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Posts: 113
Hi Gang,
I think I may have an actual retrieval here. This is my first (that I recall, at this time) of a retrieval of peoples unknown to me.
Last night I had so much pressure building up in my head that it was uncomfortable. For days I have been asking my guides to help me release this pressure. And I did the same last night, but the last thought I had before closing my eyes was 'am I worthy of all the beautiful gifts and experiences I have been recieving'?
I closed my eyes to sleep and saw that I was in a land that I have never seen before. It was a landscape of dirt and rubble. It was all the same color, the color of dry dirt. There were many small hills, but not the kind that look fun to climb, these just seemed like a hastle to manoeuver because of all the dry dirt and rubble. I didn't like this place, I knew that much. The next thing I noticed was the dirt dust rising in the air making me feel like I could suffocate in it, even though I knew I was not breathing it in.
There was no wind at all, so I wondered what was stiring up all that dust. All of a sudden I saw a line of children as far as the eye could see in both directions. These children were marching like zombies, in an endless line, expressionless and unnatural in their movements. There seemed to be hundreds of them and my heart hurt for them. I thought I might scream at the pure missery of it all.
I walked right up to the line of marching children but they did not seem to notice anthing at all. So I yelled "Hey". The girl I was standing closest to looked right at me but said nothing. Then others started to notice me. They started coming toward me breaking the cycle of their march. I will never be able to forget the look in their eyes, so dark, deep and sad...so sad. I just wanted to scoop them all up in my arms but I knew they were fragil so I had to take care as to not startle them. At this time they were only a few feet away from me and I noticed that there were not hundreds like I had first seen but a group of 6 to 8. I didn't understand but I thought I should work with what I got. Another girl spoke up, she said 'are you our teacher?' I was uncertain of what to do next but the words came out. 'Well, lets see, what grade are you in?' They all looked so confused but one girl spoke up and gave a very unsure 2nd. It was clear to me that they were 4th graders but I went along, it didn't really matter anyway. 'Yes, I am', I said. They were becoming happy and the sadness was leaving then, the dispair was lifting.
One boy asked happily 'What should we do for first period?' I became nervous at this point realizing the responsibility before me and I choked. I said 'How about PE? We can play jumping jacks'. To myself I was thinking, stupid, stupid, stupid...who plays jumping jacks? I wonder if they could hear what I was thinking, or feel what I was thinking because they started to look a little confussed again. In my mind I yelled Help. I did not want to loose them. As I was thinking this in came 4 or 5 women, and they started talking and surrounding the children. What a relief, I could see that they were going to be fine. One woman however gave me a slight scornful look, like she expected more of me, or what are you doing here kind of thing. I am not sure. The feeling passed quickly though.
My thoughts then ran to wanting to get out of this place. I did not like it at all, but I had no fear. I wanted out and fast!. I didn't even have time to finish that thought when I noticed a rope or vine coming from the sky, so far up that I could not see the top of it..it was just there. I also noticed a swinging motion coming from it. Just then someone grabbed me up by the waist and swung me out of there likity split. As soon as I was scooped up the awful feelings of that place passed...Oh, thank you.
I was then back in bed...all of me. It seemed that the whole process only took only minutes so I was very surprised to realize alomst 40 min. had passed. Strange feeling. Every muscle in my body ached, but my head felt much better. I asked 'was this real?' And I was filled with a warm wave of loveing energy. I felt like I was given the honor of proof that I was worthy. Thank you.
I got out of bed and wrote an outline so I wouldn't forget. But the truth is that it was as just as real when I woke up this morning, and I had a most restfull sleep last night. Thank you God.
Anyway that's what happened...any thoughts?
Love, Stacy