hi there, reading this dream I wanted to ask, you did receive the book, right?
the delay in its arrival seems to have caused the dream. a feeling of agitation can often cause a seeker to dream the answers.
the dream seems to be saying to keep a sense of humor about when "the collective god" forgets.
all of us put together form the whole of god. all religions joined as one form the body of humanity. you might consider a philosophy whereby when we exist in our spiritual home, there is the wisdom of our love for each other to guide us, we are at home then in god. then you might consider that god sends probes into earth plane to probe physical existence and gather experiences while forgetting that we are, god. we are in the belly of god you could say.
I assume you did get the book eventually and so you did conjecture rightly, there is no bad religion or good religion to follow, indeed, this site does not have a set of religious tools for exploring our greater selves, we do not believe in right or wrong in that sense of strict adherance to any set of rules as outlined by religion.
we simply adopt the label explorers. thats what you are doing now.
exploring. I notice you posted two dreams in the same time period, I can deduce you are undergoing intensive exploration at this time therefore. a lot of us are doing the same thing. don't worry, try to relax a little, as I think life is trying to show you that you worry a great deal about things you don't need to get uptight about.
humans are like that, they complicate their lives by worrying that old man trouble is following them. Iknow, I used to do that a lot.
I don't get any feelings about your grandfather being in a cage, unless he's stuck in a belief system and feels he cannot get out of jail. you might meditate on that.
your sister, no feelings on that either except that the dream may have pointed to there was a UPS woman driver who was having a bad day?
and she may have had the same temperment as your sister, is why sometimes people's faces morph out there as we can be like clones of each other insofar as our attitudes and feelings.
as concerning books: a personal story: I went on a weekend trip and left one of Bruce's books in a motel room. got home and got a little upset about that. then I saw in my head an image of someone finding the book, someone who needed it. I felt better then, I knew I was supposed to leave the book.
if u knew me, I don't usually leave things in motel rooms.
take care! enjoy your dreams. love, alysia