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Choose this Day
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slowly losing touch which room to go into in this AKC forum, so had to make up a title of this post to reflect that its not a dream, it's like aha moments in the morning..guess thats ok, to be here then as both worlds I live in are dreams. and both are real perhaps we could have a forum on messages filtering down thru the higher self?
that would be neat! however, dream thread it shall be as I do believe we are all dreamwalkers. what a name! walking on Earth, dreaming, and we think we are all "here." nope said guidance, only the tiniest sliver of your magnificent beings are encased within your cellular structure, slowed down vibrations of thought, desire, curiosity, wonder and awe frozen in a time warp and reaching for god. I didn't coin the term dreamwalkers. I read it and it clicked for me and so as we always say here, we speak personally and qualify our words with IMHO. (Clue: try to be humble, to not arouse the beast in man, the ego) yet fear not the beast, he blusters yet without substance and we will all step into our rightful places soon to be without fear and then it is love, unsoiled with error, which takes the place of fearful thoughts.
I was thinking on some other life this morn. where I saw such a short sad life, and nostalgia was so heavy. I don't spend a lot of time wondering if this person was really me, as if you're into the concept we are all One, you are simply, all One. been there done that sort of thinking; u want to get beyond personal identity and see what humanity is all about, and lo and behold, everybody becomes familiar when looking through the eyes of compassion at what we have done to this Earth, to nearly destroy her body and what man does to man in the name of vengence and righteousness, a veiled call for justice and to return to the principles of respect for all life, in that oneness, a feeling its all for one and one for all and no division there. Which brings me to the brief message, the words of this morn which filtered down as I thought about how passionate this other person was in the other life, and that the same passion was still here and could use some reinforcement perhaps from my greater self. the message was:
Passion is division, Love is unification.
then I saw a cycle of division and unification of a cloud of mankind. its mathmatical. I got F's in math! haha! but its principle, not math exactly and math is only a symbol, as is these words a symbol of our greater reality.
the way I saw this message was personally. passion is the opposite of depression. yet passion, unbalanced by wisdom of experience would be perhaps dangerous. and we know this, so we bridle our egos among polite society, and we adopt morals, and business rules, and work within an agreed consensus reality called the collective, where once we all agreed, the world was flat.
and yet theres a good side to passion, as its a duality world. passion allows one to be an individual and think for one's self apart from the pack. so we're thinking of cycles of humanity, and what a playground and a school as well, is the Earth plane. and so passion does not always mean division? and yet thats the default software of passion employed. Ruled by passion, it would seem in this other life, this other me, I was at once divided from my fleshly home and those comforts and habits derived from that life, the happiness from that life was found within interaction with my group and suddenly it seemed I was to be torn from them anyway and so passion was for them and I was being taken from them and so I raised my hand against the perpetrator who would take me from them, yet still this action too, of revenge did separate me from them anyway, as I was thrust from the body. so it was a catch 22, then passion, unreinforced by wisdom of experience, for I was young, IS division by necessity! Now we get to the 2nd part, that of unification action of love.
if it's a catch 22 world, it is a duality world, we have created in agreement. within the unification principle of love, undistorted by acts of division such as vengence for the sake of vengence, (this is coercement in no uncertain terms, such is found in religion and politics the same) we are still obliged to skim the surface of this dream world within it's duality appearance. for it is appearance only.
Underneath the many masks we don, we will see we all are more similar than dissimilar. we are about to find our oneness during this shift. of course, IMHO! speaking personally, yet I feel already one with every one, the same love for every one, and cannot put a measurement upon what I feel to say I love one more than another one. it is life itself we must come to respect on Earth if we would get beyond the wars of division in the name of a god who is absent by appearance.
that is why I sign off with the word love. I can't think of what else I should be signing off with, and feel the need to sign off with something. alysia