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Gemini (Read 5107 times)
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May 25th, 2007 at 1:04pm
Gemini – The Twins

Gemini, the third sign of the Zodiac, denotes the Twins, indicating the dualism inherent in this changeful sign of alternation.  It is pictured also by two upright columns, one black, showing its exoteric expression, the acquisition of earthly knowledge by way of the intellect; and the other, a white column, portraying the esoteric expression, which leads to the Spirit and to the perception of truth by way of sense free, pure thinking and the superconscious Christ mind.

In Gemini arises man’s sense of his Ego, which I-denti-fies his unique seed that is his to sow (Aries) in the soil by Gemini, that man is raised above the animal.  In this mutable air sign, consciousness is at work in its objective and subjective expressions, reasoning on the myriad sense perceptions streaming from the outer world and on all the feelings and emotional experiences of the soul, seeking to bring all this to a harmonious synthesis.

This mutability gives rise to incessant restlessness and constant changefulness; hence, the dualism and the contradictory elements in Gemini.  It is, however, because of this dualism that there comes effective advancement, and students of the stellar script will, therefore, not stress or dwell so much upon the outer, doublemindedness of Gemini natives, but will seek esoteric meaning and spiritual purpose behind the striking alternation and the extreme polarity inherent in this airy common sign.

The quality of the imitative and the forces of genius are both resident in Gemini and are expressed by Gemini souls in accord with their soul-age in evolution.  In this respect, we are reminded of the parrot whose forte is to mimic easily and to chatter much.  The close observer of zodiacal characteristics will even see a facial resemblance to the parrot in certain Gemini individuals, as he will find a likeness to the monkey in others.  An ancient esoteric symbol of this sign show two apes, the first, a witless chattering animal, apishly imitative; the second, an ape who has become a transcendental man and, thus, divine.

In short, in this sign engendering Ego-consciousness, man ranges in quality and degree from the earthly, egotistical man to the spiritually-born Christed Ego, with a sublimated soul expressing its latent genius as a transcendental being.  We may point in passing to examples such as Plato, the divine initiate, and in more recent times to Richard Wagner and to Alfred, Lord Tennyson, all of them evolved Egos, strong in or under the influence of Gemini in this sublime sense of the transcendental – earthly men expressing their godlike genius.  Such men of Gemini genius never ‘picked the brains of others’ to secure their immortal gems, as some superficial critics would have it, but ever dressed anew with fresh views and new vigor the old ideas or ancient myths, which they raised to new light and quality to suit the new day and time.

Man makes his way to the brain-free power of the Spirit in virtue of the earthly intellect, enlightened and illuminated by the light of love and truth in Gemini and in other air signs.  The air signs are mental and spiritual in their development and manifestation, and Gemini connects the lower man of flesh to his higher mental faculties, until the earthly experiences at last call down true illumination through Spirit-light.  Under this sign we may see souls that range from the most scatter-minded and superficial, mere dabblers in everything, to the most profound men of genius, wisdom-filled like those just mentioned.  The quality and the power depend upon the stage reached in evolution.  Much depends on the sharp focus, single-mindedness, and direction of the thinking.

Gemini is receptive to all ideas, for this is the force of the formative intellect, which gathers all sense-impressions and integrates ideas.  Souls in this sign are ever seeking knowledge and information, even from their earliest years, and their parents and teachers are apt to be driven into a corner by their incessant questions on a vast variety of subjects.  There is a great love for books and reading; hence, self-education continues throughout life.  Gemini creates mental awareness.  All things are tested by the intellect and the reasoning faculty.

Although Gemini is a positive mutable mental sign, its vice is diffusion.  In its outgoing receptivity to all ideas, it lacks the capacity for concentrated mental application to one idea.  This makes for great versatility and volatility, as well as for the frequent vice of excessive volubility and loquacity, resulting in an enormous waste of speech forces.  However, success is assured those who master their contrasting moods and conquer the restless mobility of this dualistic sign, for it is true that the Gemini individual, often wishes to be in two places at the same time, and this dualism, the basic element of the Twins, forever portrays itself throughout life; two things of a kind are always occurring.

Gemini rules the brain and nervous system, as well as the twinned lungs, hands, arms, and shoulders, expressive of the symmetry of the human form.  This duality affects the nervous system, through Mercury, and often we find Gemini souls riding the highest heaven one moment, and in the next they are flung down into the depths of dark despair, rapidly alternating from the grave to the gay, and from gladness to gloom.  At one moment charming, childlike, brilliant, and joyous, they can revert to pessimism and cynicism as quickly as the ethers change.

Generally speaking, the Gemini Ego has a nature that is adaptable and expansive, the soul is impressionable and intelligent, comprehensive, and comprehending.  They are the zodiacal souls who seek an all-round development through seeing and knowing, their successes depending on their power of intense attention and on their ability to make their thinking one-pointed by focusing it at will in concentrated attention, and by achieving the ability to maintain continuity.

As the other Mercury-ruled sign, Virgo, is contractive, reserved, and analytical, Gemini is expansive, outgoing, and synthetical in its adaptive nature.  Gemini is the sign of ego-ity, and so the Ego must test itself by and through its environment; and according to the clarity of consciousness will growth be made.  Thinking and feeling interact here; the individual reasons upon his sensations, for this sign is a linking force that unites and shows relationships. The relation between rhythm and form, between self and substance, and between the self and its neighbours and relatives.  There is a usually destiny experience with brothers and sisters, and also with soul-kindered as well as with blood-brethren.

Gemini rules, too, the outer means of establishing relationships by means of letters, writing, books, and speech; also the postmen who delivers the letters, as well as agents, messengers, middlemen, and intermediaries in general.  It gives passion for locomotion, a fondness for moving about, for walking and for travel, and its natives learn much from travel.  Thoughts moves with such intense speed in these people and along such varied lines that doubt forever arises and makes for indecision.  Always at least two ways open up and make choice difficult, for the advantage of both ways are carefully examined and often leave one wavering, ‘sitting on the fence’.  Nervous restlessness, irritability, and worry must first be resolved before the Gemini natives become truly fruitful, proficient, and capable of clear judgment and right decision.  Once Gemini Egos are able to synchronise their breathing system, and then to integrate these rhythms with the cosmic rhythms, restlessness will be arrested, worry eradicated, harmony realized, and comprehensive understanding attained.

In Gemini man becomes a knower and gains knowledge through thinking.  Yet the mode of Gemini is first to feel the experience, then to think upon the feeling-episode and to analyze the feelings by means of reasoning; then the more highly evolved Egos sublimate the experience in virtue of the soul’s higher light the touch with truth and with the teacher found in Gemini’s complementary sign, Sagittarius.  In short, thought must become informed by feeling and vice versa; also, the inner reasons must be found for action, hence the importance of motive. 

By reasoning on the service of suffering in love in all its various phases, from the lowest animal-man to the highest divine, angelic being – the gamut of the forces of feeling, ranging from elemental grossness to the highest, most exquisite etheric refinement – by experiencing this diapason of the soul’s development in the physical body and through the force of feeling, the Gemini reasoner derives increased ability to think.  The one sign above all others where man uses thinking as a touch faculty, as it were, is this sign Gemini, which rules the sense of the Ego.

Once we come to understand the foregoing, we shall know why Gemini people always reason upon their sensations and upon their feeling-experiences.  By bringing much thought to bear upon their feelings, and by bringing will into their thinking, the intellect at last can become lighted by intuitive, brain-free cognition.  Men and women make headway in evolution as they become truly discerning of their own soul and spirit, and of the Spirit of the Earth.  To know the zodiac in its esoteric truth is to learn to know oneself as a Christed soul.  Such self-knowledge enables one to know all other human selves – their woe and weal – bringing unity and wholeness into life, and the will to be friendly and cooperative, and thus to be an individual of creative good will.

The element of duality is of paramount significance to all human souls, but especially so to Gemini people, for our Earth is a planet of duality.  It manifests pairs of opposites:  winter and summer, day and night, man and women; and God himself declares the phases of Father and Mother, a Divine Duality, as well as a Holy Trinity.  In Gemini is inherent the dualism of the brain-free and the brain-bound, the negative and positive, the objective and subjective, the exoteric and the esoteric, the form and the life.

Implicit in this symbol of divine wisdom is the perfect purpose of divine love.  Love and wisdom are twain that cannot be separated, and it is in this polarity that there manifests the archetypal light of the Christ.  Thus, in evolved beings who have learned the lessons of the forces of the Zodiac, there is evident an ethereal loveliness expressive of the divine and the heavenly; the Angel in them connects with the lower earthly man of intellect.  This means that work has been well done through many lives on Earth and that the lessons have been learned.  Such souls have saved their lives by losing their lower selfishness and by transmuting what was evil in them.  These souls no longer live for themselves, but for the welfare of the whole world.

The esoteric element in Gemini is excellently expressed in that part of the most occult prayer known, the Lord’s Prayer, which says, ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,’ for earthly man in his physical body endowed with a brain must evolve to the point where his personality becomes conscious of the Christ-Spirit.  We human Egos must bring down into the forces of earthly form, the body and the Earth, those life kernels or archetypal forces that are the keynotes of the Spirit.

These archetypal ideas are the real forces of all that is on Earth, every last manifestation of life on the Earth.  These earthly forces and forms must become spiritualised, ‘born again’, born of the Spirit.  Thus the spirit leaves its lofty home to manifest in the earthly body, which is to be spirtualised.  In this mystical marvel of metamorphosis made possible by the Christ, we may trace the building of the body, which then appears to be what it was called by the ancients, ‘the temple of God’, and we may trace as well the creation of the Earth itself, which bears man in its evolution.  We may discern in this dual sign Gemini, the evidence of this divine-earthly duality.  It is in the light of this wisdom-filled teaching that we may approach and comprehend the stellar script, for it is actually the thought and the wisdom of the Spiritual Hierarchies.  Thus, he who would comprehend this thought must lose his profanity and in an oblation of loving reverence, must seek to perfect himself.

The Earth is already ‘born again’, because the Christ has come and has entered the planet through the Man Jesus and the Mystery of Golgotha.  The Christ, the ruler of the Sun, is the indwelling Lord of the Earth, and re-connects now the Earth with its parent body, the Sun.  Man likewise takes on now the Christ-consciousness and, together with the Earth he becomes solarised or Christ-born.  Thus the prayer, ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’, becomes for every one of us an invocation for the metamorphosis of man.  But the soul become Christ-aware will move forward faster in its evolution through conscious creative spiritual activity. The thought faculty of Gemini, in sense-free, pure thinking, produces a power of thought that lifts man to the level of that light that is divine – the transcendental atmosphere of the wisdom of love and truth.

Gemini, being the positive sign of Mercury, the messenger of the gods, creates an interest in all messages from all the worlds and all the gods.  These are important to the Gemini soul for, having the desire to study and to acquire knowledge, it ever continues to learn from its total environment. 

There are not just twelve zodiacal types.  Each sign has its positive and negative aspects, making twenty-four characteristic expressions of sign influences.  Freedom implies the power of choice, and choice involves good and evil.  Every Ego is free to choose the positive or the negative, the good or the ill.  The initiate Job states (2:10) in no minced language the truth that good and evil are opposite poles of One Reality, “What? Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?”  Out of our fleshly weakness comes the strength of God, and there is no other road to perfection.  There are certain movements today that blind themselves to the principle of evil, but it is by contending with evil that we develop greater good.

The great Christ-exponent, St. Paul, speaking out of his gamut of sufferings, says, “And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me.  For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.  And he said unto me:  My grace is sufficient for thee, for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me”.  (II Corinthians 12: 7-9)

In this connection, we must stress something that is too often overlooked now, that is, that perfection comes through the power of polarization manifesting in all worlds, in men, and in spiritual beings.  The duality as well as the Trinity of God manifests in what is still a Unity.  It was in the Ancient Persian Civilization, when the precession of the equinox had brought the Gemini Age, that man was most aware of this duality.  He looked upon the world as being made up of two kingdoms – Light and Darkness.  The Kingdom of Light was ruled by the good god Ahura Mazdao, or Ormuzd; the dark, material earth realm, by Ahriman.  In Gemini the soul is torn into two parts, the lower and the higher self; the factor of the twain is always at work in the sign of the Twins, and it is in the resolution of this duality of powers, one of earth and the other of heaven, that divine wisdom and love come to be born and become operative in man.  In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, we can see the rival houses eventually reconciled through the love of Romeo and Juliet.

Many men of true genius, highly original and creative in arts, letters, poetry, and music, may be found in this sign Gemini.  In its highest expression, it moves one beyond its ruler Mercury, to Mercury’s higher octave, Neptune, the planet of creative musical and artistic power.  In Gemini, experiences, energized by thinking, must be worked over and be lifted and lighted by the superconscious Christ-mind.  This Christ-mind is supersensible and synthesizing, imparting ideas and images that are whole; not the disjointed sectional bits offered by the brain.  As God is the whole, so must man made in God’s image, come to express this unity of the whole, which may be heard to be singing in the realm of the archetypes.

Gemini functions well when combined with the angelic man of Aquarius, as it does when joined with the justice and judgment of the balanced soul in Libra.  Then the Gemini soul has reached maturity.  Such a soul was Plato – what a versatile genius!  The genius of Gemini is likewise revealed in the nativity of Tennyson.  He drew his inspiration down from heaven in what he called his ‘waking trances’.  His poems are charged with the idea of man being still ‘in the making’, moving ‘Forward till you see the highest human nature is divine’, and ‘Love will conquer at the last’.  In his works are many references to the dual aspects inherent in man, the male-female elements that complement each other, ‘The two-cell’d heart beating, with one full stroke, life’;  the blending of the two forces in man.

As we study Gemini, we may find confirmed the truth that the progressive evolution of man and planet demands a development through differentiation, and the dualism we see at work in Gemini souls has a purpose as definite as it is divine.  Through willed thinking, man sublimates the intellect to sense-free cognition.  As thought becomes lighted with the Spirit, man become active with a positive, powerful earthly and cosmic purpose.  The human Ego residing in its earthly members finds the higher Ego.  The Man finds the Woman, and the Woman finds the Man.

The Biblical symbol for Gemini is ‘Solomon’s Porch’.  As a porch serves as a protecting covered entrance to a building, linking the outer with the inner, creating a meditative or connective place, thus the human Ego connects the higher, divine triad of spirit in man with his three lower earthly members, which form the temple.  But Gemini does not become Solomon’s porch until the higher, spiritual triad informs, and interacts with, the lower members by way of the Ego’s pure thinking, for Solomon is synonymous with wisdom.  This wisdom is the solar element, the wisdom of love, and we know that God gave Solomon ‘a wise and understanding heart’,  because Solomon sought this living wisdom above all things, the wisdom that showed the real motive and truth in and behind all things.  The fullness of the solar spiritual truth is revealed in Christ Jesus – the Sun-god become Man, a divine- human Ego – the pattern of what man must become. 

In St. John 10:23, it is stated ‘And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch’.  This shows the Man who has become fully integrated in all his forces, a Son of God, through a solar amalgamation of the potencies of the Zodiac, in that union which the air signs produce to unite the earthly, intellectual man with the Kingdom of Heaven and the Etheric Christ.  According to Acts 5:12, the apostles acquired this solar Christ-power, ‘And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch’.

In Gemini we see the Ego connecting the lower, earthly, brain-bound personality with the higher self.  The life-urge is to link the intellect with the mind of Christ.  By this means, one may achieve a synthesis which is the integration of ideation, finding and expressing the whole and not a part; and this means that the man of physical form relates himself to and expresses the Solar Man, the genius of God within.  It is the chief function of Gemini Egos to comprehend this and to make it a reality; hence, their versatility, the manifestation of many-sidedness and, in the highly evolved, that genius that shows the man has made contact with and has recognized his higher Christ-self.

The Princess – Tennyson

Not like to like, but like in difference,
Yet in the long years liker must they grow;
The man be more of woman, she of man;
He gain in sweetness and in moral height,
Nor lose the wrestling thews that throw the world;
She mental breadth, nor fail in childwardcare,
Nor lose the childlike in the larger mind;
Till at the last she set herself to man,
Like perfect music unto noble words;
And so these twain, upon the skirts of Time,
Sit side by side, full-summ’d in all their powers,
Dispensing harvest, sowing the To-be,
Self-reverent each and reverencing each,
Distinct in individualities,
But like each other ev’n as those who love,
Then comes the statelier Eden back to men:
Then reign the world’s great bridals, chaste and calm:
Then springs the crowning race of human-kind.
May these things be!
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Re: Gemini
Reply #1 - May 25th, 2007 at 10:00pm
thanks Caryn. I have a Gemini friend I'd like to read up on. Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Gemini
Reply #2 - May 28th, 2007 at 5:08am
Hi Alysia - how are you doing  Smiley Gemini is a great sign - could call it a Gem  Cheesy

Keep well
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Re: Gemini
Reply #3 - May 28th, 2007 at 3:44pm
augoeideian wrote on May 28th, 2007 at 5:08am:
Hi Alysia - how are you doing  Smiley Gemini is a great sign - could call it a Gem  Cheesy

Keep well

well, this Gemini certainly seems to sounds like a tough journey to be taking than a sagittarious who lolly gags through life, lol. thanks for the read again. we are all wondrous creatures in the end.
I just met a Virgo lady yesterday who spoke with an alien, now there you go! I had no idea Virgos were so interesting.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Gemini
Reply #4 - May 29th, 2007 at 7:29am
Sure it wasn't a teenager who the Virgo spoke too?!
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Re: Gemini
Reply #5 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 1:46pm
whatever, it transformed her life (the Virgo) spiritually. she glows like a lightbulb. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Gemini
Reply #6 - Jun 5th, 2007 at 8:02am
Smiley Thank you for a gem of astrological insights, Caryn!

(I'm glad you added the princess to the parrott and the ape!  Wink )

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

Posts: 958
South Africa
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Re: Gemini
Reply #7 - Jun 5th, 2007 at 8:33am
Hey that's great Alysia

Happy Birthday dear Bets a Gem!  Yes!  the parrot and ape part does sound a bit .. um .. Roll Eyes but needless to say it's all in good faith with lovely meaning, my mom's a gemini and I adore her bright colours um she also likes eating bananas lol joking at my profound meaning! The princess poem is so nice isn't it.

Happy Birthday again  Smiley
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