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Mar 13th, 2007 at 2:18pm
Hi I have written a science fiction story called Tarantula in the Woods


The fragrant smell of apples, drifted through the air, another hot summers day for the workers picking apples in the woods.
On this certain day, there was the feeling that something felt different, but as much as I tried I could not contemplate what it was.
I looked up at the tree tops and the sun was glimmering around the high branches,as I looked I noticed something strange.
What I saw looked like the silk of a spiders web, only more intense and in mass proportion.

I thought I had imagined it, so I looked again and there it was, whatever spun these webs must be one large spider.
Suddenly the farmer came towards me, the look on his face was one of confusion and despair.
“That’s strange” he said, “I lost two workers yesterday can’t make it out, one minute they were there, next minute they were
gone and they haven’t turned up today, have you seen them”.

The feeling I had earlier about something being different today, was now starting to make me feel uneasy. “No I said I haven’t seen them”.
He looked at me as if he thought I was hiding something, I felt like saying to him, “Why should I know, its not my fault they haven’t turned up, I don’t know everything I’m not clairvoyant”.
He started to walk away and I decided to start picking the apples, I needed the money. Dinnertime came and as I sat there feeling the warm sunshine upon my face, I could hear the beautiful sound of birds singing.

Suddenly everything went quiet, a deadly calm filled the air even the birds had stopped singing, I felt uneasy I decided to look for the others.I felt quite alone as I walked through the woods it was so quiet, by this time I was beginning to feel really uneasy I also had the feeling that someone or something was watching me.
As I was walking I still could not see anyone which was very strange, I decided I must find the farmer and find out what’s going on.

I could find none of the other workers but as I passed the trees, I could see the same spiders web I had seen earlier on, this was not helping my anxiety one bit. A cold sweat was beginning to surge through my body, as I approached the farmer’s house.
As I got closer to the door I could see the glimmer of silken spider thread. I went and turned the handle of the door, the door creaked open and as I looked I could see the workers, all of them looking like empty shells wrapped in silken spider thread, my heart started to beat fast thudding against the front of my chest, the feeling of fear and disbelief was starting to enter my whole being where could the farmer be, I was thinking maybe he had suffered the same fate as the others.

Then I happened to look out of the window and I could see what looked like him laying by the side of his tractor, so I turned towards the door and ran outside and as I reached the tractor, my first thoughts as I saw him lying there was that he was dead.
Suddenly there was a sound coming from what I thought was a lifeless body, he started to stir and as his eyes began to open he looked at me with fear and uncertainty of what he had seen.
Then he started to say in a trembling voice “Tarantula Spider “.
As he said this I knelt down beside him and he started to scream the words “SPIDER SPIDER “ I slapped him hard across the face and there were floods of tears, he held me so tight  that I found it very hard to breathe.

Then I heard this sound like hard thudding steps upon the ground, I slowly turned myself around to see what it could be and then I saw it, the biggest Tarantula spider I had ever encountered in my lifetime, my mind was thinking “No this isn’t happening, this cant be God help us.
I knew then I had one chance and one chance only to get me and this farmer out of this hell of a situation.
I knew my fighting chance was to metamorphis, so I metamorphised into a giant Tarantula Wasp the Tarantula spider’s most feared enemy.
I knew I had to win this fight or humanity would be lost forever.
I started in flight towards the spider as I reached it, it came upwards ready to end my life with the lethal venom from its fangs and I knew I had to get way above this spiders deadly bite, then I ceased my chance and hit him with my lethal sting, it worked the spider was paralysed, as I metamorphised back to my human form, I layed my hand on the spider and said the spell of minuturisation, the spider was back to normal size.

I made my way back to the farmer, as I looked at his face I felt pity for him as he had not only seen a giant spider but had also witnessed me changing into a giant Tarantula Wasp. He looked at me with a wide eyed expression and uttered the words “How the hell did you do that.”
“Well” I said “Its like this, I come from a planet many light years away, I was sent here to study the human race and it has been said by your people, that aliens walk among humans, I am from an alien race called Metaphors and we have the ability to change into whatever is needed at the time. It is a good day that I was here as you would not have survived.”

The farmer just stood there and said “Well I guess I owe you my life, I suppose I will have to advertise for more workers now, Iv’e lost money today.”
I’m thinking “WHAT” Is he for real,. HUMANS what a race
No wonder ET went home

Copyright 2006


I am going to send this to the tv network to see if there interested in making this an episode for DR WHO,I wondered what you think of my story,i would love to know your veiws on it.I was actually listening to the music on cd of the X FILES when i wrote this.

Love and God bless        Love Juditha
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« Last Edit: Mar 13th, 2007 at 3:45pm by N/A »  
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Super Member

Afterlife Knowledge Member

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South Africa
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Reply #1 - Mar 14th, 2007 at 6:40am
Interesting Juditha.
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Senior Member

Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Reply #2 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 3:16pm
very good juditha love deanna
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I Am Dude
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Posts: 1462
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Reply #3 - Mar 15th, 2007 at 7:45pm
Hmm is that a real copyright?

I think I might steal your story and get myself a contract with a publisher and make a million dollars!
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Junior Member

Posts: 66
ohio, USA
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Reply #4 - Apr 26th, 2007 at 2:04pm
Hi Juditha,

Congratulations, and good luck.  Very impressive.

Keep me posted if it gets picked up, and a time when it will air.

May sure you copyright it first.

Again good luck.

Dimensionally Yours,
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