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could someone check on my Dad????? (Read 8870 times)
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could someone check on my Dad?????
Feb 15th, 2007 at 9:15pm
Smiley I 'm new and really working hard at Bruces awesome materials because I really want and need to contact my Dad who died after a horrible car accident a year ago. I hoped I would be able to master some of these skills and visit the afterlife myself to check on him - but it just doesn't seem to be happening. I really "feel" like he is stuck. Would someone PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEE check on him?????????? His name is Charles "Chuck " Lindquist from Crystal Lake, IL          anything anyone could do to contact him or check would be appreciated.         Lightnlove
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #1 - Feb 16th, 2007 at 12:44am
Hello Lightnlove,

First of all let me say that I am sorry for your loss, and your worry. I have never done an official retrival, so I can't personally help you there but there are many wonderful people here.
Be patient and wait a couple of days for a reply.

I don't know how personal you want to get so feel free not to answer, but I was wondering is there a reason you feel he may be stuck?

I will check back in to see if anyone has offered to help you. If no one has stepped in I will see what I can do to help you, ok. So relax a little bit, you are not alone.

Much love to you,  Stacy
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #2 - Feb 16th, 2007 at 1:26pm
Hi Stacey,  Smiley
Thank you for responding. Yes there are definately reasons I think he is stuck. He was in and out of conciousness with drugs and pain for three weeks after the car accident for three weeks. I was with him when he died and have been trying to sense and contact his spirit ever since. I went to a session with a therapist who does a special therapy that was discovered helping post traumatic stress syndrome patients in VA hospitals. I felt a very dim presence - long story but no direct contact.               Lighnlove
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #3 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 1:48am
I would do it, but I need your participation or I can't do it. we have to arrange a time to sit together in thought. you would have to send a pm what time to do it. I'm on the west coast and evenings are best for me. you would sit quietly and send energy/PUL. this way you get some experience by helping me. we would do this to coordinate our time zones.

love, alysia
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #4 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 11:47am
Hello Alysia,
thank you for the reply! It is a great idea for me to be involved and send pul. Maybe if we are united in thought and I am trying as well, I will get farther than in the past.
is 10:00 pm my time, 8:00 pm your time a possibility for tomorrow, Sun. evening??
I may be gone today and not able till respond till tomorrow but let me know what is good for you ? Again thank you!!!!!              Laura/lightnlove
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #5 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 1:15pm
yes Laura, 8pm Sunday night is ok. We should be alone when we do this with no distractions like phones or people in the house. I figure if me daughters home I'll go to the coffee shop, so try to be alone.
sit for 20 minutes, thats all it should take at the most. if you pick up anything at all write it down and we'll figure it out later. make a circle of PUL between the 3 of us.
pump it up good. we'll get something. u can use the white light around him especially. ask for guides assistance. don't think about your problems while doing this. (no pink elephants, lol)
don't worry. just set your jaw.  Cheesy   I'll be back after Sunday to share what I got but I expect u to be a pro after this!  Wink
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #6 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 5:24pm
Although retrievals are, to date, outside my path, I can still send assistance. At the appointed time, I will do what I can to assist the two of you in your mission.  Smiley
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #7 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 6:13pm
EternalEssence wrote on Feb 18th, 2007 at 5:24pm:
Although retrievals are, to date, outside my path, I can still send assistance. At the appointed time, I will do what I can to assist the two of you in your mission.  Smiley

I would be so pleased to have your well wishes or PUL to be included. just found out that PUL is the real miracle. we should be successful then. the fact that u posted is inspiring me further, so thank u. love, alysia
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #8 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 12:46am

At the appointed time, I began. Actually, I began a little early, thinking that perhaps this would make the process easier. During the experience, I became aware of three people, the first two of whom I am not sure were connected to the situation. He was an older man with greying (or whitening) hair and beard, and then a woman seated with black hair. She appeared to be leaning forward and turned to look at me. She smiled and I sensed myself smiling back. At approximately 15 minutes into (assuming we synced it right it would have been about 8:15 p.m. your time), I heard a female voice say, "we have him." I then contined, pulling away slightly when I became aware of the third woman, who was seated on the floor, tilted her head (left ear toward the floor) to look up at me, smile and wave. I think she winked, but I'm not certain. Someone else, off to one side or the other, asked if I wanted to see the park. The scene changed and I was standing in a sunny park. That was brief, and I didn't really see anyone or anything. I simply felt it was time to end the session.

As I was pulling back my energy, I became aware of a man, middle aged, who appeared to be in pain, thought it appeared he was also in some state of denial. He had his hands on both sides of his face, and I sensed him saying no, no no. This man was not connected at all to the earlier session. I asked him if he was ok and he stopped, but kept his eyes squeezed shut. I simply said: "If you are in pain, I can help. Would you come with me." I lifted my left hand and sensed his left hand it mine, then felt myself moving upward with him. He seemed to phase out of my perception, though I feel someone else continued the escort.

It is 8:47 p.m. (your time) as I write this, fresh from the session.

E. Smiley
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #9 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 1:08am
I sent alot of PUL to you. I started early too! I thought that any thing would help, I guess. At one point in what seemed like the beginning I feel like I saw you. I asked for help to be able to tell what was going on but didn't get the clearest feelings, scenes, etc.. sort of like missing periods in a movie. I did sence other spirits entities there but just saw big patches oif swirling white and sensed them. After a while I felt like I saw or sensed his hospital bed and maybe his presence. I tried to talk to him and say hello but wasn't sure what was going on and if I was interrupting. I backed off. then a little while later I sensed that he had really left. As for who might have been there with you my mother always had beautiful jet black hair, I am wondering if she was there. The others I am not so sure about. My dad was 81 when when he was hit headon at about 45-50 mph by a guy that had been drinking about a year ago. Too many injuries and fractures to mention. It was a nightmare of three weeks till my family decided to pull life support. He died 10 minutes after that. I hope that he can go on with his afterlife in peace now. Thank you for doing this!!!!!!!   Laura
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #10 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 1:48am
I'm estatic what is happening on this thread!  First thank you EternalE. you are a natural.
theres a good hit for E on the black hair, take a note of that. yes, he's taken care of by now Laura.

first I took a nap and woke up and looked at the clock in the kitchen said 801 pm. a sense of urgency to do the retrieval, even though I wanted to make coffee and the cat started yelling for food so jumped up in the middle and fed her. raced back to continue retrieval.

had my tape recorder but the images were too vague to articulate and changing so just went with the watching process. the first thing I saw was cloud of pink around Chuck and the car and sensed this was Laura's doing. pink is color of love. this very good sign.
so I see a confused man like he is waiting by his car. this might be like the dreams he had in the hospital. this next like E I saw two women, they come in robes or gowns such as they wore in Roman days, with like optional hood for head cover. I sense they are interested in Chuck and watch him. Could be Laura and E. but seems they have been watching for a time.  I interpret whoever they are I need their help. thinking now it was you two.  I come up to Chuck and he is seeing the car not smashed, he is seeing it whole piece. first I saw he travels but never arrives. then I understand he is not wanting to remember or can't, the smash up. I don't know I am right, the car was not an economy car like I drive, it's bigger, full size, maybe a red color. not sure, very shadowy.

so I ask Chuck about Laura. He flashes to Laura as little girl. No I say, she is a woman now but I have lost him to his thought. Chuck, and I want to call him that, not Charles, he now is middle age, not elderly. this good sign. I see Laura hurry towards him. he doesn't see her yet. I sense the two women remain by my side although I cannot see clearly, i know we are all together. I tell Chuck about going into the light. I am thinking he is not Christian, so why do I see JC standing in a door holding out his hands? so then JC turns into a guide with light behind him standing in a doorway I have envisioned, very bright. and so the 3 of us tell him to walk into the door. its ok. he's starting to get with the idea and his eyes fill with wonder and he gets his personality back, wherever it went, it came back. why should I walk thru there he says?  what is there? for this occassion I don a role to smart mouth lip. I say dude, theres lots of people on the other side, go and see, you be hanging here with nobody around, whats wrong with that picture?
I chew gum too. he gets happy to look and begins talking loud, like in party mood and he's not confused anymore and he keeps making a promise to Laura that he'll be back, she can count on it! he seems excited as he walks into door.

does Chuck know a Cindy? I thought I heard him call out this name. and did he have a boisterous personality when he was middleaged? I mean strong winded?
I must say I felt a lot of love for him and just sat there for awhile thinking about him, how much I liked him and there was a lot of happy feelings mixed in like he graduated from there.  I didn't follow inside the door but just let the good feelings follow him as he went through.

good going girls, nice working with you!
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #11 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 3:12am

Very intriguing to say the least. Two points that I didn't make in my previous posts that I should mention now.

1. In the beginning, I visualized PUL as a large pink bubble that I sent out into the world to find Chuck. As I could not clearly locate Chuck, the PUL was given instructions to provide a kind of beacon to see. When you described the large pink cloud, this was very interesting, esp. since Laura began early as well. Part of the way through the experience, I was urged by my guides to send healing wishes.

2. I laughed when I read the bit about the robes. Toward the end of the retrieval, I had a clear idea that I was standing with you and Laura. At the same time, I was trying to figure out why I was wearing a robe....that's just too funny.

As to the woman with the black hair, I only saw here momentarily, but I sensed that she was sitting in a chair (I want to call the area I saw as the "lounge" part of the building). She was resting on the armrest, leaning forward slightly. When she saw me approaching, she sat up and turned to look at me.

All I can say about the other gentleman was that it must have been a separate retrieval. Where he was located was nothing but darkness. He appeared scared and unaccepting of what was happening. It was as though I was seeing a man standing in darkness with a single white spotlight illuminating him for me.  I sensed that he was alone in whatever place he had created for himself.

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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #12 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 4:12am
hey there EE. well, looks like a hit on the robe to our satisfaction, and the black hair too. have u ever done retrievals? lots of people do a form of retrieval without even knowing thats what it is. another hit with the pink cloud of love. it was the 2nd thing I saw in the front of the retrieval. it really helped me to focus in where I was at, so good on ya mate!!!
healing wishes is very vital force, your guides were helping you.

the other man you saw and helped might have been a floater your guides had you to look at knowing he could see you but not see the guides, or they brought him to you.
but I did notice that at first Chuck was displaying the same isolation feeling and he wanted to go somewhere but could not arrive. I kept seeing this airplane and trying to shove it away because I thought I saw it there as I put up the image today of an airplane animated, but it wouldn't go away. so I figured it was a symbol of Chucks desire to leave, as the plane was always taking off, but never landing, and the image I put up was the reverse of that, it was landing.

good, like a PE this was PE/combination retrieval. ooooweeeeee! Smiley
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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #13 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 4:52am
Thanks Alysia.

I will try to answer your question as best I can. In my present form, I have not attempted retrievals. There is nothing preventing me from it, as I am told. At present, I am working on consciousness as it exists beyond belief systems. It is a new concept to some, but an old one for me. I post here of things that appear easy for me to accomplish, but they happen at odd moments without any rhyme or reason as they say. My current journey is the full use of my consciousness. For example, I know that I was a priest in ancient Egypt at the time of the building of the Pyramids. Although I have not investigated this, I sense that it was in a way the same as the retrievals that are being done here.

The robes are still just to funny. I felt them in a way -- something big and flowly and I was aware that I was thinking "what am I wearing?"

As to the pink cloud -- and Laura probably added to that -- all I could fathom to do was to send it out and tell it to guide us to Chuck.

You may be correct about the second being a floater. I don't sense that he was related to the first --  I recall that the scene seemed to be in grays -- no color -- and I was VERY aware of his hairstyle, thought I don't know the name of it.

As you said, it may have been my representation of his isolation and his wanting to leave.

Laura -- you have probably done better than you think. As you continue, I'm sure it will get better -- it's like any skill -- keep at it and build on it.  Smiley

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Re: could someone check on my Dad?????
Reply #14 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 12:24pm
Alysia and Eternal Essence
Smiley Awesome !!!!!!!!!! I just sensed that he had not gotten to focus 27.  I think the accident made him very ambivilent about a lot of things. On one hand he was reading a book about "heaven"  right before the accident but on the other when the accident happened I think it was confusing and he felt ambivilent about leaving etc. Here are some other details - He was a very strong Christian man so seeing Jesus is something that would mean alot to him.    Also a very social guy, was a salesman in this life. He was the youngest in his family and I think  all of the people in his generation have passed, so alot of people are waiting for him. I am just glad he wasn't stuck in the hospital trying to heal or anything cause that could have been trickier.
I am doing a dance now because it is great to think of him being with friends and family now!!!  WOW   I'm sure other things are going to click as I reread your posts about what happened. Smiley   Lightnlove!!!!!!!!
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