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going nowhere fast (Read 1994 times)
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going nowhere fast
Aug 14th, 2007 at 5:18pm
Hey there,

just wondering if I could get maybe a few ideas about fixing an urgent problem. What can I personally (apart from being put on a couch, starting like "doctor, my problems began when I was born....") do against depressions and suicide thoughts? It is not the first time I suffer from this (I know that this is not something special since there are a lot suffering from stuff like that), but everytime this things crash down on me, it feels like the more I am going through this, the less power I have to take control (it is kind of outsourcing, since my everyday life also suffers from that, not in a way that anyone would recognize, but life feels kind of dreaming awake, just like fading photographs, that pass by, I feel like an obsever, who recognizes there is life, but sometimes it is like I am not living at all....kind of a dead man walking.
Seems like nothing pleases me at all, everything I do bores me after a short time of doing, this thougts of wishing to end are a pain in the ass, I know, but sometimes it is like it would be better to pull the plug, just to have not to think anymore. The only thing that is still a barrier is the uncertainty about what is behind this life, or if there is something in general, or nothing. I think the state of being nearest to the last step is thinking "if there is nothing, srew it, then it does not matter anyway if you die right now or in maybe 50 years", the worst thing is that everything is considered to be of no worth, that nothing really matters, that the dreams we have and things we want to be are just like a leave in the wind, to ease our mind and to drown in mindless joy.
The view on this subject changed in the way, that this uncertainty barrier begins to become smaller, and the I don't care part gets much bigger. Surely this whole thing started somehow at the age of 15, but I always found something to hold on, to bite the pain and to carry on.
Now I am just sick and tired of going through this over and over again, it is for sure useless pain and wasted time (time that I don't have since there are better things to do, I guess) but it sticks glued to my mind, and takes also away (I would tend to call it like this) brain capacity, that I could use better for other things than going around in cycles, drowning in self-pity, thinking of which way would be the fastest way to.... .
I was so glad to pull myself out of this thing.....but the short pause for grasping for breath and beginning to re-gain the interest in the positive ways of thinking about life seem to fade, but it is maybe how it had to be (not that I believe that it is really certain kind of fate, and I am the poor poor suffering one and nooooone understand me, blah is not like this anymore, it is just being sick and tired of having the same sh++ over and over and over again, there is no worth to such a life....because it is really going in circles, not being able to break trough (not that I like this morbid phase of hanging useless in the air, but it bores me just to be reminded of this whole thing over and over again, I am just fed up, and sure, I don't care about what there will be (at least sometimes, thank god that there some moments when this voices are silenced, but this kind of useless shadow seems to reign even over the positive....).
And the wish to die is not to go to a nicer place, as for the ones commiting suicide the gras is not surely greener on the other side, it is just to get rid of this thoughts, no matter what the price is (even the thoughts consider this as the best way, sometimes I was at the point to give up all I am, and what I reached, just to get away from a brain, infected by black clouds.)

Worst case cenario, if you consider that it is possible to think logical about this being a total useless way, but on the otherhand it feels like even this logical voice is just a trick of your mind, the truth then seems to be just to have it like before being born, at least more silence (I don't remember how it really was...) and less mindeating suicide/ depressive thoughts.

It is not meant to be to offend someone, or just to be the center of attention, since most posts on this board tend in positive directions, maybe there is someone, who has gone to the same kind of thinking, and has some information on how to overcome this one. I am just thankful if you could give some ideas, booktitles, music, whatever that helps to get rid of this.

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« Last Edit: Aug 15th, 2007 at 8:03am by pulsar »  

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Re: going nowhere fast
Reply #1 - Aug 14th, 2007 at 10:01pm
OK, now I get your name.  Sad   Huh  and I don't like it any more.

Speaking from experience:
Complete surrender to the sense of dying and the possibility of death is one way through it. It's a mega-crash that precedes a rebirth. (It's supposedly easier for women than men or girls, due to its nature of complete passivity, but men can do it; you just give it a different name than 'complete surrender.') You tell the heavens  you're done searching, done running, done fighting, etc. Best to be lying down when you say this. You may 'click out' or fall asleep at that point and have strange visions. When you wake up you may think you're dead but you're not and will soon be offerred newer better ways of living. Barriers you didn't know you had will be lifted.

Have you had time to search this site for suicide?  So many have considered it and shared their experiences with regeneration.  Pachebel's 'Canon (?in D?) gets alot of play!
You don't know what awaits you.
The more exceptional you are, the more 'special' are the answers being set up for you.
In hindsite I found I was running about 2 years fast--2 years! and the ideal situations I sought then developed at the locations I was at---they would have been for me!! but I was running fast and missed them. I thought I was nowhere but my somewhere was being formed for me right there, only I didn't stick around long enough to discover it!    So try not to be impatient like I was.

Love, Bets

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Posts: 179
Re: going nowhere fast
Reply #2 - Aug 15th, 2007 at 1:26am
i won't act like i have all the answers, because i have severe depression too!  but if you're bored with life, it seems to me maybe you should commit yourself to doing what brings you joy and passion in life.  i've noticed that you never hear people who do what they love in life complain about being bored or unhappy, like musicians, artists or even businessmen if that's their passion.  it's MUCH easier said than done, but to me that seems like the answer to happiness.  it's probably the case for myself, too.  i think i'm unhappy because i'm too afraid to do what i want, instead of what my family or the world wants.
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Re: going nowhere fast
Reply #3 - Aug 15th, 2007 at 10:09am
Hey bets and seeker,

thank you so much for your ideas, it is surely that I am just to scared to step through open doors, if I opened them not by miself. Maybe it is just that I have to accept that my rational capability is not big enough to solve this issue, if it was the other way around, I would not carry it with me on and on.

The last topic that I read about suicide, questioned if you kill yourself, could there be a possiblity to create a new plane of existence for yourself, I disliked the idea of this, because it is kind of childish to think there will be the big blast of existence, if you run away from your problems, you are given in C1, two chances, try to overcome, or break down. After the breakdown there will be also chances, if you look for them, if not, then you have chosen to fail, and that is also a kind of hiding.
So you have to step up, if you want or not. If you not decide, then others do it for you, and THEN you will dislike it forever, others can help to find you to find your way, and being roadsigns, but you have to go this way, or you will follow footsteps, that determine you, if you want it or if not (that is most likely this thing, what seeker ment with being afraid of doing what you want instead of what is forced on you by others values.
Suicidal Tendencies/ depressions are a thing what can be left with help, but what comes after this, must at least contain your own way of life.

Visions, yes....nice visions if you dreaming awake of your own burial, seeing you lying dead in a coffin, others crying for you, seing your name written on a tombstone, but ...the date of dying is not written, only the date of birth....not while sleeping, that is what I sometimes see when I am out there "living", driving in a car, talking to others...wish not to have this anymore...omg.
Maybe I recreate my World of Warcraft account, during the time playing this illusion, I at least had a more open outlook on life, don't know why, maybe because every new day seemed to be like a new quest to be solved. But I am not willing to play again 12 hours a day, after a time it was the normal amount of time i put in it, when I had my holiday (think of it.....6 weeks of summer holidays, and 3 weeks of being online...!!).
But why starting again, I stopped more than half a year before my exams (while schooltime I played about 3 or four hours a day, when everything that had to be done, was done, my alter ego, Elizah, was my fellow for one year)
I froze my account the day my grandmother died, as it seemed like a remarkable moment, so I won't rejoin the virtual reality, maybe someday if I am in a position to make my own money and have a workplace, than maybe I can allow myself again, there I had my little private joy and happiness, but not a real one, I am just tired of hiding, need just a kick in the ass, then to crash to the fear of changing myself in a real awake consciousness.
The virtual reality was not to blame for failing my exams (it is at least not the only exams I passed, the first were those in middle school, and they worked B+, so I chose to go to highschool to have the possibilty, to study every subject there is, now that I failed, I do the practical thing, and I am allowed to study the engineering thing, and that is the possiblity I am glued to now, I see this as a precious ability and won't fail on this, maybe having a practical working experience helps me to overcome thinking I am not capable of stating something positive, at least I screwed the exams because I was too scared about failing, and it would not have happened, if I told myself that I learned enough to make it (I took 3-4 ours a day, for the last half year of my school time, and also the summer holidays, the time before I went online, to learn by was at least the thing I could do best, because I am not that good in manual working, but nothing to wonder about, I chose the theoretical part and made it the main goal of my life, and when failing the second big exam to go to university (now it just happens one year later than it would have been normally), the feelings of being worthless, and the wish not to be were maybe a reaction that must have been occured. So you see, school was my life, and through failing in what I liked so much, made it seem to be worthless, even if there are possibilities to go where I desire...

Enough said.....

Artist: Millencolin
Album: Home From Home
Year: 2002
Title: Greener Gras   Print

I'm not harmonic
I can't reach self-esteem
That's quite ironic
Coz I thought I'd be living my dream
I don't feel supersonic
I don't drive in the lane of whipped cream
I'm more like a chronic
Ignorantly swimming upstream

What can I do to be happy?
I have problems to decide
When it looks to me the grass is greener
On the other side

How do I live for the moment
When I always wanna be else where?
How do I reach fullfilment
When I'm crashed and got parts to repair?
Why is my only amusement
Giving other people my despair?
Why do I give jealous judgement
On another's affair?

I wanna get satisfaction just like
The Stones and Manu Chao
[Greener Gras Lyrics on]
Gotta ignore all rejection
I gotta keep trying anyhow
I wanna be close to the action
I wann live my life now
For htis correction I need direction
Gotta find it within myself somehow

So maybe one day I'll be happy?!
But until then I have to realize
That the grass is not always greener
It's only up to me to recognize
That the grass is not always greener
It's in your head it might look greener
Coz the grass will never be greener
On the other side



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« Last Edit: Aug 15th, 2007 at 1:31pm by pulsar »  

it is determined.
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