see her progress. so we have these relationships where the only thing we can do is hold a vision for someone and along the way the heart gets broken here and there but when it gets mended there is more capacity to feel PUL, the other side of the coin. the problem with mentoring siblings is they don't grow at all unless it's their own idea, or life situation forces them to grow.
don't be too harsh with your brother. my sister also was addicted to drugs, as was my brother, and I might have gone that way except for a guide who persuaded me differently. my husband, now deceased, a fine human being, drank himself to death.
it seems we cannot contain all the answers to a question of why we live these lives just in a single moment here and now.
but its good to touch base now and then and support each other to speak of the soul, so thanks again. maybe I should go back to bed? lol.....good to hear from you. love, alysia oh, not that this is important..my given name was Rosemary. I changed it to Alysia, I thought alysia had more musical sound to it when I was in late 20's. its like a stage name then. also, the childhood name bothered me, because it was not a happy childhood. and I'm glad your niece is having that beautiful name also.
this one pronounced ahh-lee-sha. hope thats clear.