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human clay (Read 3141 times)
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human clay
Sep 13th, 2007 at 3:06pm
Hey everyone,

another numb question, that sticks glued to my brain all the time (or better said another episode of "pulsar's trash-bin-classics"), is it just our ego that wants us to go on after this life? Something more?
To go by the boring facts again, human is only a small piece of biomass, according to evolution only a part time fellow of the earth. From this point, nobody of us would really matter (to the "earth-system"), since we were just changable parts, like empty batteries, thrown away (ok, we will be recycled after our run).
And if it is not our ego, just the huge amount of positive experiences like partnerships (I assume again, never had one, from "others words", they might be joyful, with all ups and downs), conversation, changing ideas.
Or simply the incapability to let go? (my case, but I got more used to the "recycling-system", thinking there were so many poeple that have passed and so many that will pass after my "transition", so why making too much noise, if it is determined).

So again, wasted space on the board, maybe someone has something to throw away on this?


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it is determined.
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Re: human clay
Reply #1 - Sep 20th, 2007 at 8:23pm
i'm a TRUE skeptic.  i prefer to go by the facts and evidence, and they all point to life continuing on past death.  it's the pseudo-skeptics that are ignoring all the evidence of reincarnation and life after death.  they don't even ATTEMPT to look at the facts.   go ahead, ask one whether they've read any books  on those topics.  i've asked them.  of course they haven't, because if they did, they might be convinced. it's the same with people who don't want to believe in evolution - they haven't read books on evolution.  they don't WANT to believe, and their actions follow from that. 

to be really honest, i don't necessarily care if life continues on or not.  i want it to continue on only if it would be amazing and wonderful.  but if it didn't, it's no sweat off my back.  it would just be like going to sleep - i'd be unconscious so it wouldn't matter if i was dead, because i wouldn't know i was dead.  but even if i wanted to believe that this life is all there is, i couldn't, because i use my brain to look at the evidence.
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Re: human clay
Reply #2 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 3:49am
lol Pulsar, trash bin classics, you crack me up as we seem to have the same kind of sense of humor. my problem with going to humor class out there, I'm the only one laughing. sigh.

u r asking the same question u always ask and I hear it. Seeker has good words.

Dust in the Wind. Remember that song? It used to bother me way back then. now it doesn't because it's the body itself which is dust in the wind, and the group singing it is therefore singing about a great truth.
we are attached to our bodies as identification vehicles. we can even be a ghost attached to a housing structure we built because we so strongly identify with it.

what u need is to meet a ghost Pulsar. or have an experience. what kind of experience would prove to you we have an energy body that survives death of the body?
as soon as you can conceive what is proof to you, that you would like, that would give you proof, then I can also see that it will happen to you so that you will have your knowing. when it happens that you can conceive that possibility, I'm willing to bet you're the expressive type of spirit and we simply won't be able to shut you up! love it!

heres my latest sense of humor, hope you can bear with me on the very on-topic, but off-topic thread! (my intentions are good)
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: human clay
Reply #3 - Sep 21st, 2007 at 1:46pm
Hey there,

unclarity again, as it seems. It is not the question wether there is something ahead or not. More like "why do we consider the thought of going on facing that there might be nothing".
That it just was the uncertainty or the fear of not living anymore and being totally wiped out (it gives me chills when thinking about this, but if it was true, it would not make sense to worry)?!?!

Not wanting to face the fact that "human clay" is exchangable, nature not caring about our consciousness.
But why having it then, why being aware of everything? To this there would not be much use (not to wail, but look at this questions as if they were serious!). If it rises from evolution, it would be just one more feature added, not to mark that mankind is important or something alike.
But again, it were humans to think about living after death.
So the question again is manmade or not, not existing or not (duh...the one question contains the other, but let us focus on question number one).
What is also an important question in this case, is it more than just a psychological feature, to believe to go on after this world, or not. I do not claim psychology to have the 100% bullet proof evidence.
You see where it goes, but to be honest, I do not want to walk around and believe in something that might not exist. Then it is better to live amongst fear, if it is real reality. Not living amongst illusions.
Even if most ones do not consider fear that much to be important parts of our lifes, they play the same big/small roll as love, joy, empathy. As a matter of balance.

@ Alysia

seems like we have a similar sense of humor. Yes, I agree with the no. It is not haha..., not always.
To be honst, I do not love to laugh, there is so much sadness, that happiness seems to be like a morbid joke. One minute up, down the next. But not to have an excuse for dwelling in self pity or for refusing to take responsibility, so it is really more important to go with being desillusionized, cut down the curtain of our "wellfare" society and take the responsibility for things going wrong far away from our daily life, we, in fact, do not live "alone" (but no use to tell, everyone knows).

For me the body is not that important, the mind plays the major role, because it is the control device of the body, so it produces what we are.
Ghosts...I do not know if it is really ghost-whispering, but when visiting memorial places, or houses were e.g. great minds of former times lived, I sometimes have/had the feeling of someone being around, not because I set an intetion to feel this, it was similar to the "car story", having bits of information, but from someone who has died a long time ago.

Remember this one, was also on a t-shirt
front: "the black knight always triumphs!"
back: (after having both arms and legs chopped off) "ok, let's call it a draw".
Taken from Monty Pythons "Holy Grail".

@ seeker

Me too...I read not much about afterlife evidence , but not to be ignorant, but look, better to clear out the doubts before clincing too easy on anything. If not doing so, there is always this "beyond-belief-fact-or-fiction?-thought"on ones mind, if he/she is not very familiar with this topic. And that is neccesarily not what should come up, as it is a dead serious topic.
I see it like this: we will see what we will get at the end of the line when we arrive there, but on the other hand being open to the material, it is just one of my doubts, and I threw it here to get some answers (also searching for my self, but to be honest, I got not that far). What we can do about it here and now...this is just bound to our abilities of sending and receiving.
To make it a serious journey, one should look at both sides.
So to keep it open-minded, I read several sources on the net, but so much you find there seem just to be fraud, less information that seems reliable.
That's why I like to write/read posts here, because the users really think about this matters, not just clincing on something.
For me thinking about death is not this goth-emo-suicide-i-hate-my-life-attitude, it is more to find out how it fits in this whole scheme, and believe me, many hours of tears, acceptance and refusal, but in the end the chance one has is to provide something according to the abilities given.

In a way, my scepticism always sounds like being an irritant , because it is only scratching the surface of what is dealt with here, because again and again, I only use the pov on life I got from science classes, to say it like it is, I do not know better up to this point, it is what I learned for the biggest part of my life, so I am not out there for a complete change in thinking, I thought it would make sense for me to draw nearer by scanning the borders given to scientific knowledge (ok, this one was not that full of scientific facts, I do not wanted to repeat myself, several times I wrote down how I think man is bound to this system, and what I think the determinism is).
Before being able to do serious approach on my own, I thought it would be better to write down what I am glued to, to find out if there are seekers that might have had the same troubles, just to check out how they got out there.



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« Last Edit: Sep 22nd, 2007 at 11:57am by pulsar »  

it is determined.
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Posts: 179
Re: human clay
Reply #4 - Sep 23rd, 2007 at 1:04am
but look, better to clear out the doubts before clincing too easy on anything.

true.  i just think "skeptics" are often stubborn and don't want to view the evidence.  a true skeptic looks at the evidence.  i think the evidence of reincarnation is so obvious, not believing in it to me would be similar to not believing in evolution.
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Re: human clay
Reply #5 - Sep 23rd, 2007 at 9:31am
I agree with Seekers answers that it is necessary to do "life" over and over just until it's not necessary because we did everything we wanted to do. as a spirit I can see myself so easily on the other side like a kid in a candy store, but I only had a few cents.

Pulsar, I think I have insulted you. sorry. you now remind me of Plato, "to be or not to be, that is the question."

this is wisdom, that a human is a thing that becomes and that Earth allows that unfolding of potential. working within material existence, a slowed down vibratory rate we get to make the right choices and take credit for that growth. a single life, I am certain of, can never afford our fullfillment towards graduation, which is simply realizing, the body can no longer dictate to us what true soul fullfillment is, where you own yourself completely.
only Earth provides such a diverse school.

you said: That's why I like to write/read posts here, because the users really think about this matters, not just clincing on something.

it is a great board and its especially important the way you do write down things for us. I think we can come to many small conclusions by writing things down, just the act can be like a meditation, especially when the others take the time to respond. makes it all worthwhile. for now there is a belief which has hope in it. then theres is something that is stronger than a belief with hope in it. it is faith, divorced from religious tenets, and within this faith is life experience which gives you your only true knowing.

we are all on different parts of the path in our knowings. I'm just wondering what I did with my time, before I discovered the internet!  Cheesy 
aside from my clever jokes, there are folks on the other side who "sleep." they do not believe that there was any life after death of the body, and so they sleep, within their own death like place they have conceived of.
sometimes a retriever will come along and wake them, or try. eventually they will awaken, it concerns their free will, to be or not to be.

love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: human clay
Reply #6 - Sep 23rd, 2007 at 11:00am

Alysia said: 'what u need is to meet a ghost Pulsar. or have an experience.
what kind of experience would prove to you we have an energy body that
survives death of the body? '

And so you did, Pulsar !! 
I just read your thread on the dream forum and that was your own ghosts speaking through your dream consciousness, complete with color!    
Good job, Pulsar-consciousness!
What kind of clay could do that?----None!

This type of opening up to a spiritual truth often comes after a similiar suggestion or example has been given. It leads you to something, and in this case Alysia did the leading.

Very good!
Love, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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