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scientists reval secret of levitation (Read 4070 times)
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scientists reval secret of levitation
Aug 7th, 2007 at 2:00am
LONDON (AFP) - Scientists have discovered a ground-breaking way of levitating ultra small objects, which may revolutionise the design of micro-machines, a new report says.

Physicists said they can create "incredible levitation effects" by manipulating so-called Casimir force, which normally causes objects to stick together by quantum force.

The phenomenon could be used to improve the performances of everyday devices ranging from car airbags to computer chips, say Professor Ulf Leonhardt and Dr Thomas Philbin from Saint Andrews University.

Casimir force -- discovered in 1948 and first measured in 1997 -- can be seen in a gecko's ability to stick to a surface with just one toe.

Now the British scientists say they can reverse the Casimir force to cause an object to repel rather than attract another in a vacuum.

"The Casimir force is the ultimate cause of friction in the nano world, in particular in some micro-electromechanical systems," said Leonhardt, writing in the August issue of New Journal of Physics.

"Micro or nano machines could run smoother and with less or no friction at all if one can manipulate the force," he added.

And he added: "In order to reduce friction in the nanoworld, turning nature's stickiness into repulsion could be the ultimate remedy. Instead of sticking together, parts of micromachinery would levitate."

Leonhardt stressed that the practise is possible only for micro-objects.

But he underlined that, although in principle it may one day be possible to levitate humans, that day is a long way off.

"At the moment, in practice it is only going to be possible for micro-objects with the current technology, since this quantum force is small and acts only at short ranges," he said.

"For now, human levitation remains the subject of cartoons, fairytales and tales of the paranormal."

Their research was to be published in the New Journal of Physics.

this story made me laugh, because scientists are constantly scoffing at everything outside their beliefs, and then one day they just casually say "oh yeah, we just figured out how to levitate" and all of a sudden they're believers  Roll Eyes
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Re: scientists reval secret of levitation
Reply #1 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 9:39am
Hi, can you post the link ?  Smiley

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Re: scientists reval secret of levitation
Reply #2 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 10:40am
Too true, Seeker!
Let the scientists name it and claim it, but experience is still the best teacher!

PM, I can't find Seeker's link but the information has hit the web bigtime in the last couple of days.
Try these from google's search:

Perfect lens could reverse Casimir force - Physics World ...
Now, Leonhardt and Philbin have calculated that the Casimir force between two conducting plates can turn from being attractive to repulsive if a "perfect" ... - 22k - Aug 5, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages

Three ways to levitate a magic carpet - fundamentals - 06 August ...
Leonhardt and Philbin believe that inserting a section of metamaterial ... "Using metamaterials to reverse the Casimir effect is a very clever idea," he ... - 37k - Aug 6, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages

Scientists Reverse Casimir Effect | Science Blog
Professor Ulf Leonhardt and Dr Thomas Philbin of the University's School of Physics & Astronomy believe that they can engineer the Casimir force of quantum ... scientists-reverse-casimir-effect-13866.html - 21k - Aug 6, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages

Cambridge Forecast Group Blog
U. Leonhardt and T.G. Philbin, Quantum optics of spatial transformation ... S.L. Boersma, A maritime analogy of the Casimir effect, American Journal of ... - 205k - Aug 6, 2007
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Re: scientists reval secret of levitation
Reply #3 - Aug 7th, 2007 at 1:29pm
at least scientists are opening their minds to the possibilities although they disclaim human possibility of levitation, saying it remains in the realm of fairytales. there is a chap running around on the media right now called Chris Angel and he is showing the human mind can circumvent the law of gravity. I submit it is not allusion and I have been dubbed one of the persons who is not hynotizable by a hynotist, who performs in the entertainment media, in other words, no one can make me walk like a chicken! haha! was wondering about that once. I've known for years in India certain meditators can levitate, which includes laying on a bed of nails and not injuring themselves, is another levitation practice. we'd be doing these things too if we we'ren't out there concerned with our livlihoods daily, we are after all, a super power which includes that we focus on making big bucks. not qualifying that as bad or good, it just is. we like our creature comforts. just saying, if we had the focus on levitation, we could achieve it, but right now its just listed under allusions, or magicians or entertainment.  I would conjecture we can raise our vibrations which would cause gravity in our cellular structure to have less and less a pull of force upon the body, which also means we would age much slower. so therefore it is not an impossibility to learn levitation and it probably occurs on occassion to the earnest meditator in spontaneous measure, but not demonstrable easily, except to ChrisAngel and similar messengers, what I call them.
You might say from a spiritual perspective, what weighs us down to the effects of gravity the most, is our heaviest thoughts.
thats why I'm always trying to get people to lighten up. Smiley say u like my puns. I'm feeling self conscious.

a side thought: my daughter is enamored of ChrisAngel. I hear he has a mate, so she's out of luck, however to be wedded to such a master of gravity would be difficult; think about it; u wake up in the morn and reach over and the bed is empty; then you spy your husband on the ceiling.... Roll Eyes  I should think patience would be called for in such a relationship! Shocked

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Re: scientists reval secret of levitation
Reply #4 - Sep 5th, 2007 at 12:14am
Hello, all.

This reminds me of a very interesting lecture one of my professors gave today. We were discussing logical fallacies, and the first one on our list was circular reasoning. The example given on the handout follows.

Person A: "God must exist."
Person B: "How do you know?"
Person A: "Because the Bible says so."
Person B: "Why should I believe the Bible?"
Person A: "Because the Bible was written by God."

Of course, the last line would again beg the question "But how do you know God exists?" and there we are, back in the circle. Now, this was a handout my professor acquired, not something he wrote himself. He bears no grudge against religious folk, and has shown himself to be critical of those who assume that God does not exist, because their reasoning is often just as poor as the sort of fundamentalist Christian who would use the argument above. The whole point of that excerpt was to show not that Person A was wrong, but that his/her particular form of argument was greatly flawed. Then, things got really interesting.

He asked us to define the scientific theory. Everyone had been presented some form of it during high school, so after we presented our answers, he used one as a basic example and drew it on the board. It read:

1) Create a hypothesis.
2) Test it through experiment.
3) Compare results.
4) State conclusion.

Now, he pointed out that science can never actually prove anything. Any discovery made using the scientific method remains temporarily "true" until someone else comes along and provides a new theory with enough research and data to back and up and poof! Old idea gone, new idea becomes the "truth" until someone presents a better explanation. The whole scientific method runs in a circular manner just like the first example. Following this, a good scientist (in the opinion of my professor, anyway) should not scoff at an idea just because it seems crazy compared to an older theory, because many theories taught today as "the truth" were considered insanity when they were first presented.

In short, I totally agree that all these presumptions scientists make seem very unprofessional. Tongue

It was also a very intriguing discussion. I know what I just recalled might sound a bit sketchy in parts, because I don't have the best memory, but I did walk away with a lot to think about.

Now, regarding Chris Angel...

I am also a fan of his show "Mindfreak" on A&E, and I find him to be an extraordinary talented magician. However, I do not believe that he can "actually" levitate.

Alysia: I envy your strength of mind! I have been told by some upperclassmen that there is a hypnotist that comes on campus during various school festivals, and he has quite a prestigious reputation. Because of what little I have seen of such hypnotists on television, I'm rather anxious of ever going to see his act, because of all the bizarre things they make people do! I'd be afraid someone would "volunteer" me, and I'd end up doing something ridiculous with no recollection of it at all. o_O

Now, I do not think Mr. Angel is hypnotizing people en masse, either in person or through the television set, to make people think he is really levitating while he actually is not. Can hypnotism even work through a TV? I thought it had to be done in person.  Shocked

*Note: One of the most entertaining things about magic is the mystery behind how the magician does what he or she does. I don't want to spoil things for those who enjoy that, so consider this a "spoiler" alert!

Wikipedia's article on Chris's show, Mindfreak, reports:

"In response to how he does his stunts, he has only declared not to have any paranormal powers, saying: 'I do not believe that anybody has the ability to do anything that's supernatural.'"

I am not trying to prove Chris's personal opinion, but there is significant proof that his levitation is an illusion, just as he says himself.

After a google search, I came across this link:

If the man himself reveals how he did the trick and denies having any supernatural powers, I will  have to say that he has mastered a very real-looking allusion. I know he has a very dramatic and mystical aura about him, but personally, I think it's all a part of his magician's act. When not performing, he may have quite a different persona.

As for the bed of nails: why would lying on one require levitation? Despite all the tiny points, lying on one would distribute your weight evenly, and it shouldn't hurt at all! And you can even make your own and try it yourself!
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ryuuko ryuuko89  
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Re: scientists reval secret of levitation
Reply #5 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 8:45pm
yes, Chris Angel is a mystery indeed, for instance, we have established it is not, or is, mass hypnotism?

how could an allusionist hynotize the people behind the tv sets to see what they see?

as for him saying nothing he does he considers paranormal, that is his interpretation, because to him its natural.
whenever I had myself a miracle, and there have been a few, I considered them quite natural, not paranormal in the least.

Chris Angel I still believe is the future man visiting us. there always has to be the forerunners of our potential manifest so we can start getting used to it as a society. this my opinion, when you do not want to be fooled into believing something, you will not be fooled, but we are guided by the invisible guides what we should or should believe in, what is beneficial, what is not, we are led by our heart strings, it is a most wondrous universe after all, and stranger things are there to be learned than we have dreampt of.

love, alysia
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Re: scientists reval secret of levitation
Reply #6 - Sep 6th, 2007 at 9:51pm
Considering the small distances this Casimir-force is potent, maybe they could at least invent the perfect skates? No ice needed anymore.

I wouldn't call laying on nail beds levitation...only if I could put my hand between that guy and the nails, then.

Ryuuko, I was taught there are three ways of final reason (and definition):
  (1) The endless regress (Z is because of Z-1, Z-1 is because of Z-2,.......)
  (2) The circle (Z is because of Y, Y is because of Z)
  (3) The dogmatic abruption (Z is because of Y, Y is because God told me so, period!)

  As well, right, there is no way to prove that all our laws of nature are still valid tomorrow!
The view on the scientific business seems to fit well with a book: Thomas S. Kuhn, "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions", 1970. One major factor is, the old Professors simply die, and the new ones teach something different, so that changes in science sometimes are not at all the result of a logic process, but more a matter of taste.

I think you can get hypnotized watching tv. In the end, it's always the hypnotized one who does it, and the hypnotizer is just helping, so I've been told.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: scientists reval secret of levitation
Reply #7 - Sep 7th, 2007 at 6:31pm
we don't know enough to explain what hynotism is though, although Dave might know.

for instance on the Art Bell show an experiment was conducted and it involved a tangible item. everyone in radio land was told to get out all of their broken watches and clocks and for a few minutes everyone would concentrate at the same time. guess what? the phones started ringing off the hook as too many watches previously stopped, now began working. this is the power of collective belief; we cannot define this as hynotism.  Bell ran several other experiments and had such success that he felt he was fooling with something that he shouldn't and indeed he had people chasing him down and threatening him because of his ideas and experiments. so he quit them.
just like the aliens are not going to announce themselves, we'd simply put them in jail and disect them or something if we could get away with it.  lol. we are in kindergarten here insofar as being in control of our world. love, alysia
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