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Posts: 163
Hey betson,
thanks a lot for sharing this!
It shows one more time, how we are influenced by numbers and shapes, they are important for us to explore our surroundings. Seems like number-related proofs (mathematical evidence) are not that unimportant to access the areas, that are usually hidden from our eyes. It is always fascinating to see, how much thoughts even ancient cultures made on the universe, inventing encoding systems to get access to the ultimate truth, that lies (it is also what I think where to start to search for the "truth" about the universe) lies, in form of uncoded information, not that far away from what we can discover. The same with computers, how did they come to the conclusion to feed the computer via codes? Seems like it is within our nature, the dna is our genetic code, that makes us like we are, we are one single set of information in a universe, that is able to store information, we are able to receive them and are part of this "big code system".
Visualization seems to be one important thing for us to learn, it is easier for the brain to store numbers and shapes, a logical system, or by words, giving things name and numbers makes them accessable. So may this be evidence, that not only spiritual search, but also shapes, numbers and encoding can be devices to explore the hereafter.