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Choose this Day
Posts: 5249
yes Bets, I would like to see a link put up to afterlife conversation board at Wikipedia. as you say, its not a comprehensive view, but I guess I should be happy it's even there.
I had a funny dream about Wikipedia. just briefly a little story for your amusement and mine. I have a friend I occassionally see in obe. involuntary. one time in obe he threw a piece of paper at me, I pick it up and read a domain number on it. the next day I got an email from Wikipedia whom I never heard of (ok, I don't do much surfing actually) Wikiedia said a request had been made to change my password. duh...then they gave me a domain number of the server domain, not a person, but the person's server domain number. to make a long obe story short, I registered LaughingRain at wikipedia because of this most curious obe and sequential event of the request for the password change, and I had never visited Wikipedia before this. love, alysia