dreaming skills and HemiSync: I personally had quite some success with the HemiSync recordings, and I am not a skilled dreamer at all. I had only one visually overwhelming lucid dream, and, over the years, some very long and detailed ones, but with typical dream consciousness. The experiences in meditations with (and later without) HemiSync were different, because I just didn't fall asleep therefore was much more controlled and reflective than in normal dream consciousness.
Preparations for Gateway Voyage: Not to OVERLY go in training for it, you just would drive yourself mad and will get too nervous. If you have some relaxing HemiSync tapes (Focus 10, or even the Gateway home series) to listen, would be good, but not a must. For example there is "HemiSync meditation", it's only modified pink noise, or "Surf", water waves breaking at the coast, or "Sleeping through the rain", rain sound, sometimes a bit thunder, with easy listening soft keyboard chords and all underlayed with HemiSync (F10 I guess). (In many of the older Metamusic CDs the synthesizer sounds are too artificial to my ears, though there are some good ones, and the newer ones I heard only a bit so can't tell) What would be good in any case is to try to become a good quick "relaxer". When you could lay down and forget all the issues of the physical world, that would be good. If not, then try it consciously. You might go into an observer state, which would filter the incoming thoughts, saying "no, not now, I can think about this later, good bye" or so. To think nothing usually doesn't work, so you can try to replace some thought-circles with an imagination, for example imagine a nice place to be in. That will give your thoughts enough to do and will keep you in distance to the physical business, which is the key in meditation/HemiSync. Sometimes you'll find yourself to have different threads of thoughts or impressions than usual, try to remember them (best is to write it down afterwards, which you are supposed to do at the Gateway Voyage too). As well to breath deep and regularly, and to look if tensions are in your body, to imagine energy freely running through your body is good. You might look up what Bruce writes in the AKGuidebook. Give yourself a "timeout" for your relaxation, making sure there is no business in this hour (or so) what is that important that you couldn't think about later. About hidden biographic issues of the past, I personally have found the Gateway Voyage gave me tools at hand which improve my ability to uncover them and deal with it. To me many things turned out to be quite simple (though emotional at first) after I found out about it; only that they were hidden and couldn't be appropriately treated/solved made them bugging me (but still working on those things). When at the Gateway Voyage, you shouldn't phone home. Again, give yourself a timeout. Your family will appreciate it when you do something for yourself (it's only one week!) because they'll get you back fresher, clearer and more positive then (ok, the first day they might think you're a bit strange). You're a team there at the GV, your fellow participants and the trainers, and you all share the curiosity about what RAM might have meant in detail when he told that we're more than our physical bodies, what it means to yourself, personally. The Gateway Voyage you could see as a chance to let the sun shine in at the dawning of a new beautiful summer's day.
Much joy everyone, Spooky