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Colors of the chakras (energy portals) (Read 2631 times)
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Colors of the chakras (energy portals)
Jun 10th, 2007 at 1:21am
this to share from a chart I keep on the chakras. there is something to this, as I exited from the forehead, 3rd eye chakra which is also the location of the pituitary gland. i exited consciousnly as a point of awareness with movement.
just once though. lol. once is enough.


RED: First chakra is known as the root chakra located at base of spine, defined as governing understanding of the physical dimension, is the energy center where fight or flight is felt, externalizes as the adrenal gland, governs kidneys, spinal column.

ORANGE: Second chakra located in sexual organs (testes and ovaries) is the chakra of creativity, governing attitudes in sex, relationships, reproduction.

YELLOW: Third chakra located in solar plexus.externalized as the pancreas, governs action of liver, stomach, gall bladder, aspects of nervous system, defined as seat of emotions, issues of personal power.

GREEN: Fourth chakra is heart chakra, externalizes as Thymus gland, governs heart, blood and circulatory system, influences endoctrine and immune system, center where we feel love.

BLUE: Fifth chakra is throat, externalizes as thyroid gland, governs lungs, vocal chords, bronchial aparatus, metabolism, center of expression, communication, judgment.

INDIGO: Sixth is located center of forehead,defined as 3rd Eye, externalizes as pituitary gland, governs lower brain and nervous system, ears, nose and left eye, the eye of personality; thru this center we consider our spiritual nature. Indigo is a vibrant combo of red and blue.

WHITE AND/OR VIOLET: SEVENTH is crown chakra at top of head, externalizes as pineal gland, governs upper brain & right eye. Thru this chakra one may ultimately reach the feeling of integration with god.

The White Light is seen as a combination of all colors.

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: Colors of the chakras (energy portals)
Reply #1 - Jun 10th, 2007 at 10:45am
Thank you for posting this, Alysia. 
I was just wonderring about them.

When a spirit or an OB person has twinkles of these colors
in their energy field/signature, is that a sign that their chakras
are cleared and working well?


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Re: Colors of the chakras (energy portals)
Reply #2 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 4:30am
twinkles like this? (any old 'scuse to put up an image, right?)
I donno bets, never saw this before, what u saw. I can see facial features, forms, body height and approx. weight of others out there in obes, but I have never seen them twinkle, although a smile comes close to twinkle.. Smiley
  there could very well be a relationship to their chakra development if you see color in a specific part of the body though.

once a guide pointed out a fushia pink color between the 3rd and 4rth chakras on my obe body. but thats the only time i saw the colors.
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Re: Colors of the chakras (energy portals)
Reply #3 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 9:57am

Alysia, you're really good at this transforming words to graphics!

Yes, the twinkles were just like but on top of the gold-white light orb/
energy field that shows up when some entitity is nearby.
I rarely get more than glimpses of the other images you listed.

Thank you,
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Choose this Day

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Re: Colors of the chakras (energy portals)
Reply #4 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 2:01pm
arent you an artist Bets? I thought you said you painted. painting should allow you to see colors out there.
once in awhile someone will come here and tell us they see wonderful colors. I feel spirit will take me there sometime, all of us, to view the panoramic scenes. it must be a thousand times more magnifient than the photos we produce.
in the last 6 years spirit has been working with me of the spirit/astral body movement itself. so that my awareness when obe or phasing is an awareness focused on the way I'm moving, whether gliding, flying, floating, treading, staying still. seems like a new type of awareness to be aware of movement details.
the chakras associated with the left and right ear are different chakras, seemed strange but thats how their listed. I can hear out there pretty good but not for great lengths of time and the words run together like speed reading here.
so I can hear, sense movement and see soft gray images and facial detail, form, but not in color. Spirit is having me concentrate on colors of thought forms now, so I'm excited to go to class.

my fondest wish is go hear the choirs I used to be a part of in another time, they sing with one voice and you melt into them. I know they are still there.
the one time many years ago I asked to be a listener, my guides produced two backwoods folk singers with a twang in their voices doing a duet. I never got over the disappointment! Cheesy  but I had to laugh how they tease me.

what would u say is your development that stands out? hearing or sight, or light body sensing, or movement? you can also have a tactile sense of touching out there, touching something solid. had that a few times. and smelling with the non/phyiscal nose, what a trip! that mostly occurs in C1 I believe. at least for me. never ate anything out there, hee, too busy moving to stop for dinner. these senses are all related to the 5 senses, but extend outward with awareness fibers to increase their breadth.

the 6th sense. some kind of nonphsical intuition? thanks for your response. love, alysia
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