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Going to England and Scotland for a bit (Read 4737 times)
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Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Apr 2nd, 2007 at 11:25pm
  I'm leaving for England in a few days, and won't be back for awhile.  Sorry if i haven't gotten back to any replies, been kind of busy the last couple of days, and will be till i come back.

  Talk to y'all later.  And thank you.

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Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #1 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 12:28am
Have a great time there Justin!  I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back. 

Take care,
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Rob Calkins
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Posts: 260
Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #2 - Apr 3rd, 2007 at 10:15am
Have a great time!  Don't forget to come back. -- Rob
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Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #3 - Apr 4th, 2007 at 11:16am
  Thank you for the well wishes Vicky and Rob.   I'm heading out tomorrow morning.  Maybe if i get some really good pics while i'm a'traveling, i'll post some here. 

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Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #4 - Apr 4th, 2007 at 2:33pm
Have a great time Justin.
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Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #5 - Apr 4th, 2007 at 6:39pm
Safe trip and hoping you'll get some "Deja Vue"..good luck.

With love, Romain
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Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #6 - Apr 16th, 2007 at 3:01pm
  Thank you Albert and Romain.   Had a pretty good but very busy time.  Seems like we were either walking or driving the whole time.   The Highlands and various Lochs we visited were very beautiful, alas we did not get to see elusive "Nessy".   

  My I-net is down, so i'll yet be scarce around here, but when its up and running again, i'm going to post some choice pics. 

Romain wrote on Apr 4th, 2007 at 6:39pm:
Safe trip and hoping you'll get some "Deja Vue"..good luck.

With love, Romain

  Whealh now, had some interesting things regarding this, both Becky and i seemed to pick up some info along these lines.   At one point in Edinburgh, we walked into a weapons shop which had many various swords, many just recreations.    My eyes fixed on a particular sword for some reason and it seemed/felt pretty familiar.   I looked down and read that it was supposedly a "Knights Templar" sword.  Hmmm. 

  The morning after we got back, Becky had a very vivid dream about being a peasant serving girl in a Château under a very unhappy lady who tended to take out her unhappiness on Becky and a butler she was best friends with.  Apparently this took place somewhere in the UK somewhere around the 1500 to late 1600's.   She wasn't sure if it was England or the lowlands of Scotland though. 

  The butler was/is apparently my somewhat younger brother Michael (in this life).   Anyways, i guess i had been married to her much earlier but i and our son had died from illness, and Becky was very depressed after this but tried to go on in a positive mode.   

   Drama climaxed with the lady who ran the house, and she became infuriated at Becky and tried to attack her because Becky had said no to some particular orders which were aimed at hurting her, and specifically her best friend the Butler. 

   His wife had also died earlier on from illness and he was even more affected in a way, because he really repressed it, and earlier had had a little statue built out of hard sugar of her, which he transferred his feelings for his wife too somewhat.   

   The unhappy lady of the house, among the orders, ordered Becky to take his statue and boil it down..   

  Anyways long story short, she ended up being falsely accused and sent to jail, but apparently she was freed years later and ended up seeing the butler guy again.   But they were both older and things had changed.  In the dream she was kind of sad because she realized that they could have loved each other, and have been together and would have been happy together. 

  Interestingly, the Butler had a little girl earlier on during the dream but for some reason he wasn't allowed or couldn't get to see her, they were separated somehow.   This is interesting because it shows karmic balancing at work.   In another life i was the father of Becky, and my brother was the head leader of a place where i had a lot of political and social influence and basically he became enraged by something i did, and banished me from his kingdom for quite a while.   He wouldn't allow my daughter to go with me.   He treated her well, but she was little and became heart sick at the loss of both her parents and died a little while after.   

  It seems Becky and i have dealt often with the pattern and issue of early abandonment (with each other and i with "banishment" in general), but rarely by conscious choice, either she or i die early on, or something powerful keeps us separated.    It seems that my brother in his life as the Butler felt the necessity of experiencing a similar painful issue with his daugther, because he facilitated suffering between Becky and i in another life.   

  Becky has always had mixed feelings and reactions to my brother in this life, rather extreme in some respects.   In some ways she feels very close to him, but she also easily becomes intolerant to, or angry towards him at times.    And so the wheel turns...
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Rob Calkins
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Posts: 260
Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #7 - Apr 17th, 2007 at 2:07pm
Certainly a lot of wheels going 'round there.  Thanks for the update. - Rob
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Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #8 - Apr 19th, 2007 at 1:18pm
  Thanks for the reply Rob.   Yeah, sometimes it seems like we are karmic hampsters!  Cheesy

   Becky and i are connected to two other selves which lived in France around the early-midish 1700's, and again these selves chose to experience early abandonment from each other.   She had been my mother, but had to leave me because of some issues and she thought i would be safer where she left me. 

   Meanwhile, she joined a convent but did not live a long life because of being so sad and depressed because of our separation. 

   I died rather young, actually i was killed.   

  Not surprisingly, both of us but more so Becky have always had somewhat an "aversion" to France from an early age and to people giving up their kids even if for supposedly good or less selfish reasons.     Oddly enough, Becky's father and step mother absolutely adore France and French culture especially from around the time we believe those other selves lived/live (they do not believe in other lives at all).    Again, more strained relationships there which seem to be related to both karmic issues and to cause and effect in this life as well.  I believe her father was involved in some of the less nice aspects of that life.

  It's amazing how many patterns you find when you start investigating your "Soul history" and Disc projections.   But as i wrote Don on another thread, it seems these lives are ultimately illusions though they certainly have their effect or co-resonation in this life.  I think they can be helpful to investigate, but with keeping things in perspective and living more in this life and in the "present".   Yet, the way i view other lives are as multiple pearls on various strings, all connected and tying into each other, especially some more so than others.

   Our personalities when first born, seem to first be a composite of a pattern ofmany other selves and their energies/"memories", but then as we grow up and live our lives in space/time we become more our own unique personality.   Similar to what Monroe talked about as well.

  So many of my deeper likes, dislikes, inclinations, talents, etc. seem to be directly related to other selves within my greater Total self, i can not possibly at this point think that other lives do not exist in some sense.
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Re: Going to England and Scotland for a bit
Reply #9 - Apr 24th, 2007 at 11:56am
Quick update:  I've decided to not post any pics, mostly because that's a lot of space/info, and since i've yet to give any donations to Bruce for lack of extra spending money, i think it would be disrespectful to use that much space here and not give anything back.   And, none of the digital pics i took were that great anyway Sad    Becky got some pretty nice pics with her photographic camera though, but we don't have a scanner.

  I don't like taking pics, never have.  Lol guess it shows.   Huh
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