Hi, I just remembered my dream...not a good one. I dreamed that my sister committed suicide, and that I opened the door on her. I had said something to her through the door, having needed to take a bath or shower or somesuch.
When I left her in my dream she was taking a bath, I thought. I don't think I ever actually saw her physically in my dream...oddly enough...not once, that I can fully recall.
I remember that the dream was a jumble of activity. When I came back to her I opened the door and water came spilling out. It was full of water and I knew that my sister had drowned....but somehow I felt she had done it intentionally.
I remember feeling a lot of sorrow in my dream, and a feeling of finality that there was little I could do. I remember thinking to myself that now I had to get up every morning knowing this terrible thing for the rest of my life.
It was an unpleasant dream, the kind that sticks to you a little, but I feel okay today. In reality, my sister had a very minor medical procedure last week which was not problematic in any way whatsoever.
If only I could become lucid in my dreams, to investigate these things more thoroughly.
love, blink